No. | Species | Literature | Locality; Altitude; Habitat; Collector; Date | Type | Herb.No. |
1 | Acrolejeunea recurvata Gradst. | Bryophytorum Bibl. 4: 79 (1975) | Thailand, Nakhon Sawan; 780-820 m; On tree trunks.; A. Touw 9464; 15 Dec. 1965 | Isotype | NICH 297546 |
2 | Acrolejeunea torulosa (Lehm. & Linenb.) Schiffn var. obtusa Gradst. | Bryophytorum Bibl. 4: 67 (1975) | British Guiana, Basin of Rupununi River, near mouth of Charwair Creek; ; On tree trunk at edge of forest; A.C.Smith 2397; 1-4 Nov. 1937 | Isotype | NICH 341517 |
3 | Acromastigum filum (Steph.) Evans var. papillosum N.Kitag. | Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 36 (4-6): 112 (1985) | New Caledonia, Mt. Dzumac, N of Noumea; 500-800 m; On soil.; N. Kitagawa 21097; 16-Jul-1982 | Holotype | NICH 387225 |
4 | Acromastigum hainanese P.C.Wu & S.H.Lin | Acta Phytotax. Sinica 16: 63 (1978) | China, Hainan Island, Chienfuanling Meuntain; ; On base of the trunk.; Chen Pan 323a; 5 Feb. 1962 | Isotype | NICH 410742 |
5 | Acromastigum herzogii Grolle | Osterreich. Bot. Zeitschr. 3: 250 (1964) | Borneo, Sarawak, Ulu Koyan; 800 m; Tree trunk in "heath" forest.; P. W. Richards 2126; 15-Apr-1905 | Isotype | NICH 234491 |
6 | Acromastigum longirete Grolle | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 44: 11 (1978) | New Guinea, Near Wau, summit of Mt. Kaindi; 2200-2350 m; Wet mossy forest.; R. M. Schuster 67-6257; 20-May-1905 | Isotype | NICH 354422 |
7 | Acromastigum moratii N.Kitag. | Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 36 (4-6): 119 (1985) | New Caledonia, Mt. Panie; 980 m; On decaying log.; N. Kitagawa 22004; 29-Jul-1982 | Holotype | NICH 388051 |
8 | Acromastigum palauense Inoue | J. Jpn. Bot. 34: 267 (1959) | Micronesia, Caroline Is., Palau I.; ; ; K. Watanabe 11; 31 Dec. 1940 | Isotype | NICH 225022 |
9 | Acromastigum palauense Inoue | J. Jpn. Bot. 34: 267 (1959) | Micronesia, Marukiyoku?; ; ; K. Watanabe 11; 31 Dec. 1940 | Isotype | NICH 353542 |
10 | Acromastigum pusillum N.Kitag. | Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 36 (4-6): 116 (1985) | New Caledonia, Mt. Panie; 800-1200 m; On tree trunk.; N. Kitagawa 22044; 29-Jul-1982 | Holotype | NICH 388111 |
11 | Acromastigum stellare N.Kitag. | Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 36 (4-6): 109 (1985) | New Caledonia, Me Ori, N of Moindou; 750-950 m; On bark.; N. Kitagawa 22738; 10 Aug. 1982 | Holotype | NICH 388707 |
12 | Adelanthus borneensis Grolle | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 35: 362 (1972) | N. Borneo, Granodiorite slope above Paca Cave, Mt. Kinabalu; 2984-3350 m; On soil-coverd rock.; M. Mizutani 2836; 19-May-1963 | Holotype | NICH 252836 |
13 | Adelanthus squarrosus Grolle | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 67: 243 (1989) | Guyana, Upper Mazaruni District N. slope of Mt. Roraima; 1200-1600 m; On base of tree; S. R. Gradstein 5419; 07-Jun-1905 | Isotype | NICH 413192 |
14 | Anastrophyllum vernicosum Schiffn. | Denks. Math. Nat. Cl. K. Akad. Wiss. 67: 200 (1898) | Sumatra occid., in cacumine montis Singaland; 2800 m; ; s.d.; 25 July 1895 | Syntype | NICH 306577 |
15 | Anastrepa orcadensis (Hook.) Schiffn. var. paludosa Schiffn. | Krit. Bemerk. 5: 31 (1908) | Baden, in Moorlochern am Mummelsee an der Hornisgrinde; ; ; C. Muller; 12 Sept. 1903 | Isotype | NICH 229769 |
16 | Anastrophyllum appendiculatum N. Kitag. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 33: 210 (1970) | N. Borneo, Granodiorite slope between Low's peak and Sayat Sayat, Mt. Kinabalu; 4050-3700 m; On rock.; M. Mizutani 2912; 20-May-1963 | Holotype | NICH 252912 |
17 | Anastrophyllum borneense Herzog | Trans. Brit. Bryol. Soc. 1: 282 (1949) | Sarawak, Mt. Dulit; 1230 m; In large cushions on bases of trees in moss-forest.; P. W. Richards 1064; 1 Aug. 1932 | Isotype | NICH 233263 |
18 | Anastrophyllum divergens Herzog | Trans. Brit. Bryol. Soc. 1: 283 (1949) | Sarawak, Mt. Dulit; ; ; P. W. Richards 21577; s.d. | Isotype | NICH 233251 |
19 | Anastrophyllum japonicum Steph. var. otianum S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 9: 16 (1953) | Japan. Shikoku, Ehime-ken, Mt. Ishizuchi; ; On rock; K. Oti 7401; 8 Aug. 1949 | Holotype | NICH 52104 |
20 | Anastrophyllum jorgensenii Schiffn. | Hedwigia 49: 396 (1919) | Westl. Norwegen, Endestadnipen in Eikefjord, unweit Floro, aut nassen, grasigen A batzen.; 350-450 m; ; E. Jorgensen ; 20-Jul-1903 | Isotype | NICH 220980 |
21 | Anastrophyllum malayense Inoue | Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 10: 157 (1967) | Mossy forest, Gunong Brinchang, Cameron Highlands, Malaysia; 6600 ft; ; H. Inoue 16603; 15 Oct. 1966 | Isotype | NICH 289772 |
22 | Anastrophyllum mayebarae S.Hatt. | J. Jpn. Bot. 28: 141 (1953) | Japan. Kyushu, I. Yakushima, Kosugidani; 900 m; Tree trunk of Cryptomeria japonica.; K. Mayebara 2952; 25-Jul-1951 | Holotype | NICH 19768 |
23 | Anastrophyllum mayebarae S.Hatt. | J. Jpn. Bot. 28: 141 (1953) | Japan. Kyushu, I. Yakushima, Kosugidani; 900 m; Tree trunk of Cryptomeria japonica.; K. Mayebara 2952; 25-Jul-1951 | Isotype | NICH 19766 |
24 | Anastrophyllum mayebarae S.Hatt. | J. Jpn. Bot. 28: 141 (1953) | Japan. Kyushu, I. Yakushima, Kosugidani; 750-900 m; Large trunk (not lower part) and leading branches (basal part mostly) of Crypromeria japonica, in a dense mat.; K. Mayebara 2952-2953 ; 01-Jul-1951 | Isotype | NICH 41809 |
25 | Anastrophyllum piligerum (Nees) Spruce fo. denticalyx Herzog | Trans. Brit. Bryol. Soc. 1: 282 (1949) | Sarawak, ; ; ; T. Herzog 2719; 15-Apr-1905 | Syntype | NICH 233265 |
26 | Anastrophyllum prionophyllum S.Hatt. | Bot. Mag. Tokyo 79: 342 (1966) | New Guinea, W. Irian, Antares Mts., Tumabib; 1500 m; Terrestrial in rain forest.; A. G. de Wilde 819a; 23 Aug. 1952 | Holotype | NICH 234781 |
27 | Andrewsianthus ferrugineus Grolle | Ergebn. Forsch. Untern. Nepal Himalaya 1(4): 275 (1966) | Nepal,Vorhimaaja, Rhododenuron-Bergwald alpine Matten westlich unter Rauje gegen Ringmo; 4000 m; ; J. Poelt H200; 15-May-1905 | Isotype | NICH 281429 |
28 | Andrewsianthus kinabaluensis N.Kitag. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 33: 205 (1970) | N. Borneo, Sammit of Low's Park, the highest peak of Mt. Kinabalu; 4050-4102 m; On crevice of rock.; Z. Iwatsuki 1564; 20-May-1963 | Holotype | NICH 251564 |
29 | Andrewsianthus koponenii Vana & Piippo | Ann. Bot. Fenn. 26: 284 (1989) | Papua New Guinea, Morobe Prov., Mt. Sarawaku et Southern Range 3 km SE of L. Gwam. Open alpine frassland with limestone sinkholes; 3400 m; On basic cliff in sinkhole.; T. Koponen 32539; 08-Jul-1981 | Isotype | NICH 417368 |
30 | Andrewsianthus mizutanii N.Kitag. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 32: 307 (1969) | N. Borneo, Granodiorite slope between Low's peak and Sayat Sayat, Mt. Kinabalu; 3700-4050 m; On rock.; M. Mizutani 2916; 20-May-1963 | Holotype | NICH 252916 |
31 | Andrewsianthus papillosus N.Kitag. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 33: 207 (1970) | N. Borneo, Around Paca Cave, south slope of Mt. Kinabalu; 2984 m; On trunk.; M. Mizutani 2877; 19-May-1963 | Holotype | NICH 252877 |
32 | Anthoceros appalachianus R.M.Schust. | Phytologia 63 (3): 199 (1987) | U.S.A, North Carolina, Transylvania Co. Over friable sandstone, edge of Toxaway R., S. of jct. with Toxaway Cr./above Cane Brake, 1 mi. N. of S.C. border; 1120 ft; ; R. M. Schuster 45231; 16-Jun-1960 | Isotype | NICH 272114 |
33 | Anthoceros incrassatus Schiffn. | Krit. Bemerk. 22: 20 (1937) | Italien, Prov. Como,Valfresca oberhalb Ponte Molinello, langs des Weges nach Costa, an grasigen, feuchten Stellen.; 300 m; ; F. A. Artaria; 30 Oct. 1901 | Isotype | NICH 225026 |
34 | Anthoceros moldavicus Tarn. | Buletinul Fac. Stiinte Cernauti 5: 96 (1931) | Oriental Europe, Moldavia; ; ; J. T. Tarnavschi s.n.; s.d. | Isotype | NICH 225028 |
35 | Anthoceros moldavicus Tarn. | Buletinul Fac. Stiinte Cernauti 5: 96 (1931) | Rumanian, Brosteni, am Fusse des Berges Arsita, im tale des Baches Neagra, auf Schieferboden; 625 m; ; J. T. Trnavschi; 23-Jul-1931 | Isotype | NICH 225027 |
36 | Anthoceros moldavicus Tarn. | Buletinul Fac. Stiinte Cernauti 5: 96 (1931) | Rumanian, Brosteni, am Fusse des Berges Arsita, im tale des Baches Neagra, auf Schieferboden; 625 m; ; J. T. Trnavschi; 23-Jul-1931 | Isotype | NICH 225029 |
37 | Anthoceros stableri Steph. | Rev. Bryol. 22: 74 (1895) | England, Westmorland, Auf sandigem Grund nahe der See, Gilpin Bridge und sandiges Stoppelfeld bei Levens.; 3 m; ; G. Stabler; 20 Aug. 1881 | Isotype | NICH 225030 |
38 | Anthoceros subbrevis J.Haseg. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 57: 261 (1984) | Japan. Kyushu, Miyazaki-ken, Nichinan-shi, Obi, Nagayoshi; ; On soil of field.; J. Hasegawa 7770; 27 Nov. 1981 | Isotype | NICH 193963 |
39 | Aphanolejeunea evansii R.M.Schust. | Journ Mitchell Sci. Soi. 71: 134 (1955) | U.S.A., Florida, Dade Co. In deepest park of Timms Hammock Bauer Drive, N. of Homestead; ; Over leaces of the fern, Tectaria heracleifolia, lining limesinks; R. M. Schuster 33701; 27 Dec. 1954 | Isotype | NICH 225033 |
40 | Aplozia lanceolata (Schrad.) Dum. var. uliginosa Schiffn. | Kriti. Bemerk. 28: 16 (1942) | Oberosterreich, in einem seichten Bache uber abgestorbenen Pflanzen im Laudachsee-Moor bei Gmunden; 900 m; ; K. Loitlesberger; Aug. 1910 | Isotype | NICH 225034 |
41 | Aplozia nipponica Sakurai & G.Takahashi | J. Jpn. Bot. 13: 521 (1937) | Japan. Honshu, Fukushima-ken, Lake Inawashiro, Ishikama; ; ; G. Takahashi 9500; 21 Aug. 1936 | Isotype | NICH 39296 |
42 | Aplozia rivularis Schffn. | Krit. Bemerk. 9: 2 (1911) | Nordbohmen, im "Falkenbachel" zwischen Rohrsdorf und Rodowitz, auf uberrieselten Steinen (Phonolith); ; ; V. Schiffner; Aug. 1900 | Isotype | NICH 225036 |
43 | Aplozia scalariformis (Nees) Schiffn. ver. densissima Schiffn. | Krit. Bmerk. 9: 10 (1911) | Salzburg, an den Kirimmler Wasserfallen, im Spruhregen auf erdbeckten Steinen und faulen Stammen.; 1250 m; ; V. Schiffner; 8 Sept. 1903 | Isotype | NICH 229824 |
44 | Aplozia towadaensis S.Okamura | J. College Sci. Tokyo Imp. Univ. 36 (7): 2 (1915) | Japan. Honshu, Aomori-ken, Towada Lake, Mikadoishi; ; In water; H. Nakano ; 10 Aug. 1912 | Isotype | NICH 46119 |
45 | Apometzgeria pubescens (Scharank) Kuwah. var. kinabalusensis Kuwah. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 28: 166 (1965) | N. Borneo, Granodioritte slope above Paca Cave, Mt. Kinabalu; 2984-3200 m; On trunk.; M. Mizutani 2987; 21-May-1963 | Holotype | NICH 252987 |
46 | Archeochaete kuehnemannii R.M.Schust. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 26: 262 (1963) | Argentina, Tierra del Fuego, Peat bog along camino from Ushuaia to lapataia, ca. 16-17 km W of Ushuaia.; 100-200 ft; In bog surrounded by Nothofagus.; R. M. Schuster and Amos 28852; 22 Feb. 1961 | Isotype | NICH 272112 |
47 | Archilejeunea falcata Amak. | J. Jpn. Bot. 39: 137 (1964) | Japan. Ryukyu, Yaeyamna Is., Ishigaki I., Mt. Fukaiomotodake.; ; ; T. Takara 3256; 13 Mar. 1962 | Holotype | NICH 77502 |
48 | Archilejeunea flavescens S.Hatt. | Bull. Tokyo Sci. Mus. 11: 95 (1944) | Japan. Kyushu, Kagoshima-ken (Osumi), Sata-mura, Ketka; ; On barks.; S. Hattori 2399; 18 Apr. 1939 | Isotype | NICH 15904 |
49 | Archilejeunea nymanii Steph. | Spec. Hep. 4: 730 (1911) | New Guinea; ; ; E. Nyman; 18June 1899 | Isotype | NICH 225037 |
50 | Aspiromitus argillaceus Steph. | Spec. Hep. 5: 970 (1916) | East Java, Batavia, Buitenzorg; ; ; V. Schiffner; Feb. 1894 | Isotype | NICH 225021 |
51 | Aspiromitus hirtycalyx Steph. | Spec. Hep. 5: 966 (1916) | Sumatra, in faucibus dictis "Aneh" ad pedem montis Singlang ad terram; regio calida; 490 m; ; V. Schiffner; 21June 1894 | Syntype | NICH 401466 |
52 | Asterella chichibuensis Shimizu & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 8: 48 (1952) | Japan. Honshu, Saitama-ken, Chichibu, Hashitate; 350 m; On rocks.; D. Shimizu; 25 Oct. 1950 | Holotype | NICH 18650 |
53 | Asterella crassa Shimizu & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 8: 46 (1952) | Japan. Honshu, Saitama-ken, Chichibu, Mt. Buko; 1000 m; On limestone.; D. Shimizu; 22 Oct. 1951 | Holotype | NICH 19297 |
54 | Asterella mitsuminensis Shimizu & S. Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 8: 48 (1952) | Japan. Honshu, Saitama-ken, Chichibu^gun, Ohtaki-mura, Mt. Mitsumine; 550 m; On rock; D. Shimizu; 25 Nov. 1951 | Holotype | NICH 19642 |
55 | Asterella odora S.Hatt. | Bot. Mag. Tokyo 58: 44 (1944) | Japan. Honshu, Tokyo-to, Koishigawa, Kamifujimae; ; On soil.; S. Hattori 3124; 23 Dec. 1939 | Isotype | NICH 15906 |
56 | Asterella pusilla Shimizu & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 8: 50 (1952) | Japan. Honshu, Saitama-ken, Chichibu, the Jumononi pass; 1800 m; On rocks.; D. Shimizu; 21 Nov. 1951 | Holotype | NICH 19643 |
57 | Asterella sanoana Shimizu & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 9: 25 (1953) | Japan. Honshu, Nagano-ken, Ikura; 1280 m; On wet chert ledge in shade.; D. Shimizu; 31 Aug. 1952 | Holotype | NICH 52791 |
58 | Asterella shimizuana Inoue | Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 10: 361 (1967) | New Guinea, Northwest of Goroka; ; On wet rocks along stream.; D. Shimizu; 24 Jan. 1964 | Isotype | NICH 280774 |
59 | Asterella umbelliformis Shimizu & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 9: 25 (1953) | Japan. Honshu, Saitama-ken, Mts. chichibu, Hatcho pass; 1120 m; ; D. Shimizu; 21 Aug. 1952 | Isotype | NICH 237417 |
60 | Asterella umbelliformis Shimizu & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 9: 25 (1953) | Japan. Honshu, Saitama-ken, Mts. Chichibu , Hatcho pass; 1120 m; ; D. Shimizu; 21 Aug. 1952 | Holotype | NICH 52802 |
61 | Asterella umbelliformis Shimizu & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 9: 25 (1953) | Japan. Honshu, Saitama-ken, Mts. chichibu, Hatcho pass; 1120 m; ; D. Shimizu; 21 Aug. 1952 | Isotype | NICH 237414 |
62 | Asterella umbelliformis Shimizu & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 9: 25 (1953) | Japan. Honshu, Saitama-ken, Mts. chichibu, Hatcho pass; 1120 m; ; D. Shimizu; 21 Aug. 1954 | Isotype | NICH 237415 |
63 | Asterella umbelliformis Shimizu & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 9: 25 (1953) | Japan. Honshu, Saitama-ken, Chichibu, Hatcho pass; 1120 m; ; D. Shimizu; 21 Aug. 1952 | Isotype | NICH 237416 |
64 | Athalamia glauco-virens Shimizu & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 12: 56 (1954) | Japan. Honshu, Nagano-ken, Minamisaku-gun, Kitaaiki-mura, Yamaguchi; 1060 m; On rock; D. Shimizu; 18 Aug. 1953 | Holotype | NICH 52767 |
65 | Athalamia glauco-virens Shimizu & S.Hatt. fo. subsessile Shimizu & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 12: 58 (1954) | Japan. Honshu, Saitama-ken, Chichibu-gun, Ohtaki-mura, Kaminakao; 700 m; On stonewall; D. Shimizu; 3 Sept. 1953 | Holotype | NICH 52755 |
66 | Athalamia glauco-virens Shimizu & S.Hatt. fo. subsessile Shimizu & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 12: 58 (1954) | Japan. Honshu, Saitama-ken, Kaminakao of Otaki, Mts. Chichibu ; 700 m; Crevices of south-facing exposed cliffs of clay-slate, phillite and chert; D. Shimizu; 3 Sept. 1953 | Isotype | NICH 41860 |
67 | Balantiopsis rosea Berggr. | On New Zealand Hepat. : 43 (1898) | New Zealand, Canterbury, Bealey River; ; ; S. Berggren s.n.; Feb. 1874 | Isotype | NICH 216625 |
68 | Bazzania angustistipula N.Kitag. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 30: 268 (1967) | Thailand, Chiangmai, Higherr elevation of Mt. Inthanon; 1900-2595 m; In dense, moist evergreen forest. On tree trunk; M. Tagawa and N. Kitagawa T2965; 19 Dec. 1965 | Isotype | NICH 281268 |
69 | Bazzania bilobata N.Kitag. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 30: 257 (1967) | Thailand, Payap, Chiangrai, Mt. doi Pacho; 1700 m; On tree trunk at its northern ridge; N. Kitagawa T 3710; 24 Dec. 1965 | Isotype | NICH 279767 |
70 | Bazzania crassidentata Fulford | Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 86: 338 (1959) | Venezuela, Cumbre, along west rim south from camp cano, west escarpment; 2000 m; On tree roots, trunks and ground; R. S. Cowan and J. J. Wurdack 31324; 7 Feb. 1951 | Isotype | NICH 376513 |
71 | Bazzania debilis N. Kitag. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 30: 256 (1967) | Thailand, Udawn. Loey, Phu Kradung, on the plain at its summit; 1100-1200 m; On moist rock by a stream; M. tagawa and N. Kitagawa T 727; 28 Nov. 1965 | Isotype | NICH 279754 |
72 | Bazzania fissifolia Steph. var. subsimplex S.Hatt. | Bot. Mag. Tokyo 58: 66 (1944) | Japan. Honshu, Yamanashi-ken, Mt. Komagatake; ; ; K. Tamura; Aug. 1903 | Isotype | NICH 237418 |
73 | Bazzania flavo-virens Steph. var. dentata Kamim. | Kamimura, Contr. Hepat. Fl. Shikoku: 20 (1952) | Japan. Shikoku, Kouchi-ken, Mt. Kajigamori; 900-1000 m; ; T. Yamanaka 359; 01-May-1949 | Syntype | NICH 74468 |
74 | Bazzania friabilis N.Kitag. & Kodama | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 39: 67 (1975) | N. Borneo, Sabah, Near Mamut Mine Kinabalu National Park; 1300 m; On decayed wood of fallen tree; T. Kodama 40958; 18 Mar. 1970 | Isotype | NICH 327965 |
75 | Bazzania kanemarui S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 2: 15 (1947) | Japan. Kyushu, Yakushima I., Mt. Miyanoura; ; ; S. Hattori 7744; 27 Sept. 1940 | Holotype | NICH 15943 |
76 | Bazzania kokawana N.Kitag. & Kodama | J. Jpn. Bot. 50: 11 (1975) | Borneo, Sabah, Kinabalu Natinal Park, Mamut ridge, W of Mamut Camp; 1500-1800 m; ; S. Kokawa and M. Hotta 5937; 20 Feb. 1969 | Isotype | NICH 327962 |
77 | Bazzania mayebarae S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 19: 91 (1958) | Japan. Kyushu, Kumamoto-ken, Kohnose; 60 m; ; K. Mayebara 2827; 28 Jan. 1951 | Holotype | NICH 20445 |
78 | Bazzania minutissima Kamim. | Kamimura, Contr. Hepat. Fl. Shikoku. 23 (1952) (issued, 1953) | Japan. Shikoku, Kohchi-ken, Mt. Yokogura; 700 m; On bark of tree; T. Yamanaka 46; 01-May-1949 | Isotype | NICH 81457 |
79 | Bazzania patulistipula S.Hatt. | Bot. Mag. Tokyo 59: 25 (1946) | Japan. Honshu, Yamanashi-ken (Prov. Kai), Mt. Komagatake; ; ; K. Tamura 31; Aug. 1903 | Isotype | NICH 237420 |
80 | Bazzania remotifolia Herzog | Trans. Brit. Bryol. Soc. 1: 304 (1949) | Sarawak, Mt. Dulit; ; ; P. W. Richards 1944; 15-Apr-1905 | Isotype | NICH 233255 |
81 | Bazzania semiopaca N. Kitag. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 30: 261 (1967) | Thailand, Udawn. Loey, Mt. Phu Luang, at its north-eastern ridge; 1500 m; On tree trunk in moist evergreen forest; M.Tagawa and N.kitagawa T 1679; 5 Dec. 1965 | Isotype | NICH 279771 |
82 | Bazzania tiacloensis Mizut. & Chamg | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 60: 432 (1986) | China, Hainan I., Kwangdung; ; On bark; Lin Ban Zian 2887; 24 Nov. 1977 | Holotype | NICH 410731 |
83 | Bazzania tricrenata (Wahlenb.) Pears. var. cavernarum Schiffn. | Krit. Bemerk. 13: 22 (1914) | Austria, Tirol, Der Alpe saga, Weertal bei Schwaz; 1600 m; Auf Erde und Steinen ineiner fenchtschattigen Hoehlung unter einem Schieferblocke; K. Osterwald and H. F. v. Handel-Mazzetti; 3 Aug. 1903 | Isotype | NICH 229633 |
84 | Bazzania tricrenata (Wahlenb.) Pears. var. pratensis Schiffn. | Krit. Bemerk. 13: 22 (1914) | Austria, Schlagen bei Gmunden (Flysch); 600 m; ; K. Loitlesbeger; 01-Jul-1913 | Isotype | NICH 229632 |
85 | Bazzania tridens (Reinw. et al.) Trevis. var. nipponica S.Hatt. fo. subtridens S.Hatt. | Bull. Tokyo Sci. Mus. 11: 22 (1944) | Japan. Kyushu, Kagoshima-ken, Kimotsuki-gun, Uchinomaki, Tashiro; ; ; S. Hattori 1559; 2 Apr. 1939 | Syntype | NICH 12352 |
86 | Bazzania tridens (Reinw. et al.) Trevis. var. nipponica S.Hatt. fo. subtridens S.Hatt. | Bull. Tokyo Sci. Mus. 11: 22 (1944) | Japan. Kyushu, Kagoshima-ken, Kimotsuki-gun, Uchinoura, Kunimidaira; ; ; S. Hattori 1080a; 24 Mar. 1939 | Syntype | NICH 1080a |
87 | Bazzania tridentoides Nichols | Symb. Sinic. 5: 25 (1930) | China, Yunnanfu; ; ; H. F. v. Handel-Mazzetti 9158; 28-29June 1916 | Isotype | NICH 225038 |
88 | Bazzania undulata Herzog | Trans. Brit. Bryol. Soc. 1: 306 (1949) | Sarawak, Near Long Kapa, Mt. Dulit; 300 m; ; P. W. Richards 2337B; s.d. | Isotype | NICH 233250 |
89 | Bazzania watanabei Inoue | J. Jpn. Bot. 34: 269 (1959) | Meictomesia, Caroline Is., Palau; ; ; K. Watanabe 64; 4 Jan. 1941 | Isotype | NICH 353541 |
90 | Bazzania watanabei Inoue | J. Jpn. Bot. 34: 269 (1959) | Micronesia, Caroline Is., Palau I.; ; ; K. Watanabe; 4 Jan. 1941 | Isotype | NICH 225039 |
91 | Bazzania yunnanensis Nichols | Sym. Sinic. 5: 23 (1930) | China, Yunnan; ; ; H. F. v. Handel-Mazzetti 5914; 7 Aug. 1916 | Isotype | NICH 225040 |
92 | Bazzania undulata Herzog | Trans. Brit. Bryol. Soc. 1: 306 (1949) | Sarawak, Near Long Kapa, Mt. Dulit (Ulu Tinjar). ; ; ; P. W. Richards; 15-Apr-1905 | Isotype | NICH 233250 |
93 | Bellincinia elongata (Lindenb. & Gott.) Kumtez | Synop. Hepat.: 733 (1847) ???? | Mexico, S. Antonio Huatusco; ; ; O. Liebmann; Nov. 1841 | Isotype | NICH 298909 |
94 | Brachiolejeunea poeltii Mizut. & Grolle | Ergebn. Forsch. Untern. Nepal Himalaya 1(4): 293 (1966) | Nepal, Vorhimalaja, Oknaldunga; 3000 m; Abies-Rhodo-dendron-Wald um Tnodung; J. Poelt H208/B; 15-May-1905 | Isotype | NICH 242111 |
95 | Calypogeia granditexta Steph. var. anisophylla S.Hatt. | J. Jpn. Bot. 20: 262 (1944) | Japan. Honshu, Hukushima-ken, Iwashiro, Oze; 1500 m; ; S. Hattori 451; 07-Jul-1941 | Holotype | NICH 15919 |
96 | Calypogeia meylanii Buch | Ann. Bryol. 7: 161 (1934) | Finland, Degero I.; ; ; H. Buch; 01-Jul-1932 | Isotype | NICH 225044 |
97 | Calypogeia neesiana (Mass. & Carest.) K. Muell. var. japonica S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 15: 88 (1955) | Japan. Hokkaido, Samani-cho, Hidaka, Mt. Apoi; 810 m; On humus; D. Shimizu ; 12 Aug. 1954 | Syntype | NICH 54789 |
98 | Calypogeia neesiana (Mass. & Carest.) K. Muell. var. japonica S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 15: 88 (1955) | Japan. Hokkaido, Samani-chou, Near Horoman in Hidaka; 60 m; On crvice of rock; D. Shimizu; 9 Aug. 1954 | Syntype | NICH 54614 |
99 | Calypogeia neesiana (Mass. & Carest.) K. Muell. var. japonica S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 15: 88 (1955) | Japan. Hokkaido, HoroizumiVillage, Hidaka, Toyoni-numa; 500 m; On humus; D. Shimizu; 13 Aug. 1954 | Syntype | NICH 54849 |
![]() |
No. | Species | Literature | Locality; Altitude; Habitat; Collector; Date | Type | Herb.No. |
100 | Calypogeia neesiana (Mass. & Carest.) K. Muell. var. japonica S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 15: 88 (1955) | Japan. Hokkaido, HoroizumiVillage, Hidaka, Toyoni-numa; 600 m; On humus; D. Shimizu; 13 Aug. 1954 | Syntype | NICH 54872 |
101 | Calypogeia neesiana (Mass. & Carest.) K. Muell. var. japonica S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 15: 88 (1955) | Japan. Hokkaido, Samani-cho, Hidaka, Pinneshiri; 550 m; On humus; D. Shimizu; 11 Aug. 1954 | Syntype | NICH 54750 |
102 | Calypogeia neesiana (Mass. & Carest.) K. Muell. var. japonica S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 15: 88 (1955) | Japan. Hokkaido, Hidaka, Apoidani; 450 m; On humus; D. Shimizu; 11 Aug. 1954 | Syntype | NICH 54720 |
103 | Calypogeia neesiana (Mass. & Carest.) K. Muell. var. japonica S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 15: 88 (1955) | Japan. Hokkaido, Samani-cho, Hidaka, Pinneshiri; ; On decaing-log; D. Shimizu; 11 Aug. 1954 | Syntype | NICH 54742 |
104 | Calypogeia nipponica S.Hatt. var. yakushimensis S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 4: 57 (1950) | Japan. Kyushu, Yakushima I., Kosugidani; ; ; S. Hattori 7247; 25 Sept. 1940 | Syntype | NICH 11609 |
105 | Calypogeia nipponica S.Hatt. var. yakushimensis S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 4: 57 (1950) | Japan. Kyushu, Yakushima I., Onoaida, in valle de Susukawa; ; ; S. Hattori 6986; 23 Sept. 1940 | Syntype | NICH 12300 |
106 | Calypogeia nipponica S.Hatt. var. yakushimensis S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 4: 57 (1950) | Japan. Kyushu, Yakushima I., Kosugidani; ; ; S. Hattori 6895; 25 Sept. 1940 | Syntype | NICH 11670 |
107 | Calypogeia nipponica S.Hatt. var. yakushimensis S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 4: 57 (1950) | Japan. Kyushu, Yakushima I., Kosugidani; ; ; S. Hattori; 25 Sept. 1940 | Syntype | NICH 11671 |
108 | Calypogeia nipponica S.Hatt. var. yakushimensis S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 4: 57 (1950) | Japan. Kyushu, Yakushima I., Kosugidani; ; On rock; S. Hattori; 25 Sept. 1940 | Syntype | NICH 12718 |
109 | Calypogeia nipponica S.Hatt. var. yakushimensis S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 4: 57 (1950) | Japan. Kyushu, I. Yakushima, Kosugidani; ; ; S. Hattori; 25 Sept. 1940 | Syntype | NICH 11673 |
110 | Calypogeia nipponica S.Hatt. var. yakushimensis S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 4: 57 (1950) | Japan. Kyushu, Yakushima I., Kosugidani, ; ; Ad trunco putrido; S. Hattori 7261; 25 Sept. 1940 | Syntype | NICH 11699 |
111 | Calypogeia nipponica S.Hatt. var. yakushimensis S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 4: 57 (1950) | Japan. Kyushu, Yakushima I., Kosugidani, ; ; ; S. Hattori 8308; 25 Sept. 1940 | Syntype | NICH 11619 |
112 | Calypogeia nipponica S.Hatt. var. yakushimensis S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 4: 57 (1950) | Japan. Kyushu, Yakushima I., Onoaida, Susukawa; ; ; S. Hattori 7043; 23 Sept. 1940 | Syntype | NICH 11608 |
113 | Calypogeia paludosa Warnst. fo. compacta Schiffn. | Krit. Bemerk. 22: 29 (1937) | Ober-Osterreich Auf Moorboden hinter dem Laudach-see bei Gmunden; 900 m; ; K. Loitlesberger; 01-May-1912 | Isotype | NICH 225015 |
114 | Calypogeia remotifolia Herzog | Symb. Sinic. 5: 22 (1930) | China, Prov. Setschuan; ; ; H. F. v. Handel-Mazzetti 2945; 13-Jun-1914 | Isotype | NICH 225046 |
115 | Calypogeia subalpina Inoue | J. Jpn. Bot. 37: 103 (1962) | Toyama-ken, Tateyama Mountains, between Shishidake and Ryuodake; 2600-2800 m; On humus benath Pinus pumila scrub.; H. Inoue 8733; 15 Aug. 1959 | Holotype | NICH 46950 |
116 | Calypogeia tosana (Steph.) Steph. var. septentrionalis S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 18: 83 (1957) | Japan. Hokkaido, Rishiri Island, at the foot of Mt. Rishiri; ; In coniferous forest., crevice of rock; M. Fukuhara 358; 11 Aug. 1954 | Holotype | NICH 75561 |
117 | Calypogeia tsukushiensis Amak. | J. Jpn. Bot. 33: 338 (1958) | Japan. Kyushu, Fukuoka-ken, Sawara-gun, Nogochi-keikoku; 250 m; On rock covered with humus; T. Amakawa 2545; 9 Jan. 1958 | Holotype | NICH 38168 |
118 | Campylolejeunea pusilla Mizut. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 29: 154 (1966) | N. Borneo, Ultrabasic area between mining camp and summit of Mt. Silam, SW of Lahad Datu, East Coast.; 330-950 m; Epiphyllous; Z. Iwatsuki 5267; 12-Jun-1963 | Holotype | NICH 255267 |
119 | Campylolejeunea shibatae S.Hatt. | Bot. Mag. Tokyo 65: 115 (1951) | New Guinea, Vogelkop, Hattam, between Doibei and Maibri; 1200-1400 m; ; T. Tuyama 1714; 04-May-1943 | Holotype | NICH 416984 |
120 | Cephalozia connivens (Dicks.) Lindb. var. pachydermis S.Hatt. | Bull. Yamagata Agr. Coll. 1: 102 (1949) | Japan. Honshu, Yamagata-ken, Mt. Asahi; ; ; S. Hattori 793; 25-Jul-1941 | Holotype | NICH 15892 |
121 | Cephalozia jishibae Steph. | Spec. Hep. 6: 437 (1924) | Japan. Honshu, Nagano-ken (Prov. Sinano), Mt. Yatu; ; ; E. Iishiba 81; 26-Jul-1908 | Isotype | NICH 15001 |
122 | Cephalozia macrostachya Kaal. | Rev. Bryol. 29: 8 (1902) | Norwegen, Glaemminge; auf der Insel Ramgolmen in einem Rorfmoor; 3-4 m; ; E. Ryan; 21 Apr. 1901 | Isotype | NICH 225052 |
123 | Cephalozia mayebarae S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 3: 37 (1948) | Japan. Kyushu, Kumamoto-ken (Prov. Higo), Hitoyoshi, Isshoochi; ; Limestone, stalactite gratto, sciophila; K. Mayebara 378; 01-Jun-1947 | Holotype | NICH 11565 |
124 | Cephalozia mayebarae S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 3: 37 (1948) | Japan. Kyushu, Kumamoto-ken, Kuma-Gun, Isshoochi; ; ; K. Mayebara; 01-Jun-1947 | Isotype | NICH H59490 |
125 | Cephalozia nipponica S.Hatt. var. yakusimensis S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 4: 57 (1950) | Japan. Kyushu, Yakushima I., Kosugidani; ; saxicola; S. Hattori 7216; 25 Sept. 1940 | Syntype | NICH 181612 |
126 | Cephalozia otaruensis Steph. var. acrogyna Amak. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 7: 73 (1952) | Japan. Shikoku, Ehime-ken (Prov. Iyo), Mt. Ofuki; ; ; K. Oti 3591; Aug. 1949 | Holotype | NICH 15015 |
127 | Cephalozia otaruensis Steph. var. acrogyna Amak. subvar. ishizuchiensis Amak. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 7: 73 (1952) | Japan. Shikoku, Ehime-ken, Mt. Ishizuchi; 1900 m; ; M. Tokui 1356; Aug. 1950 | Holotype | NICH 18343 |
128 | Cephalozia phyllacantha Massal. & Carestia | Nuov. Gioron. Bot. Ital. 14: 242 (1882) | Westl. Norwegen, Vaage auf der Insel Tysneso, sudl. von Bergen, auf Schieferschutt und zwischen Trummern des Gesteins; ; ; E. Jorgensen; 27-Jul-1901 | * | NICH 225062 |
129 | Cephalozia siamensis N.Kitag. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 32: 293 (1969) | Thailand, Lamphun, Higher elevation of Mt. Doi Khun Tan; 1200-1374 m; In moist evergreen forest, on soil; M. Tagawa and N. Kitagawa 12103; 5 Sept. 1967 | Isotype | NICH 297679 |
130 | Cephalozia spiniflora Schiffn. | Hedwigia 54: 323 (1914) | Pommern, Oberforsterei Koppelsberg, Revier Schlosskampen, Waldmoor im "Jag. 102"; 90 m; ; F. Hintze ; 15 Sept. 1912 | Isotype? | NICH 225054 |
131 | Cephalozia terminalis S.Hatt. in Hara, | Fl. East Himalaya 3: 225 (1975) | East Nepal, between Hile Chok and Ghopte (Tal Pokhari); 3350 m; On rock (cliff); Z. Iwatsuki 919; 12-Jun-1972 | Holotype | NICH 311750 |
132 | Cephalozia uniloba N.Kitag. | Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 19: 62 (1962) | Japan. Shikoku, Tokushima-ken, Mt. Tsurugi, between Koke-no-iwaba and Ootsurugi; ; ; T. Kodama 7180; 13 Aug. 1954 | Isotype | NICH 69927 |
133 | Cephaloziella baumgartneri Schiffn. var. umbrosa Schiffn. | Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien 56: 273 (1906) | Dalmatia, Insel Lacroma bei Ragusa; ; ; K. Loitlesberger ; Mar-Apr-1905 | Isotype | NICH 225055 |
134 | Cephaloziella crispata N.Kitag. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 32: 301 (1969) | Thailand, Chiangrai, Mt. Doi Tung, north of Chiangrai, middle elevation of the mountain; 600 m; On soil; N. Kitagawa T12361; 24 Sept. 1967 | Isotype | NICH 297680 |
135 | Cephaloziella flagellaris S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 3: 1 (1948) | Japan. Kyushu, Yakushima I., between Hananoego and Kosugidani; ; On barks; S. Hattori 7822; 27 Sept. 1940 | Holotype | NICH 11614 |
136 | Cephaloziella gracillima Douin | Mem. Soc. Nat. Cherbourg 35: 257 (1906) | Frankreich, Auf sandigem Lehm an einem Waldwege des Bois de Bouthonviliers bei Dangeau (Eure-et-Loir); 160 m; ; Ch. Douin; 16 Apr. 1905 | Isotype | NICH 225058 |
137 | Cephaloziella hunanensis Nichols. | Symb. Sinic. 5: 21 (1930) | China, Prov. Hunan austro-occ.; ; ; H. F. v. Handel-Mazzetti 12473; 15 Aug. 1918 | Isotype | NICH 225059 |
138 | Cephaloziella latzeliana Schiffn. | Verh. zool. bot. Ges. Wien 66: 195 (1916) | Dalmatien, Insel Giuppana bei Ragusa (Dubrovnik), bei Luka; ; ; A. Latzel ; 5 Jan. 1909 & 19 Sept. 1909 | Syntype? | NICH 225060 |
139 | Cephaloziella nicholsonii Douin | Rev. Bryol. 40: 81 (1913) | England, Cornwall, An feuchten, kupferhaltigen Felsen am Meer bei Carbis Bay; ; ; W. E. Nicholson; Marz 1907 | Isotype | NICH 225061 |
140 | Cephaloziella rubella (Nees) Warnst. var. latiloba N.Kitag. in Hara | Fl. East Himalaya 1: 509 (1966) | East India, Patria Sikkim, Jongri; 4000-4200 m; ; M. Togashi; 20-May-1960 | Holotype | NICH 201586 |
141 | Cephaloziella starkii (Funck.) Schiffn var. ericetorum C.Jensen | Krit. Bemerk. 19: 9 (1934) | Danemark, Jutland, Am sandigen Ufer eines kleinen Heidesees in der Gegend von Skagen; ; ; C. Jensen; Aug. 1910 | Isotype | NICH 225053 |
142 | Cephaloziella starkii (Funck.) Schiffn var. grandifolia Douin | Krit. Bemerk. 19: 11 (1934) | Auf besonnten Porphyrblocken uber verwitterten Moosen am Muhlstein bei Zwickau; 560 m; ; V. Schiffner; 1899-1908 | Isotype | NICH 225064 |
143 | Cephaloziella tabularis S.W.Arnell | Bot. Not. 1952: 318 (1952) | South Africa, Cape Province, Table Mountain, the top; ; ; S. Arnell 1223; 11 Jan. 1951 | Syntype | NICH 217461 |
144 | Cephaloziella tagawae N.Kitag. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 32: 303 (1969) | Thailand, Udawn, North ridge of Mt. Phu Luang; 1100 m; On rock in moist evergreen forest.; M. Tagawa and N. Kitagawa T1433; 4 Dec. 1965 | Isotype | NICH 297681 |
145 | Ceralolejeunea deficiens Herzog | Rev. Bryol. Lich. 20: 148 (1951) | Costa Rica, Yerba Buena, Northeast of San lsidro, Provincia de Heredia; 2000 m; On tree; P. C. Standley and J. Valerio 50010; 22, 28 Feb. 1926 | Syntype | NICH 357215 |
146 | Ceratolejeunea deficiens Herzog | Rev. Bryol. Lich. 20: 148 (1951) | Costa Rica, Vicinity of Tilaran, Provincia de Guanacaste; 500-650 m; On tree; P. C. Standley and J. Valerio 44392; 10-31 Jan. 1926 | Syntype | NICH 857323 |
147 | Ceratolejeunea multiocellata Herzog | Rev. Bryol. Lich. 20: 150 (1951) | Costa Rica, Vicinity of Pejivlle, Provincia de Cartago; ; On tree; P. C. Standley and J. Valerio 46809; 7-8 Feb. 1926 | Isotype | NICH 357313 |
148 | Ceratolejeunea ryukyuensis Amak. | J. Jpn. Bot. 45: 180 (1970) | Japan. Ryukyu, Iriomote I., Mt. Goza; ; ; Y. Nino 89; 27 Aug. 1958 | Holotype | NICH 112726 |
149 | Cheilolejeunea boninensis Mizut. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 51: 153 (1982) | Japan. Bonin Is., Hahajima I. Mt. Chibusa; 300-400 m; On branches; Z. Iwatsuki and T. Suzuki 8620h; 9 Aug. 1980 | Holotype | NICH 177864 |
150 | Cheilolejeunea larsenii Mizut. | Densk. Bot. Arkiv. 27: 95 (1969) | Thailand, Phitsanulok, Tung Salaeng Luang; 700 m; epiphytic on tree-trunk.; Kai Larsen et al, 911; 25-Jul-1966 | Isotype | NICH 287706 |
151 | Cheilolejeunea minutilobula Amak. | J. Jpn. Bot. 35: 365 (1960) | Japan. Ryukyu, Okinawa, Tomigusuku; ; On tree trunk; K. Izumigawa 70; 13 Sept. 1959 | Holotype | NICH 73011 |
152 | Cheilolejeunea picta Mizut. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 33: 226 (1970) | N. Boruneo, Ultrabasic area near Hot., Spring, Poring, 7 mi. N. of Ranau, foot of Mt. Kinabalu; 600-650 m; On root; M. Mizutani 3914; 27-May-1963 | Holotype | NICH 253914 |
153 | Cheilolejeunea ryukyuensis Mizut. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 51: 162 (1982) | Japan. Ryukyu, Okinawa, Higashi-mura, Gesashi; ; ; C. Miyagi 59; 3 Aug. 1959 | Holotype | NICH 80215 |
154 | Cheilolejeunea scalaris Steph. | Bull. Herb. Boiss. 5: 93 (1897) | Japan. Honshu, Tokyo, Pond side, in Tokyo University; ; On bark; T. Makino 99; 21 Apr. 1896 | Isotype | NICH 60498 |
155 | Cheilolejeunea spathulata Mizut. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 33: 229 (1970) | N. Borneo, Between Kambaranga Radio Satation and Water Falls, Mt. Kinabalu; 2000-2146 m; On boulder; M. Mizutani 2442; 17-May-1963 | Holotype | NICH 252442 |
156 | Chiloscyphus brassii Grolle | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 31: 2 (1968) | New Guinea, D'Entrecasteaux In. Normanby I. ; 300 m; On tree; Brass 25576; 09-May-1905 | Isotype | NICH 290625 |
157 | Chiloscyphus decurrens (Reinw. et al.) Nees var. speciosus Schifn. | Fl. Buitenzorg, Jard. Bot. L'Etat. 4, Hapat.: 206 (1900) | East Java, Mt. Gede; 2150 m; Ad truncos emortuos, hygrophila, skiophila; V. Schiffner ; May 1894 | Syntype | NICH 217537 |
158 | Chiloscyphus decurrens (Reinw. et al.) Nees var. speciosus Schiffn. | Fl. Buitenzorg, Jard. Bot. L'Etat. 4, Hapat.: 206 (1900) | Java, Mt. Gede; 2150 m; ; V. Schiffner s.n.; s.d. | Syntype | NICH 225067 |
159 | Chiloscyphus fragilis (Roth) Schiffn. var. fontana K.Muell. | Schiffner, Krit. Bemerkungen zu Hep. Europaeae 1427 (1943) | Baden, in der Quelle in Schlatt im Breisgau; ; ; K. Mueler; 5 Dec. 1941 | Isotype | NICH 225065 |
160 | Chiloscyphus nordstedtii Schiffn. | K. Mueller, Lebermoose Europas 1: 830 (1911) | Schweden, Am Baumwurzeln in dem kleinen See "Sjobacksjo" bei Sandhem in Westergotland; 1 m; ; O. Nordstedt; 19 Aug. 1902 | Isotype? | NICH 229803 |
161 | Chiloscyphus novae-guineae Steph. | Spec. Hep. 6: 311 (1922) | New Guinea, Kaiser Wilhelms Land, Friedrich Wilhelms Hafen; ; ; Erik Nyman; Oct. 1899 | Isotype | NICH 225068 |
162 | Clevea trabutiana Steph. | Spec. Hep. 6: 5 (1917) | Algerien, Oran, Tiaret; ; Auf Sandboden; L. Trabut; 01-May-1907 | Isotype | NICH 225070 |
163 | Cololejeunea abnormis Mizut. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 33: 260 (1970) | N. Borneo, Ultrabasic area between mining camp and summit of Mt. Silam, SW of Lahad Datu, East Coast; 330-950 m; On tree trunk.; Z. Iwatsuki 5278; 12-Jul-1963 | Holotype | NICH 255278 |
164 | Cololejeunea acuminata Mizut. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 33:261 (1970) | N. Borneo, in forest between Hot Spring, Poring and Royal Soc. Bungalow, E slope of Mt. Kinabalu; 600-1100 m; On fallen log; M. Mizutani 3032; 28-May-1963 | Holotype | NICH 253032 |
165 | Cololejeunea astyla Mizut. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 29: 156 (1966) | N. Borneo, between Sosopodon and S. Kelinggen, foot of Mt. Kinabalu; 1350-1400 m; Epiphyllous; M. Mizutani 3895; 26-May-1963 | Holotype | NICH 253895 |
166 | Cololejeunea borhidiana Pocs | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 48: 305 (1980) | Tanzania, Morogoro-District, Mts. Uluguru, W slope of Lupanga above Morogoro; 1650-1700 m; High altitude mossy forest, epiphyllous; T. Pocs, P. and K. Csontos 6068/BA; 21 Nov. 1969 | Isoparatype | NICH 376573 |
167 | Cololejeunea borhidiana Pocs | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 48: 305 (1980) | Tanzania, Morogoro-District, Mts. Uluguru W slope of Lupanga above Morogoro; 1650-1700 m; High altitude mossy forest, epiphyllous; T. Pocs, P. and K. Csontos 6068/BA; 21 Nov. 1969 | Isoparatype | NICH 381306 |
168 | Cololejeunea chrysanthemi Tixier | Ann. Fac. Sci. Pnom Penh 1970: 179 (1970) | North Vietnam, Prov. Ninh-Binh, in reservato silv. Cuc-Phuong pr. pag. ad folium.; 400 m; ; T. Pocs 3028A; 13 Dec. 1965 | Isotype | NICH 401469 |
169 | Cololejeunea inoueana Mizut. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 29: 157 (1966) | Japan. Bonin, Hahajima I., Mt. Chibusa; 250-400 m; ; H. Inoue 19631; 13-Jul-1969 | Isotype | NICH 193883 |
170 | Cololejeunea jonesi Pocs | Acta Bot. Acad. Sci. Hungarica 21 (3-4): 353 (1975) | Tanzania, Morogoro-District, Uluguru-Mts. Kimboza-Ruvu Forest Reserve between Mkuyuni and Matombo; 300 m; Tropical semideciduous rain forest. Epiphyllous; B. J. Harris and T. Pocs 6027/A; 6 Sept. 1969 | Isotype | NICH 303365 |
171 | Cololejeunea kinabalensis Mizut. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 29: 157 (1966) | N. Borneo, between Kambaranga Radio Station and Second Radio Station, south slope of Mt. Kinabalu; 2146-2500 m; Epiphyllous; M. Mizutani 2648; 18-May-1963 | Holotype | NICH 252648 |
172 | Cololejeunea kodamae Kamim. | Feddes Repert. 58: 55 (1959) | Japan. Honshu, Nara-ken, Hozowa in Mt. Odaigahara; 600 m; On Hymenophyllum; T. Kodama 4680; 1 Aug. 1953 | Isotype | NICH 46476 |
173 | Cololejeunea kodamae Kamim. | Feddes Repert. 58: 55 (1959) | Japan. Honshu, Nara-ken, Hozawa in Mt. Odaigahara; 600 m; On Hymenophyllum; T. Kodama 4680; 1 Aug. 1953 | Isotype | NICH 46515 |
174 | Cololejeunea macounii (Spruce ex Underw.) Evans | Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 17: 259 (1890) | Canada, British Columbia; ; ; J. Macoun; 8 Apr. 1889 | Isotype | NICH 219307 |
175 | Cololejeunea macounii (Spruce ex Underw.) Evans | Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 17: 259 (1890) | Canada: British Columbia, Hastings; ; On bark of Acer circinnatum; J. Macoun; 8 Apr. 1889 | Isotype | NICH 225487 |
176 | Cololejeunea macounii (Spruce ex Underw.) Evans | Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 17: 259 (1890) | Canada, British Columbia; ; On bark of Acer sp.; J. Macoun; Apr. 1889 | Isotype | NICH 360255 |
177 | Cololejeunea nakajimae S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 10: 57 (1953) | Japan. Honshu, Kyoto-Fu, Daihizan, north of Kyoto; 300 m; On leaves and branchlets of Conifer; T. Nakajima 262; 24 Sept. 1951 | Holotype | NICH 20276 |
178 | Cololejeunea paroica Mizut. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 29: 160 (1966) | N. Borneo, Sandstone area between Madai River and Madai Cave, SW of Lahad Datu, East Coast; 20 m; Epiphyllous; Z. Iwatsuki 5779; 16-Jul-1963 | Holotype | NICH 255779 |
179 | Cololejeunea peponiformis Mizut. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 33: 258 (1970) | N. Borneo, in a virgin forest near Forest Dept. Bungalow, Sosopodon, Kundalu area; 1350 m; On tree trunk.; M. Mizutani 6124; 15-May-1963 | Holotypo | NICH 256124 |
180 | Cololejeunea rosellata Mizut. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 29: 159 (1966) | N. Borneo, Mossy forest near camp, Ulu Liwagu, SE slope of Mt. Kinabalu; 2450-2500 m; Epiphyllous; M. Mizutani 3643a ; 22-May-1963 | Holotype | NICH 253643a |
181 | Cololejeunea setosa Mizut. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 29: 163 (1966) | N. Borneo, East Coast, Ultrabasic area between mining camp and summit of Mt. Silam, SW of Lahad Datu; 330-950 m; Epiphyllous; Z. Iwatsuki 5264; 12-Jul-1963 | Holotype | NICH 255364 |
182 | Cololejeunea sharpii Mizut. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 39: 258 (1975) | Philippines, Luzon I., Near Second Lake, Mt. Bulusan; 1500 m; On leaves; Z. Iwatsuki, A. J. and E. Sharp 17237b; 31-May-1965 | Holotype | NICH 267088B |
183 | Cololejeunea shibiensis Mizut. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 57: 437 (1984) | Japan. Kyushu, Kagoshima-ken, Mt. Sibi-zan; 700 m; On bark; T. Kodama 11783; 25 Sept. 1953 | Holotype | NICH 62905 |
184 | Cololejeunea shimizui N.Kitag. | Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 23: 185 (1969) | Malaya, Kelantan, Gua Musang, on limestone hill behind the railway station of Gua Musang; 150-250 m; ; N. Kitagawa M15087; 1 Nov. 1967 | Isotype | NICH 297684 |
185 | Cololejeunea shimizui N.Kitag. var. phangngana N.Kitag. | Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 23 (5-6): 187 (1969) | Thailand, Thap Put, NE of Phangnga, limestone region; 80 m; On tree trunk; N. Kitagawa T11867; 24 Aug. 1967 | Isotype | NICH 297685 |
186 | Cololejeunea sphaerodonta Mizut. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 29: 165 (1966) | N. Borneo, by a stream below Paca Cave, south slope of Mt. Kinabalu; 2850-2984 m; Epiphyllous; Z. Iwatsuki 1074; 21-May-1963 | Holotype | NICH 251074 |
187 | Cololejeunea subfloccosa Mizut. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 57: 168 (1984) | Japan. Honshu, Nara-ken, Mt. Kasuga-yama; 400 m; On tree trunk (Tsuga); T. Kodama 6100; 05-May-1954 | Holotype | NICH 65912 |
188 | Cololejeunea subkodamae Mizut. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 60:448 (1986) | Japan. Kyushu, Miyazaki-ken, Miyazaki-shi, Kaeda valley; 50 m; ; M. Mizutani 5823; 11 Sept. 1979 | Holotype | NICH 175207 |
189 | Cololejeunea subocelloides Mizut. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 57: 163 (1984) | Japan. Kyushu, Miyazaki-ken, Mt. Komatsu, near Obi; 900 m; On bark of Cyclobalanopsis acuta; M. Mizutani; 6 Dec. 1960 | Holotype | NICH 45249 |
190 | Cololejeunea tanzaniae Pocs | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 48: 312 (1980) | Tanzania, Mts. Uluguru, E. slope of Bondwa, behind the col. Mwere; 1600 m; Very wet mountain rain forest, epiphyllous, on Marattia fraxinea leaflets; T. Pocs and B. J. Harris 6181/x; 01-May-1970 | Isotype | NICH 401467 |
191 | Cololejeunea tanzaniae Pocs | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 48: 312 (1980) | Tanzania, Mts. Uluguru, E slopes of Bondwa; 1600 m; Very wet montane rain forest, epiphyllous; T. Pocs and B. J. Harris 6181/x; 01-May-1970 | Isotype | NICH 376576 |
192 | Cololejeunea uchimae Amak. | J. Jpn. Bot. 33: 142 (1958) | Japan. Ryukyu, Kume I., Gushikawa-mura, Nishima; ; Corticola; T. Uchima 345; 8 Jan. 1958 | Holotype | NICH 65569 |
193 | Cololejeunea yamanakana Kamim. | Kamimura, Contr. Hepat. Fl. Shikoku. : 93. (1952) | Japan. Shikoku, Kochi-ken, Kaminiro-mura, ; ; ; K. Komatu ; Oct. 1950 | Isotype | NICH 225484 |
194 | Crossotolejeunea lindeniana Steph. var. connivens Herzog | Rev. Bryol. Lich. 20: 141 (1951) | Costa Rica, Cerro de las Caricias; 2000-2400 m; On tree; P. C. Standley 52294; 11 Mar. 1926 | Isotype | NICH 357315 |
195 | Cryptocolea imbricata R.M.Schust. | American Midland Naturalist 49: 417 (1953) | U. S. A., Minesota, Cook Co., Susie Is., Porcupine I.; 6-8 ft; On moist soil over basic rocks; R. M. Schuster 19416; 8 Sept. 1951 | Isotype | NICH 225071 |
196 | Cryptocoleopsis imbricata Amak. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 21: 274 (1959) | Japan. Hokkaido, near summit of Rishiri I.; 1600-1719 m; On andesite rock in more or less shady and damp place; D. Shimizu; 22-Jul-1954 | Holotype | NICH 53467 |
197 | Cyathodium foetidissimus Schiffn. | Expositio Plantarum in Itinere Suo Indico Annis 1893/94 Suscepto Collectarum, Ser. Prima 1: 154 (1897) | Java, Prov. Batavia, ad decliv. seprentr. montis, Salak in faucibus torrentis Tjiapus; 750 m; ; V. Schiffner; 28 Jan. 1894 | Syntype | NICH 306576 |
198 | Delavayella serrata Steph. fo. stolonifera S.Hatt. | Hara, Fl. East Himalaya 1: 513 (1966) | E. Himaraya, East Nepal, B aroya Khimty - Thakma Khola; 2500-3000 m; ; H. Kanai, et al.; 16 Nov. 1963 | Holotype | NICH 236761 |
199 | Dendroceros subdifficilis S.Hatt. | Bot. Mag. Tokyo 64: 119 (1951) | New Guinea, Vogelkop, Prafi, Bivouac II; ; ; T. Tuyama 1178; 14 Apr. 1943 | Isotype | NICH 416978 |
![]() |
No. | Species | Literature | Locality; Altitude; Habitat; Collector; Date | Type | Herb.No. |
200 | Dicranolejeunea inoueana Mizut. & Piippo | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 61: 478 (1986) | Papua New Guinea, Morobe Distr., Kasanombe; 1600-1700 m; ; H. Inoue 32406; 11 Nov. 1975 | Isotype | NICH 402731 |
201 | Diplasiolejeunea jovet-astiae Grolle | Feddes Repert. 73: 84 (1966) | W. Borneo, auf dem Bukit Mehipit; 900 m; Epiphyllous; Winlker 3226p.p.; 07-Apr-1905 | Isotype | NICH 262995 |
202 | Diplasiolejeunea neobrachyclada S.Hatt. | Bot. Mag. Tokyo 64: 115 (1951) | New Guinea, Vogelkop, Hattam, Between Doibei and Maibri; 1200-1400 m; ; T. Tuyama 1714; 14-May-1943 | Isotype | NICH 416982 |
203 | Diplocolea sikkimensis Amak. | J. Jpn. Bot. 37: 274 (1962) | Eastern India, Patria Sikkim, Jongri; 4000 m; ; H. Hara, et al.; 21-May-1960 | Holotype | NICH 201225 |
204 | Diplophyllum albicans (L.) Dum. f. propagulifera Corb. | Mem. Soc. Nt. Sci. Nat. Math. Cherbourg 26: 330 (1889) | Frankreich, Querqueville bei Cherbourg; in einem Hohl-wege auf Erde; ; ; L. Corbiere; 13 Mar. 1902 | Isotype | NICH 225073 |
205 | Diplophyllum gymnostomophilum Kaal. | Vidensk. Selsk. Skrift. Math.-Naturw. Klasse 1(9): 4 (1898) | Ufer des Lysakerelos, Bei Christiania; ; ; B. Kaalaas; 1895-1906 | Syntype | NICH 225075 |
206 | Diplophyllum trollii Grolle | Ergebn. Forsch. Untern. Nepal Himalaya 1(4): 273 (1966) | Sikkim Himaraya, an der Waldgrenze mit Abies densa und Rhododendron; 3600-3900 m; ; Troll 41p.p.; 20-Apr-1905 | Isotype | NICH 281428 |
207 | Drepanolejeunea brunnea Mizut. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 33: 231 (1970) | N. Borneo, E slope of Mt. Kinabalu; 600-1100 m; On tree trunk; M. Mizutani 3011; 28-May-1963 | Holotype | NICH 253011 |
208 | Drepanolejeunea ciliata Mizut. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 33: 232 (1970) | N. Borneo, Ulu Liwagu, SE slope of Mt. Kinabalu, Mossy forest near camp; 2450-2500 m; On bush; M. Mizutani 3667; 22-May-1963 | Holotype | NICH 253667 |
209 | Drepanolejeunea moluccensis Herz. | Ann. Bryol. 7: 88 (1934) | Indonesia, Bali I., Bratan; 1000 m; ; O. Renner; Dec. 1930 | Syntype | NICH 225485 |
210 | Drepanolejeunea obtriangulata Kodama | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 41: 381 (1976) | Borneo, Kinabalu Nt. Park, Around Sayat Sayat Hut, ; 3800 m; On branches of Leptspermum; T. Kodama 47503; 21 Mar. 1974 | Isotype | NICH 351590 |
211 | Drepanolejeunea obtusifolia T.Yamag. | J. Jpn. Bot. 59: 332 (1984) | Japan. Ryukyu, Ishigaki I., Mt. Omoto; 470 m; On tree trunk; T. Yamaguchi ty-2666; 11-Jul-1982 | Isotype | NICH 191765 |
212 | Drepanolejeunea pocsii Grolle | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 40: 209 (1976) | Tanzania, Mt. Ulugura, N slope of Bondwa; 1400 m; Epiphyllous, submontane rain forest; T. Pocs and Crosby 6855/AL; 28-May-1905 | Isotype | NICH 344018 |
213 | Drepanolejeunea tuyamae S.Hatt. | Bot. Mag. Tokyo 64: 116 (1951) | New Guinea, Vogelkep, Hattam, Between Doibei and Maibri; 1200-1400 m; ; T. Tuyama 1766 p. p.; 04-May-1943 | Isotype | NICH 416981 |
214 | Dumortiera velutina Schffn. | Expositio Plantarum in Itinere Suo Indico.....1: 5 (1898) | Sumatra, ad pedem montis Singalang, in faucibus dictis Aneh; ; On soil; V. Schiffner 32; 21 July 1894 | Syntype | NICH 225078 |
215 | Eulejeunea underwoodii Steph. | Bot. Gaz. 17: 172 (1892) | U.S.A., Eustis, Fla.; ; On rotten logs; L. M. Underwood s.n.; Jan. 1891 | Isotype | NICH 225137 |
216 | Euosmolejeunea osumiensis S.Hatt. var. kanemarui S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 5: 49 (1951) | Japan. Kyushu, Yakushima, Onoaida, Susukawa; ; ; S. Hattori 7092; 23 Sept. 1940 | Syntype | NICH 11691 |
217 | Euosmolejeunea osumiensis S.Hatt. var. kanemarui S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 5: 49 (1951) | Japan. Kyushu, Yakushima, Onoaida, Susukawa; ; ; S. Hattori 7017; 23 Sept. 1940 | Syntype | NICH 11692 |
218 | Euosmolejeunea osumiensis S.Hatt. var. kanemarui S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 5: 49 (1951) | Japan. Kyushu, Yakushima, Onoaida, Susukawa; ; ; S. Hattori 7091a; 23 Sept. 1940 | Syntype | NICH 11718 |
219 | Euosmolejeunea osumiensis S.Hatt. var. kanemarui S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 5: 49 (1951) | Japan. Kyushu, Yakushima, Onoaida, Susukawa; ; ; S. Hattori 6979; 23 Sept. 1940 | Syntype | NICH 11693 |
220 | Euosmolejeunea osumiensis S.Hatt. var. kanemarui S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 5: 49 (1951) | Japan. Kyushu, Yakushima, Onoaida, Susukawa; ; ; S. Hattori 7047; 23 Sept. 1940 | Syntype | NICH 11672 |
221 | Euosmolejeunea osumiensis S.Hatt. var. kanemarui S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 5: 49 (1951) | Japan. Kyushu, Yakushima, Onoaida, Susukawa; ; ; S. Hattori 7050; 23 Sept. 1940 | Syntype | NICH 11676 |
222 | Euosmolejeunea osumiensis S.Hatt. var. kanemarui S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 5: 49 (1951) | Japan. Kyushu, Yakushima, Onoaida, Susukawa; ; ; S. Hattori 6852; 23 Sept. 1940 | Syntype | NICH 11715 |
223 | Euosmolejeunea osumiensis S.Hatt. var. kanemarui S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 5: 49 (1951) | Japan. Kyushu, Yakushima I., Kosugidani; ; ; S. Hattori 7201; 25 Sept. 1940 | Syntype | NICH 11695 |
224 | Exormotheca trabutii Schiffn. | Krit. Bemerk. 25: 3 (1940) | Algier, Oran, Tiaret bei Gertonfa; 1000 m; Auf Sandboden; L. Trabut; 01-May-1907 | Isotype | NICH 225079 |
225 | Fimbriaria mussuriensis Kashyap | J. Bombay Nat. Soc. 24: 345 (1916) | India, Mussoorie; ; ; S. R. Kashyap 74; 01-Jun-1913 | Isotype | NICH 281339 |
226 | Fossombronia alaskana Steere & Inoue | Bryologist 77: 66 (1974) | Arctic Alaska, Noluck Lake, De Long Mountains, Brooks Range., Wet tundra and on ridges south of camp; 700 m; On bare silt in frost boil, hillside tunndra south of lake; W. C. Steere 72-360; 19-22 July 1972 | Isotype | NICH 339027 |
227 | Fossombronia fleischeri Osterward | Verh. Bot. Ver. Brandenburg 70: 125 (1928) | Bahnausstich bei Buch bei Berlin; 60 m; Auf feuchtem Sandboden; Karl Osterward; Sept. 1910 | Isotype | NICH 225083 |
228 | Fossombronia loitlesbergeri Schiffn. | Hedwigia 48: 195 (1909) | Dalmatien, Insel Arbe (Rab); ; Im Walde Capo Fronte unter Gebusch von Erica arborea; J. Baumgartner and Loitlesberger; Apr. 1906 und Mar. 1907 | Isostype | NICH 225084 |
229 | Fossombronia pusilla (L.) Dum. var. decipiens Corbiere | Mem. Soc. Nat. Sci. Cherbourg 26: 355 (1889) | Frankreich, Octeville-sur-Cherbourg (Manche).; ; Auf Erde in einem Haine bei dem einstigen Fort des Fourches; L. Corbiere ; Mar. 1900 und Apr. 1901 | Isolectotype | NICH 225085 |
230 | Frullania huerlimannii S.Hatt. | Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus. Tokyo, ser. B, 2(2): 84 (1976) | New Caledonia, Montagne des Sources; 780 m; ; H. Hurlimann 2966; 14 Oct. 1951 | Isotype | NICH 425480 |
231 | Frullania huerlimannii S.Hatt. var. dioica S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 57: 413 (1984) | New Caledonia, Valley near Tao; 10 m; ; N. Kitagawa 21850; 27-Jul-1982 | Holotype | NICH 387932 |
232 | Frullania huerlimannii S.Hatt. var. dioica S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 43: 422 (1977) | New Caledonia, Mt. Dzumac; 800 m; ; H. Hurlimann 2446a; 29 Mar. 1951 | Holotype | NICH 353790 |
233 | Frullania huerlimannii S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 49: 152 (1981) | China, Mt. Yunshan; 1200-1300 m; ; H. F. v. Handel-Mazzetti 11190; 8 Aug. 1917 | Holotype | NICH 380845 |
234 | Frullania huerlimannii S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 49: 152 (1981) | China, Hunan; ; ; H. F. v. Handel-Mazzetti 11190; 8 Aug. 1917 | Isotype | NICH 380846 |
235 | Frullania aeolotis Nees var. aberrans C.Massal. | Mem. Accad. Agr. Art. Verona ser. 3, 73: 39 (1897) | China, Schen-si; ; ; R. J. Giraldi ; Nov. 1895 | Isolectotype | NICH 354618 |
236 | Frullania aeolotis Nees var. aberrans C.Massal. | Mem. Accad. Agr. Art. Verona, ser. 3, 73: 39 (1897) | China, Schen-si; ; ; R. J. Giraldi 31c; Nov. 1895 | Syntype | NICH 354624 |
237 | Frullania aeolotis Nees var. aberrans C.Massal. | Mem. Accad. Agr. Art. Verona, ser. 3, 73: 39 (1897) | China, Schen-si; ; ; R. J. Giraldi 2495 ; s.d. | Syntype | NICH 354641 |
238 | Frullania aeolotis Nees var. aberrans C.Massal. | Mem. Accad. Agr. Art. Verona, ser. 3, 73: 39 (1897) | China, Schen-si; ; ; R. J. Giraldi 31c ; Nov. 1895 | Syntype | NICH 354708 |
239 | Frullania akiyamae S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 60: 240 (1986) | Seram I., Hatumete; 1430 m; ; H. Akiyama 10675; 26 Jan. 1885 | Holotype | NICH 401638 |
240 | Frullania alte-mammillata S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 36: 435 (1972) | New Guinea, Central Highlands, Mt. Wilhelm; 11600 ft; In low subalpine Podocarpus comactus-Rapanea-Prunus pullei-Oearia forest ; R. M. Schuster 67-6537; 02-Jun-1967 | Holotype | NICH 309936 |
241 | Frullania antaresensis S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 47: 92 (1980) | New Guinea, Star Mts., Mt. Antares; 3200 m; ; B. O. van Zanten 687a; 22-Jul-1959 | Holotype | NICH 354867 |
242 | Frullania apiculata (Reinw. et al.) Dum. var. parva S.Hatt. | Cryptogamie 5: 177 (1984) | Australia, Queensland, Devil's Thujmb; 1150 m; ; M. L. Hicks 11287; 9 Oct. 1982 | Holotype | NICH 385065 |
243 | Frullania apiculata (Reinw. et al.) Dum. subsp. kaindimontana S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 36: 417 (1972) | New Guinea, Wau Distr., Summit of Mt. Kaindi; 2350 m; ; R. M. Schuster 67-5701; 28-May-1967 | Holotype | NICH 309939 |
244 | Frullania apiculata (Reinw. et al.) Dum. var. obtusata S.Hatt. | J. Jpn. Bot. 53: 129 (1978) | India, Andaman, Long Islands; 430 m; ; H. C. Verma 1963-1/1; Aug. 1963 | Holotype | NICH 314287 |
245 | Frullania appendistipula S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 35: 424 (1972) | New Guinea, Central Highlands, Mt. Wilhelm, Lake Arunde; 11600 ft; On bark; R. M. Schuster 67-6533; 02-Jun-1967 | Holotype | NICH 309934 |
246 | Frullania appendistipula S.Hatt. var. spinifera S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 38: 226 (1974) | New Guinea, W. Highlands, Mt. Hagen; 3300-3400 m; ; B. O. van Zanten 68-2987/a; 21-May-1905 | Holotype | NICH 431953 |
247 | Frullania armitiana Steph. var. inflexula S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 65: 415 (1988) | New Guinea, Central District, Mt. Albert Edward; 3200 m; ; H. Inoue 30115; 27 Oct. 1975 | Holotype | NICH 428126 |
248 | Frullania baladina Gott. ex Steph. var. edentata S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 57: 407 (1984) | New Caledonia, Montagna des Sources, NE of Noumea; 400 m; On tree trunk; N. Kitagawa 21595; 23-Jul-1982 | Holotype | NICH 387695 |
249 | Frullania baumannii S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 43: 410 (1977) | New Caledonia, hill slope of Marais Kiki; ; On tree bark; M. G. Baumann-Bodenheim 6369; 27 Sept. 1950 | Holotype | NICH 353820 |
250 | Frullania baumannii S.Hatt. var. elengata S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 43: 411 (1977) | New Caledonia, Mt. Mone; 1060 m; ; H. Hurlimann 2794; 28-Jul-1951 | Holotype | NICH 425459 |
251 | Frullania benjaminiana Inoue | Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 10: 158 (1967) | Malaya, Cameron Highlands, Jalan Sultan Abu Bakar; 6000 ft; ; H. Inoue 11173; 3 Sept. 1965 | Isotype | NICH 280773 |
252 | Frullania bergmanii S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 38: 192 (1974) | NewGuinea, Swart Valley, Kadubaka; 1600-2000 m; On branches; D. Bergman H64; Apr. 1958 | Holotype | NICH 242070 |
253 | Frullania bhutanensis S.Hatt | Bull. Univ. Mus. Univ. Tokyo 2: 232 (1971) | Bhutan, Thimphu - Wangdu Phodrang; 1450-3200 m; ; O. Tanaka; 9 Apr. 1967 | Holotype | NICH 287339 |
254 | Frullania blastopetala S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 57: 407 (1984) | New Caledonia, Caavatch, 12 km west of Hieghene; 70-80 m; ; N. Kitagawa 21831; 27-Jul-1982 | Holotype | NICH 387914 |
255 | Frullania caduca S.Hatt. | Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus. Tokyo Ser. B, 6: 33 (1980) | Taiwan, Prov. Taipei, Urai; 500 m; ; H. Inoue 13924; 18 Mar. 1966 | Holotype | NICH 425438 |
256 | Frullania carrii Kamim. & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 37: 520 (1973) | New Guinea, Isuarava; 1500 m; Forest, on tree; C. E. Carr 15930; s.d. | Isotype | NICH 425744 |
257 | Frullania carrii Kamim. & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 37: 520 (1973) | New Guinea, Isuarava. Owen Stanley Range above Port Moresby; 4500 ft; ; C. E. Carr 15390; 5 Feb. 1936 | Isotype | NICH 401468 |
258 | Frullania carrii Kamim. & S.Hatt. var. subcarrii S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 47: 112 (1980) | New Guinea, West-Irian, Eipomek-Tal; 1600 m; ; P. Hiepiko and W. Schultze-Motel 23707; 15 Mar. 1976 | Holotype | NICH 431905 |
259 | Frullania cesatiana De Not. var. galeata Schiffn. | Krit. Bemerk. Eur. Leberm. 21: 9 (1936) | Italien, Comersee, Argegno; 250 m; An Baumen und Kalkfelsen; F. A. Artaria 1020; 9 July 1899 | Syntype | NICH 225087 |
260 | Frullania changii S.Hatt. | J. Jpn. Bot. 60: 1 (1985) | China, Prov. Guangx, Xing-An Pref., Mt. Miaoershan; 2400 m; ; G. Chien and Chang K. C. 1723; 15 Sept. 1974 | Holotype | NICH 431907 |
261 | Frullania chenii S.Hatt. & Lin. | J. Jpn. Bot. 60: 106 (1985) | China. Shanxi, Zhenling Mt.; 2300 m; ; P. C. Chen 531; 25-Jul-1962 | Holotype | NICH 431908 |
262 | Frullania cordistipula (Reinw. et al.) Nees subsp. subapiculata S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 36: 421 (1972) | New Guinea, Mt. Wilhelm ; 11600 ft; ; R. M. Schuster 67-6522; 02-Jun-1967 | Holotype | NICH 309928 |
263 | Frullania cornuta Steph. fo. undulosa S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 57: 411 (1984) | New Caledonia, Mont Dzumac; 600-850 m; On bush; Z. Iwatsuki 15055; 16-Jul-1982 | Holotype | NICH 386884 |
264 | Frullania crispiplicata Yuzawa & S.Hatt. | J. Jpn. Bot. 58: 43 (1983) | Japan. Honshu, Fukushima-ken, Iwaki-shi, Yoshima valley; 100 m; ; Y. Yuzawa 19521; 26 Oct. 1980 | Holotype | NICH 237407 |
265 | Frullania cristata S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 49: 165 (1981) | Japan. Hokkaido, Ishikari Prov., Furano-shi, Hokkaido Experimental Forest of Tokyo Univ., Onkozawa; 260-360 m; On fallen tree; M. Mizutani 1090; 17 Aug. 1970 | Holotype | NICH 113688 |
266 | Frullania curvistipula Steph. var. falcatidentata S.Hatt. | Misc. Bryol. Lichenol. 9: 124 (1982) | Papua New Guinea, Morobe Prov., Pouyu Vill.; 1500 m; ; H. Streimann and E. Tamba 12596; 24 Jan. 1981 | Holotype | NICH 380883 |
267 | Frullania curvistipula Steph. var. latistipula S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 44: 530 (1978) | New Guinea, Kam Hellwiggebergte; 2600 m; ; A. Pulle 910a; 27-Mar-1905 | Isotype | NICH 431913 |
268 | Frullania dentata S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 38: 231 (1974) | New Guinea, W. Highlands, Mt. Hagen; 1700 m; ; B. O. van Zanten 68-825/a; 21-May-1905 | Holotype | NICH 431990 |
269 | Frullania dentata S.Hatt. var. secernens S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 65: 422 (1988) | Papua New Guinea, Central District, Woitape; 1500 m; ; H. Inoue 30248; 16 Oct. 1975 | Holotype | NICH 431915 |
270 | Frullania dentifera S.Hatt. & Streimann | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 59: 102 (1985) | Papua New Guinea, Morobe Prov., Herzog Mt.; 760 m; ; H. Steimann and t. Umbal 10986; 13 Jan. 1981 | Holotype | NICH 394185 |
271 | Frullania dentiloba S.Hatt. | J. Jpn. Bot. 50: 161 (1975) | Java, Bogor, Mt. Tjibodas; 1400 m; On bark of tree; M. Okada et al 5; 17 Aug. 1972 | Holotype | NICH 431914 |
272 | Frullania dilatata (L.) Dumort. subsp. asiatica S.Hatt. | J. Jpn. Bot. 57: 258 (1982) | India, West Bengal, Darjeeling; 11600-11900 ft; ; Z. Iwatsuki et al, B-745/a; 26 Apr. 1965 | Holotype | NICH 262371 |
273 | Frullania dorsoblastos S.Hatt. | Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus. Tokyo Ser. B, 8: 93 (1982) | China, Yunnan, Lichiang Pref., Yu Lung Mt.; 2880 m; On rocks; X. J. Li 81-275; 02-Jun-1981 | Holotype | NICH 382632 |
274 | Frullania duthiana Steph. var. appendiculata S.Hatt. | Bull. Univ. Mus. Univ. Tokyo 2: 234 (1971) | Bhutan, Shodu - Barshong; 3600 m; ; H. Kanai et al.; 24-May-1967 | Holotype | NICH 287259 |
275 | Frullania duthiana Steph. var. leavis S.Hatt. | Univ. Mus. Univ. Tokyo, Bull., 8: 233 (1975) | Nepal, Lamo, Pokhari; 2700-2850 m; ; Z. Iwatsuki 595; 09-Jun-1972 | Holotype | NICH 311478 |
276 | Frullania duthiana Steph. var. szechuanensis S.Hatt. & C.H.Gao | J. Jpn. Bot. 60: 2 (1985) | China, Szechuan, Mt. Omei; ; On tree trunk; Gao C 18815; 2 Aug. 1980 | Holotype | NICH 431919 |
277 | Frullania echiantha S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 38: 233 (1974) | Papua New Guinea, Mt. Gilowe; 4100 m; ; B. O. van Zanten 68-3339; 21-May-1905 | Isotype | NICH 431991 |
278 | Frullania echinatella S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 65: 423 (1988) | Papua New Guinea, Central Distr., Mt. Albert Edward; 2600 m; ; H.Inoue 29958; 19 Oct. 1975 | Holotype | NICH 428095 |
279 | Frullania echinatella S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 65: 423 (1988) | Papua New Guinea, Central District, Mt. Albert Edward, around Abios Hut; 2600 m; On branches; H. Inoue 29958; 19 Oct. 1975 | Holotype | NICH 431918 |
280 | Frullania echinatella S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 65: 423 (1988) | New Guinea, Central District, Mt. Albert Edward, around Abios Hut; 2600 m; ; H. Inoue 39958; 19 Oct. 1975 | Isotype | NICH 431924 |
281 | Frullania elephantum? S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 43: 416 (1977) | New Caledonia, Col de Vulcain; 900 m; On bark of shrub; M. G. Baumann-Bodenheim 8247; 11 Nov. 1950 | Holotype | NICH 353819 |
282 | Frullania engelii S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 54: 143 (1983) | Tasumania, Florentina River; 380 m; ; J. J. Engel 15080; 5 Mar. 1977 | Holotype | NICH 430199 |
283 | Frullania epiphylla S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 38: 235 (1974) | New Guinea, Owen Stanley Range, Epeka river; 1150 m; ; B. O. van Zanten 68-3681/i2; 21-May-1905 | Isotype | NICH 431992 |
284 | Frullania erostrata S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 38: 237 (1974) | New Guinea, W. Highlands, Mt. Hagen; 1700 m; ; B. O. van Zanten 68-825/b; 21-May-1905 | Isotype | NICH 431995 |
285 | Frullania errans Verd. var. angulistipula S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 36: 431 (1972) | New Guinea, Central Highlands, Mt. Wilhelm; 10700-11000 ft; ; R. M. Schuster 67-6037a; 05-Jun-1967 | Holotype | NICH 309930 |
286 | Frullania evelynae S.Hatt. & Thaith. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 44: 179 (1978) | India, Assam, Charrapungi; 4800 ft; ; Z. Iwatsuki et al 7144; 7 Apr. 1965 | Holotype | NICH 261411 |
287 | Frullania evoluta Mitt. var. tagawana S.Hatt. & Thaith. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 43: 441 (1977) | Thailand, Chiangdrai, Doi Phahompok; 2100 m; On tree trunk; N. Kitagawa 15340a; 12 Sept. 1967 | Holotype | NICH ? |
288 | Frullania eyae S.Hatt. var. dentistipula S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 44: 527 (1978) | Papua New Guinea, Bulolo; 800-1000 m; ; G. Shea 6572; 7 Dec. 1974 | Holotype | NICH 345212 |
289 | Frullania eymae S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 39: 284 (1975) | New Guinea, Wissel Lake Region, Boebeiro; 1750 m; ; P. J. Eyma 4915; Apr-May-1939 | Isotype | NICH 431997 |
290 | Frullania falsicornuta S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 60: 212 (1986) | New Caledonia, between Thio and Canala; 80 m; ; N. Kitagawa 23012; 17 Aug. 1982 | Holotype | NICH 388945 |
291 | Frullania falsisinuata S.Hatt. var. crispidentata S.Hatt. & Piippo | Acta Bot. Fennica 133: 29 (1986) | Papua New Guinea, Morpbe Prov., Mt. Sarawaket; 2850 m; On trunk of treefern; T. Koponen 31586a; 03-Jun-1905 | Holotype | NICH 400031 |
292 | Frullania fukushimensis Kamim. | Misc. Bryol. Lichenol. 9: 87 (1982) | Japan. Honshu, Fukushima-ken, Soma-gun, Odaka-machi, Kanabusa; 100 m; On bark of tree; Y. Yuzawa 1094; 05-May-1962 | Isotype | NICH 237411 |
293 | Frullania fulfordiae S.Hatt. | Bryologist 90: 365 (1987) | Lord Howe I., North end of Island; 1-400 ft; ; D. H. Vitt 28318; 15 Nov. 1981 | Holotype | NICH 408342 |
294 | Frullania gemmipara R. M. Schust.& S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 44: 547 (1978) | China, Yunnan; 2200 m; ; H. F. v. Handel Mazzetti 302; 27 Feb. 1914 | Isotype | NICH 431929 |
295 | Frullania gemmipara R.M.Schust.& S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 44: 547 (1978) | China, Yunnan; ; ; H. F. v. Handel Mazzetti 302; 27 Feb. 1914 | Isotype | NICH 431930 |
296 | Frullania gemmulosa S.Hatt. & Thaith. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 43: 449 (1977) | Thailand, Payap, Chiangmai, Doi Suthep; 1600-1685 m; ; N. Kitagawa 3297; 23 Dec. 1965 | Holotype | NICH 354404 |
297 | Frullania globosa S.Hatt. & Streimann | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 59: 107 (1985) | Papua New Guinea, Centaral Province, Head of Goldie River; 420 m; On rock besides stream; H. Steimann and E. K. Naoni 14712; 9 Feb. 1981 | Holotpe | NICH 394155 |
298 | Frullania gracilis (Reinw. et al.) Dumort. subsp. zennoskei S.Hatt. & Thaith. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 44: 183 (1978) | India, Assam, Shillong; 5000 ft; On tree trunk; Z. Iwatsuki & Sharp 8436; 6 Apr. 1965 | Holotype | NICH 261702 |
299 | Frullania gracilis (Reinw. et al.) Dumort. fo. distinct-ocellata S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 39: 288 (1975) | Sumatra, between Sumato and Bukit Tinggi, Sipisang; ; On bark; R. van der Wijk 1320A; 04-Jun-1952 | Holotype | NICH 432545 |
![]() |
No. | Species | Literature | Locality; Altitude; Habitat; Collector; Date | Type | Herb.No. |
300 | Frullania gracilis (Reinw. et al.) Dumort. fo. subintegra S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 38: 174 (1974) | Philippines, Luzon I., Mt. Bulusan; 450-900 m; On tree trunk; Z. Iwatsuki et al 13766; 31-May-1965 | Nolotype | NICH 265935 |
301 | Frullania gracilis (Reinw. et al.) Dumort. var. vittata S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 60: 243 (1986) | Seram I., Manusela National Park, Mt. Musisi; 1300 m; On fallen branches of tree; H. Akiyama 9788; 25 Jan. 1985 | Holotype | NICH 401637 |
302 | Frullania grandiclava Steph. | Spec. Hap. 4: 676 (1911) | New Caledonia; ; ; Le Rat; s.d. | Isotype | NICH 354199 |
303 | Frullania grandilobula S.Hatt. & Piippo | Acta Bot. Fenn. 133: 45 (1986) | Papua New Guinea, Morobe Prov., Kewieng nol.; 2200-2450 m; On tree trunk; Koponen 34421; 03-Jun-1905 | Holotype | NICH 400166 |
304 | Frullania grolleana S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 36: 416 (1972) | New Guinea, Wau District, Summit of Mt. Kaindi; 2200-2350 m; ; R. M. Schuster 67-6158; May 1967 | Holotype | NICH 309938 |
305 | Frullania hainanensis S.Hatt. & P.J.Lin | J. Jpn. Bot. 61: 307 (1986) | China, Hainan I., Mt. Gianfengling; 600 m; ; P. J. Lin 4025; 08-Jul-1985 | Holotype | NICH 431999 |
306 | Frullania hamatiloba Steph. var. latistipula S.Hatt. | Misc. Bryol. Lichenol. 7: 50 (1975) | Japan. Honshu, Niigata-ken, Sasagami-mura, Deyu; ; ; Y. Ikegami 63458; 11-Jun-1961 | Holotype | NICH 71706 |
307 | Frullania handel-mazzetti S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 49: 150 (1981) | China, Yunnanfu, Sanyingpan; 2400 m; ; H. F. v. Handel-Mazzetti 627; 14 Mar. 1914 | Isotype | NICH 431931 |
308 | Frullania handel-mazzetti S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 49: 150 (1981) | China, Yunnan; ; ; H. F. v. Handel-Mazzetti 627; 14 Mar. 1914 | Isotype | NICH 380848 |
309 | Frullania handel-mazzetti S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 49: 150 (1981) | China, Yunnan; ; ; H. F. v. Handel-Mazzetti 627; 14 Mar. 1914 | Isotype | NICH 380849 |
310 | Frullania hasskarliana Lindenb. subsp. qeenslandica S. Hatt. | Cryptogamie 5: 189 (1984) | Australia, Queensland, Devil's Thumb; 1150 m; On rock outcrop; M. L. Hicks 11258; 9 Oct. 1982 | Holotype | NICH 385068 |
311 | Frullania hasskarliana Lindenb. var. glacilia S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 60: 243 (1986) | Seram I., Manusela National Park, along a trail between Hatumete and Hoale Pass; 1400 m; ; H. Akiyama 10731; 22 Feb. 1985 | Holotype | NICH 401655 |
312 | Frullania hasskarliana Lindenb. var. parvidentata S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 60: 245 (1986) | Seram I., Manusela National Park, along a trail between Wae Amgsela and Wae Huhu; 1000 m; On branches of tree; H. Akiyama 8800; 3 Jan. 1985 | Holotype | NICH 401656 |
313 | Frullania hattoriantha Uder & Nath | Misc. Bryol. Lichenol. 98 (2): 44 (1981) | India, Liyod Botanic Garde, Darjeeling; ; On bark of tree; S. C. Srivastava ; 31 Dec. 1977 | Isotype | NICH 378929 |
314 | Frullania herzogii S.Hatt. | Fedd. Repert. 53: 53 (1955) | Japan. Honshu, Iwate-ken, Mt. Hayachine; 1200 m; On bark of Thujopsis dolabrata; D. Shimizu sn; 4 Sept. 1954 | Holotypus | NICH 55212 |
315 | Frullania hicksiae? S.Hatt. | Cryptogamie 5: 182 (1984) | Australia, Mt. Lewis, SW of Mossman; 1100 m; ; M. L. Hicks 11115; 29 Aug. 1982 | Holotype | NICH 385072 |
316 | Frullania hicksiana? S.Hatt. fo. litoralis S.Hatt. | Nova Hedwigia 90: 149 (1988) | Australia, Queensland, Cook District, Goldsborough; 100 m; On bark of tree; B. M. Thiers & R. E. Halling 2381; 09-Jul-1984 | Holotype | NICH 401550 |
317 | Frullania hinoi Kamim. | Misc. Bryol. Lichenol. 9: 89 (1982) | Japan. Kyushu, Kagoshima-ken, Amami Oshima I., Sumiyo-mura; ; ; I. Hino 97; 30-Jun-1961 | Holotype | NICH 67741 |
318 | Frullania hiroshii S.Hatt. | Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus. Tokyo Ser. B, 6: 34 (1980) | Taiwan, Nan Tow Hsien, Mt. Fonfong; 1200-1600 m; ; H. Inoue14794; 2 Oct. 1966 | Holotype | NICH 432000 |
319 | Frullania horikawana Verd. | Symb. Sin. 5: 36 (1930) | China, Prov. Yunnan; ; ; Handel-Mazzetti 1352; 24-Jun-1915 | Isotype | NICH 218334 |
320 | Frullania horostipula S.Hatt. & D.G.Griffin | Misc. Bryol. Lichenol. 8: 47 (1978) | Venezuela, Bocono Distr., Guaramacal; 2500-2600 m; ; D. Griffin III et al. 994; Aug. 1975 | Holotype | NICH 432002 |
321 | Frullania hottana S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 40: 479 (1976) | Borneo, Sarawak, Bintulu Distr., Kakus river; 30-80 m; ; M. Hotta 15790; 26 Feb. 1964 | Holotype | NICH 271935 |
322 | Frullania hypoleucula S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 57: 413 (1984) | New Caledonia, Mont Panie; 250-500 m; On tree trunk; N. Kitagawa 21888; 28-Jul-1982 | Holotype | NICH 387976 |
323 | Frullania incisoduthiana S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 46: | Nepal, Bakrekharka; 2800 m; ; S. Kunisawa 349969; 02-May-1976 | Holotype | NICH 349969 |
324 | Frullania incisoduthiana S.Hatt. var. parva S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 46: 391 (1979) | Nepal, The Annapurna Range, Lamjung Himal; 3600 m; On Rhododendron; S. Kunisawa ; 02-May-1976 | Holotype | NICH 350072 |
325 | Frullania inconstans Verd. | Bot. Liver. 4: 543 (1930) | Dutchi New Guinea, in mte. Goliath; 2800 m; ; Kock.; Apr. 1911 | Isotype | NICH 225090 |
326 | Frullania inconstans Verd. var. grossedentata Kamim. & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 37: 530 (1973) | New Guinea, W. Irian, Antares Mts.; 3000 m; ; B. O. van Zanten 643; 20-Jul-1959 | Holotype | NICH 234739 |
327 | Frullania incurva S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 65: 431 (1988) | Papua New Guinea, Central District, Woitape; 1500 m; ; H. Inoue 30247; 16 Oct. 1975 | Holotype | NICH 431935 |
328 | Frullania inflata Gott. var. dioica S.Hatt. & Thaith. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 44: 185 (1978) | India, Dehra Dun, around Sahastradhara spring and caves; 1500 ft; On bushes; Z. Iwatsuki, A. J. & Evelyn Sharp 11013; 06-May-1965 | Holotype | NICH 262106 |
329 | Frullania inflexiloba S.Hatt. (Reimw. et al.) Dumont. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 57: 415 (1964) | New Caledonia, N of Paita, Mont Mou; 850 m; ; N. Kitagawa 21416; 21-Jul-1982 | Holotype | NICH 387527 |
330 | Frullania inouei S.Hatt. | Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus. Tokyo Ser. B, 6: 36 (1980) | Taiwan, Taiping Shan; 2000 m; ; H. Inoue 17276; 5 Mar. 1966 | Holotype | NICH 432003 |
331 | Frullania intermedia (Reimw. et al.) Dumont. var. submorokednsis S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 40: 483 (1976) | Borneo, Mt.Kinabalu; 600-700 m; ; M. Mizutani 3081; 29-May-1963 | Holotype | NICH 253081 |
332 | Frullania intermedia (Reimw. et al.) Dumort. var. non-apiculata S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 39: 291 (1975) | Philippines, Luzon, Ilocs Norte Province, Mt. Pico de Loro; ; ; G. E. Edano 16648; Feb-Mar-1953 | Isotype | NICH 432009 |
333 | Frullania intermedia (Reimw. et al.) Dumort. var. non-apiculata S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 39: 291 (1975) | Philippines, Luzon, Ilocs Norte Province, Mt. Pico de Loro; ; ; G. E. Edano 16648; Feb-Mar-1953 | Isotype | NICH 432008 |
334 | Frullania involvens S.Hatt. er Kamim. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 37: 526 (1973) | New Guinea, Star Mts., Mt. Antares; 2360 m; ; B. O. van Zanten 620; 18-Jul-1959 | Isotype | NICH 328510 |
335 | Frullania involvens S.Hatt. & Kamim. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 37: 526 (1973) | New Guinea, W. Irian, Antares Mts.; 2400 m; hanging down from branches in mossy forest; B. O. van Zanten 620; 18-Jul-1959 | Holotype | NICH 234723 |
336 | Frullania iriomotensis S.Hatt. | J. Jpn. Bot. 55: 133 (1980) | Japan. Ryukyu, Iriomote I., Mt. Goza; 300 m; On tree trunk; M. Mizutani & I. Yoshimura 5506a; 28 Jan. 1975 | Holotype | NICH 146380 |
337 | Frullania irregularis S.Hatt. & Piippo | Acta Bot. Fennica 133: 46 (1986) | Papua New Guinea, Morobe Prev.: Lake Wamba; 2400 m; On fallen tree; Timo Koponen 34227; 26-Jul-1981 | Holotype | NICH 400145 |
338 | Frullania itoana Kamim. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 24: 77 (1961) | Japan. Shikoku, Kochi-ken, Amatubo-mura; ; On bark; M. Kamimura 7271; 12 Aug. 1943 | Holotype | NICH H46876 |
339 | Frullania iwatsukii S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 35: 240 (1972) | Japan. Honshu, Nagano-ken, Nishi-chikuma-gun, Mt. Kiso-koma; 1200 m; Chamaecyparis obtusa and Ch. pisifera-domimant forest, on branch; Z. Iwatsuki 118526; 21 Aug. 1955 | Holotype | NICH 118526 |
340 | Frullania iwatsukii S.Hatt. subsp. vietnamica S.Hatt. | Misc. Bryol. Lichen. 7: 87 (1976) | Vietnam, Montes Hoang-Lien-Son; ; ; Polonicus; 13 Nov. 1960 | Isotype | NICH 345479 |
341 | Frullania jackii Gott. subsp. japonica (Sande Lac.) S.Hatt. var. chichibuensis Kmim. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 24: 53 (1961) | Japan. Honshu, Saitama-ken, Chichibu, Mt. Shiraiwa; 1800-1900 m; ; H. Inoue 2714; 16-Jul-1953 | Holotype | NICH H46862 |
342 | Frullania jacobsii S.Hatt. | Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus. Tokyo ser. B, 12: 129 (1986) | Philippines, Luzon, Mt. Pulog; 2550-2650 m; ; M. Jacobs B-72; 30 Jan. 1968 | Holotype | NICH 382039 |
343 | Frullania junghuhniana Gott. subsp. denticulilobula S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 36: 438 (1972) | New Guinea, Central Highlands, Mt. Wilhelm; 10700-11000 ft; ; R. M. Schuster 67-6040/a; 05-Jun-1967 | Syntype | NICH 309916 |
344 | Frullania junghuhniana Gott. subsp. denticulilobula S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 36: 438 (1972) | New Guinea, Central Highlands, Mt. Wilhelm, Lake Pinde ; 12000-12100 ft; ; R. M. Schuster 67-6735/b; 02-Jun-1967 | Syntype | NICH 314848 |
345 | Frullania junghuhniana Gott. subsp. denticulilobula S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 36: 438 (1972) | New Guinea, Central Highlands, Mt. Wilhelm; 12150-12450 ft; ; R. M. Schuster 67-6110/a; 06-Jun-1967 | Syntype | NICH 309917 |
346 | Frullania junghuhniana Gott. subsp. denticulilobula S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 36: 438 (1972) | New Guinea, Central Highlands, Mt. Wilhelm, Laje Pinde; 11850-12150 ft; ; R. M. Schuster 67-6657; 02-Jun-1967 | Syntype | NICH 314847 |
347 | Frullania junghuhniana Gott. subsp. denticulilobula S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 36: 438 (1972) | New Guinea, Central Highlands, Mt. Wilhelm; 10700-11000 ft; ; R. M. Schuster 67-6041 ; 05-Jun-1967 | Syntype | NICH 314850 |
348 | Frullania junghuhniana Gott. subsp. denticulilobula S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 36: 438 (1972) | New Guinea, Cental Highlands, Mt. Wilhelm; 10700-11000 ft; ; R. M. Schuster 67-6046; 05-Jun-1967 | Syntype | NICH 314849 |
349 | Frullania junghuhniana Gott. subsp. denticulilobula S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 36: 438 (1972) | New Guinea, Central Highlands, Mt. Wilhelm; 10700-11000 ft; ; R. M. Schuster 67-6050/a; 05-Jun-1967 | Syntype | NICH 314843 |
350 | Frullania junghuhniana Gott. var. bisexualis S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 40: 485 (1976) | Borneo, Mt. Kinabalu; 2450-2500 m; On branch; Z. Iwatsuki 1179; 22-May-1963 | Holotype | NICH ? |
351 | Frullania kalawensis Svihla | Bryologist 61: 373 (1958) | Burma, Shan State; 3800 ft; On bark; R. D. Svihla 1954; 22 Apr. 1953 | Isotype | NICH 218380 |
352 | Frullania kalimantanensis S.Hatt. | Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus. Tokyo Ser. B, 12: 127 (1986) | Borneo, West Kalimantan, Kalimantan Barat, Pontianak; 800 m; ; Garry Shea 29001; Nov. 1980 | Holotype | NICH 378145 |
353 | Frullania kitagawana S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 57: 417 (1984) | New Caledonia, NE of Sarramea, Plateau du Dogny; 350-750 m; On tree trunk; N. Kitagawa 23039; s.d. | holotype | NICH 388970 |
354 | Frullania koponenii S.Hatt. | Ann. Bot. Fennici 15: 111 (1978) | USSR, Khabarovskii Krai, Lake Aksha; 20 m; ; P. Alanko 30854/1; 28 Aug. 1976 | Holotype | NICH 422540 |
355 | Frullania lepida S.Hatt. & Piippo | Acta Bot. Fennica 133: 48 (1986) | Papua New Guinea, Morobe Prov., Manpamguyak; 1500-1600 m; On fallen log; Timo Koponen 29702; 30-May-1981 | Holotype | NICH 399980 |
356 | Frullania linii S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 49: 155 (1981) | China, Tinguwu Shan; ; ; Wu Han B269; 16-Jun-1957 | Holotype | NICH 369959 |
357 | Frullania longe-attenuata S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 37: 66 (1973) | New Guinea, Central Highland District, from Kundiawa to Goroka; ; ; R. M. Schuster 67-5953 ; 10-Jun-1967 | Holotype | NICH 309919 |
358 | Frullania lushanensis S.Hatt. & P.J.Lin | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 59: 137 (1985) | China, Lushan, Jiangxi; ; On bark; P. J. Lin 297; 8 Aug. 1964 | Holotype | NICH 401073 |
359 | Frullania macrophylla S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 47: 220 (1980) | Taiwan, Ilan Hsien, Tai-ping Shan; 2100 m; ; H. Inoue 17190; 6 Mar. 1967 | Holotype | NICH 432015 |
360 | Frullania mammillosa S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 43: 424 (1977) | New Caledonia, Mts. Kouvelee; 650 m; In bushy serpentine forest, on stem of Myodocaupus sp.; H, Hurlimann 2464 ; 30 Mar. 1951 | Holotype | NICH 353832 |
361 | Frullania mayebarae S.Hatt. | Bot. Mag. Tokyo 65: 13 (1952) | Japan. Kyushu, Kumamoto-ken, Prov. Higo, Hitoyoshi; ; On moist rock; K. Mayebara 500; 13-Jul-1947 | Holotype | NICH 11567 |
362 | Frullania mayebarae S.Hatt. var. concava Kamim. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 24: 87 (1961) | Japan. Shikoku, Kochi-ken, Takaoka-machi; ; On bark; M. Kamimura 14843; 5 Jan. 1937 | Holotype | NICH 46877 |
363 | Frullania maymyoensis Svihla | Bryologist 61: 376 (1958) | Burma, Maymyo; ; ; R. D. Svihla 1312 ; s.d. | Isotype | NICH 432018 |
364 | Frullania maymyoensis Svihla | Bryologist 61: 376 (1958) | Burma, Maymyo; ; ; R. D. Svihla 52-1312; 14 Nov. 1952 | Isotype | NICH 432019 |
365 | Frullania mcveanii S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 37: 55 (1973) | New Guinea, Mt. Wilhelm; 4400 m; ; D. N. McVean 266269; 01-May-1966 | Holotype | NICH 298740 |
366 | Frullania mehrana S.Hatt. | Recent Advances in Botany 1977: 66 | Philippines, Luzon, Mountain Prov., Mt. Data; 2100-2300 m; On branch; Z. Iwatsuki, A. J. and Evelyn Sharp 17496a; 07-Jun-1965 | Holotype | NICH 267237 |
367 | Frullania meijeri S.Hatt. | Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 17: 307 (1974) | Borneo, Sagen, Mt. Silam; 900-1000 m; On tree trunk; Z. Iwatsuki 5468; 13-Jun-1963 | Holotype | NICH 255468 |
368 | Frullania meyeniana Lindenb. var. dioica S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 43: 426 (1977) | New Caledonia, Mt. Nategou; 240 m; On bark of Eugenia sp.; H. Hurlimann 2290; 29 Jan. 1951 | Pratype | NICH 353849 |
369 | Frullania meyeniana Lindenb. var. dioica S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 43: 426 (1977) | New Caledonia, Mts. Kouanemoa; 250 m; On bark of Podochrosia tree; H. Hurlimann 2336; 2 Feb. 1951 | Holotype | NICH 353848 |
370 | Frullania microphylla (Gott.) Pearson fo. corticicola Schiffn. | Krit. Bemerk. Eur. Leberm. 21: 4 (1936) | S. W. Irland, bei Killarney; ; ; D. A. Jones et J. B. Duncan; Aug. 1911 | Isotype | NICH 225092 |
371 | Frullania minor Sande Lac. subsp. recurviloba S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 39: 293 (1975) | Sumatra, Mt. Korinchi; 1400 m; ; W. Meijer B9055; 29-Jul-1956 | Isotype | NICH 432020 |
372 | Frullania minor Sande Lac. var. integeribracteola S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 39: 293 (1975) | Sumatra, W. Sumatra, Mt. Singfalang; ; ; W. Meijer 7023; 01-Jul-1955 | Isotype | NICH 43201 |
373 | Frullania mizutanii Kamim. & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 37: 524 (1973) | Borneo, N. Borneo, Mt. Kinabalu; ; On fallen branch; M. Mizutani 3789; 26-May-1963 | Holotype | NICH 253789 |
374 | Frullania monocera (Taylor) Taylor var. depauperata S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 57: 419 (1984) | New Caledonia, N of Paita, Mont Mou; 480 m; ; N. Kitagawa 21519; 21-Jul-1982 | Holotype | NICH 387623 |
375 | Frullania morobensis S.Hatt. & Streimann | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 59: 109 (1985) | Papua New Guinea, Morobe Prov., Mts. Herzog; 750 m; ; H. Streimann and T. Umba 10985; 13 Jan. 1981 | Holotype | NICH 394183 |
376 | Frullania multilacera Steph. subsp. gracilior S.Hatt. | Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 43: 547 (1987) | Australia, Queensland, Helenvale-Rossville Road; 130 m; ; H. Streimann 31004; 05-Jul-1984 | Holotype | NICH 40304 |
377 | Frullania multilacera Steph. var. lacerissima S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 39: 294 (1975) | New Guinea, Star Mts., Mt. Antares; 1500 m; ; B. O. van Zanten 486A; 11-Jul-1959 | Holotype | NICH 432022 |
378 | Frullania multilacera Steph. var. lacerissima S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 39: 294 (1975) | New Guinea, Star Mts., Mt. Antares; 1500 m; ; B. O. van Zanten 486a; 11-Jul-1959 | Isotype | NICH 838501 |
379 | Frullania multilacera Steph. var. lacerissima S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 39: 294 (1975) | New Guinea, Star Mts., Mt. Antares; 1500 m; ; B. O. van Zanten 486a; 11-Jul-1959 | Isotype | NICH 432023 |
380 | Frullania multilacera Steph. var. lacerissima S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 39: 294 (1975) | New Guinea, Star Mts., Mt. Antares; 1500 m; ; B. O. van Zanten 486; 11-Jul-1959 | Isotype | NICH 328316 |
381 | Frullania multilaceroides S.Hatt. | Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 45: 549 (1987) | Australia, Palmerston Nat. Park; ; ; G. A. M. Scott; 5 Sept. 1985 | Holotype | NICH 402274 |
382 | Frullania muscicola Steph. | Hedwigia 33: 146 (1894) | China, Yunnan; ; ; Delavay ; s.d. | Isotype | NICH 354621 |
383 | Frullania muscicola Steph. | Hedwigia 33: 146 (1894) | China, Yunnan; ; ; Delavay ; s.d. | Isotype | NICH 354496 |
384 | Frullania neosheana S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 45: 350 (1979) | Australia, Queensland, Atherton Tablelands, The Crater National Park; 1200 m ; ; Garry Shea 6936; 25-Jun-1975 | Holotype | NICH 344507 |
385 | Frullania nivimontana S.Hatt. | Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus. Tokyo Ser. B, 8: 95 (1982) | China, Yunnan, Yun Zhon snow Mountain; 3400 m; On trunk of Picea; X. J. Li 81-1683; 06-Jul-1981 | Holotype | NICH 382634 |
386 | Frullania nobilis Steph. var. intermedia S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 37: 116 (1973) | New Guinea, Wau Distr.; 5000-5400 ft; ; R. M. Schuster 67-5879; 25-May-1967 | Holotype | NICH 314853 |
387 | Frullania nodulosa (Steph.) Verd. var. nipponica S.Hatt. & Kamim. | Nat. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 14: 292 (1943) | Japan. Shikoku, Kochi-ken, Prov. Tosa, Amatubo-mura; ; Saxicola; M. Kamimura 7268; 13 Aug. 1942 | Holotype | NICH 15120 |
388 | Frullania obovata S.Hatt. | Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus. Tokyo Ser. B, 8: 97 (1982) | China, Sichuan, Hsiangcheng; 4100 m; On trunk of Picea; L. S. Wang 81-2561; 6 Apr. 1981 | Holotype | NICH 382633 |
389 | Frullania ocellata S.Hatt. & Kamim. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 37: 531 (1973) | Borneo, N. Borneo, Mt. Kinabalu; 1400-1900 m; On fallen branch; M. Mizutani 2066; 16-May-1963 | Holotype | NICH 252066 |
390 | Frullania okinawensis Kamim. | Misc. Bryol. Lichenol. 9: 90 (1982) | Japan. Ryukyu, Okinawa Is., Iejima I.; ; ; I. Hino 57; 20-Jul-1961 | Holotype | NICH 67740 |
391 | Frullania onraedtii Vanden Berghen | Bull. Jard. Bot. Nat. Belgique 46: 60 (1976) | Ile Maurice, invirons de Yemen; 600 m; ; F. M. Onraedt 73-Ma-414; 11 Dec. 1973 | Isotype | NICH 431942 |
392 | Frullania ornithocephala (Reinw. et al.) Nees fo. magnilobula S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 40: 491 (1976) | Borneo, Mt. Kinabalu, between Sosopodon and S. Kelinggen; 1350-1400 m; On fallen branches; M. Mizutani 3826; 26-May-1963 | Holotype | NICH 253826 |
393 | Frullania ornithocephala (Reinw. et al.) Nees fo. retusa S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 40: 491 (1976) | Borneo, Sabah, Mt. Kinabalu; 5800 ft; On fallen branches; G. Shea 2222; Feb. 1973 | Holotype | NICH 333215 |
394 | Frullania ornithocephala (Reinw. et al.) Nees var. tuberculosa S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 38: 179 (1974) | Philippines, Luzon, Mt. Pulog; 2200-2700 m; ; Z. Iwatsuki 415; 11-Jun-1965 | Holotype | NICH 266513 |
395 | Frullania pachyderma S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 44: 525 (1978) | Papua New Guinea, Mt. Susu; 1000 m; On lower stem of dead climber; G. Shea 9051; 10 Nov. 1974 | Holotype | NICH 345307 |
396 | Frullania pallidula S.Hatt. | Nova Hedwigia 90: 152 (1988) | Australia, Queensland, Lamington; 500 m; ; B. M. Thiers 1108; 8 Aug. 1981 | Holotype | NICH 401572 |
397 | Frullania papililobula S.Hatt. | Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus. Tokyo ser. B, 1(4): 141 (1975) | Borneo, SW of Lahad Datu, Madai Cave; 20 m; ; Z. Iwatsuki 5762; 16-Jun-1963 | Holotype | NICH 255762 |
398 | Frullania papuana Verd. var. latistipula S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 38: 251 (1974) | New Guinea, Mt. Hagen; 2600 m; ; B. O. van Zanten 68-3186/a ex herb. R. Grolle; 21-May-1905 | Holotype | NICH 431943 |
399 | Frullania pariharii S.Hatt. & Thaith | J. Jpn. Bot. 53: 130 (1978) | Himalaya, Darjeeling; ; On tree trunk; N. S. Parihar 1968/39; Oct. 1968 | Holotype | NICH 341038 |
![]() |
No. | Species | Literature | Locality; Altitude; Habitat; Collector; Date | Type | Herb.No. |
400 | Frullania pariharii S.Hatt. & Thaith fo. intermedia S.Hatt. & Thaith | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 44: 188 (1978) | India, Tongloo, Darjeeling; 1000 m; ; Z. Iwatsuki, A. J. and Evelyn Sharp 10840; 24 Apr. 1965 | Holotype | NICH 262094 |
401 | Frullania pauciramea Steph. var. pauciramella S.Hatt. & Piippo | Acta Bot. Fennica 133: 50 (1986) | Papua New Guinea, Morobe Prov., Lake Wamba; 2400 m; ; Timo Koponen 34041a; 25-Jul-1981 | Holotype | NICH 400136 |
402 | Frullania paucirameoides S.Hatt. & Piippo | Acta Bot. Fennica 133: 51 (1986) | Papua New Guinea, Morobe Prov., Wantoap River; 1400-1550 m; ; Timo Koponen 29644; 29-May-1981 | Holotype | NICH 399978 |
403 | Frullania pendula Kamim. | Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 14: 108 (1952) | Japan. Hoshu, Hyogo-ken, Prov. Settsu, Mt. Rokko; ; ; N. Ui 3719; s.d. | Isotype | NICH H16556 |
404 | Frullania perminata S.Hatt. var. angulistipula S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 38: 255 (1974) | New Guinea, Eastern Highlands, Mt. Wilhelm; 4200-4300 m; ; B. O. van Zanten 68-795/a; 21-May-1905 | Isotype | NICH 432024 |
405 | Frullania perminata S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 36: 440 (1972) | New Guinea, Wau Distr., Mt. Kaindi; 2200-2350 m; ; R. M. Schuster 67-6158; 26-27 May 1967 | Holotype | NICH 309937 |
406 | Frullania perversa Steph. var. monoica S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 38: 177 (1974) | Philippines, Luzon, Prov. Mountain, Mt. Pulog; 2700-2900 m; On branches; Z. Iwatsuki and A. J. Sharp 244; 11-Jun-1965 | Holotype | NICH 267450 |
407 | Frullania pilibracteola S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 43: 428 (1977) | New Caledonia, Mt. Ammeri; 700 m; ; A. Guillaumin and M. G. Baumann-Bodenheim 8906; 29 Nov. 1950 | Holotype | NICH 353847 |
408 | Frullania piptophylla S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 47: 87 (1980) | New Guinea, Papua, Mt. Gilower; 3400-3500 m; At base of shrubs in subalpine rainforest; B. O. van Zanten 68-3490b ; 21-May-1905 | Holotype | NICH 432025 |
409 | Frullania piptophylla S.Hatt. var. minor S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 60: 247 (1986) | Seram I., Manusela National Park, Wae Huhu; 2000 m; Calcaceous region; H. Akiyama c-8937; 4 Jan. 1985 | Holotype | NICH 401641 |
410 | Frullania pocsiantha Thaithong & S.Hatt. | Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus. Tokyo ser. B, 3: 149 (1977) | Vietnam, Mt. Hoang Lien Son, Pr. opp. Sapa; ; ; A. Petelot 32 ; 10-Apr-1905 | Holotype | NICH 345476 |
411 | Frullania prominula S.Hatt. & Streimann | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 59: 112 (1985) | New Guinea, Prov. Morobe, Aseki-Mdamna Track; 1350 m; On boulder; H. Streimann 12509; 22 Jan. 1981 | Holotype | NICH 394184 |
412 | Frullania propaginea S.Hatt. & Streimann | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 59: 114 (1985) | New Guinea, Morobe Province, Nauti Village; 830 m; ; H. Streimann 13508; 28 Jan. 1981 | Holotype | NICH 394190 |
413 | Frullania pseudomonocera S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 60: 216 (1986) | New Caledonia, between Boulauparis and Thio; ; On tree trunk; N. Kitagawa 22970; 17 Aug. 1982 | Holotype | NICH 388907 |
414 | Frullania pseudoschensiana S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 47: 101 (1980) | India, Assam, at base of Shilong Peak; 5500 ft; On trunk; A. J. and Evelyn Sharp 6162b; 8 Apr. 1965 | Holotype | NICH 257568 |
415 | Frullania pycnophylla S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 37: 60 (1973) | New Guinea, Idembung River; 1600 m; On stem of tall palm in mossy forest; Brass 12758; 22-Apr-1905 | Isotype | NICH 315689 |
416 | Frullania recurvistipula S.Hatt. | Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus. Tokyo, ser B, 1: 114 (1975) | Malaya, Cameron Highland; 8000 ft; ; M. Togashi c-5; 1-3 Feb. 1962 | Holotype | NICH 232553 |
417 | Frullania reflexistipula Sande Lac. var. aquarrosa S.Hatt. | Acta Bot. Fennica 133: 54 (1986) | Papua New Guinea, Morobe Prof., Lake Wamba; 2400 m; On fallen trunk; T. Koponen 34220; 26-Jul-1981 | Holotype | NICH 400143 |
418 | Frullania reflexistipula Sande Lac. var. novocaledonica S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 43: 431 (1977) | New Caledonia, Col de Vulcain; 900 m; ; M. G. Baumann-Bodenheim 8146; 11 Nov. 1950 | Holotype | NICH 353758 |
419 | Frullania remotidens S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 51: 257 (1982) | Papua New Guinea, Main range N. W. of Gap; 8000 ft; ; C. E. Carr 15284; 29 Jan. 1936 | Hototype | NICH 354314 |
420 | Frullania repandistipula Sande Lac. subsp. queenslandica S.Hatt. | Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 45: 550 (1987) | Australia, Big Tableland ; 610 m; ; H. Streimann 30817; 04-Jul-1984 | Holotype | NICH 403041 |
421 | Frullania repandistipula Sande Lac. subsp. spinibactea S.Hatt. | Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus. Tokyo ser. B, 1(4): 150 (1975) | Borneo, Mt. Kinabalu, between Tenompock Pass and Kambaranga; 1400-1900 m; ; Z. Iwatsuki 303a; 16-May-1963 | Holotype | NICH 250303 |
422 | Frullania repandistipula Sande Lac. var. dioica S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 38: 176 (1974) | Philippines, Luzon, Mt. Pulog; 2700-2900 m; On tree; Z. Iwatsuki and A. J. Sharp 272; 11-Jun-1965 | Holotype | NICH 267469 |
423 | Frullania repestris Steph. | Hedwigia 33: 159 (1894) | Africa occid., Camerunia, Buea; ; ; P. Dusen; 21 July 1891 | Isotype | NICH 218485 |
424 | Frullania repestris Steph. | Hedwigia 33: 159 (1894) | Africa occid., Camerunia, Buea; 2425 m; ; P. Dusen; 21 July 1891 | Isotype | NICH 218484 |
425 | Frullania retusa Mitt. var. gymnantha S.Hatt. & Thaithong | J. Jpn. Bot. 53: 131 (1978) | India, Himalaya, Almora; 3350 m; On tree; Parihar 1965-1/120; Sept. 1965 | Holotype | NICH 314465 |
426 | Frullania retusa Mitt. var. hirsuta S.Hatt. & Thaithong | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 44: 191 (1978) | India, Shillong, Top of Shilong Peak; 6000 ft; On boulder; A. J. & Evelyn Sharp 6183a; 8 Apr. 1965 | Holotype | NICH 257577 |
427 | Frullania rhystocolea Herzog var. parva S.Hatt. | Bull. Univ. Mus. Univ. Tokyo 2: 237 (1971) | Bhutan, Bhotokha-Rinchu; 1450-1500 m; ; O. Tanaka ; 08-May-1967 | Holotype | NICH 287397 |
428 | Frullania rhytidantha S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 47: 97 (1980) | India, Assam, near Schillong; 5000 ft; On boulder; A. J. & Evelyn Sharp 6131b ; 8 Apr. 1965 | Holotype | NICH 257551 |
429 | Frullania rudolfiana S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 36: 437 (1972) | New Guinea, Central Nighlands, Mt. Wilhelm; 12150-12450 ft; ; R. M. Schuster 67-6127/b ; 06-Jun-1967 | Holotype | NICH 309922 |
430 | Frullania sabahana S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 40: 493 (1976) | Borneo, East Coast, Lahdo Datu, Mt. Silam; 330 m; ; Z. Iwatsuki 5214a; 11-Jun-1963 | Holotype | NICH 255214a |
431 | Frullania saepis-dentata S.Hatt. & Streimann | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 59: 116 (1985) | Papua New Guinea, Morobe Province, Aiuwa - Bakia Track; 1500 m; ; H. Streimann and E. Tamba 12324; 22 Jan. 1981 | Holotype | NICH 394040 |
432 | Frullania sarawakensis S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 40: 496 (1976) | Borneo, Bintulu District, Sungai Kakus; 30-80 m; ; M. Hotta 15733; 23 Feb. 1964 | Holotype | NICH 271929 |
433 | Frullania sarawakensis S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 40: 496 (1976) | Borneo, Sarawak, Bintulu Distr., Sungai Kakus; 30-80 m; ; M. Hotta 15733; 23 Feb. 1964 | Isotype | NICH 344756 |
434 | Frullania scalaris S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 43: 432 (1977) | New Caledonia, Mts. Kouanemoa; 230 m; ; H. Hurlimann 2328; 2 Feb. 1951 | Holotype | NICH 353845 |
435 | Frullania schusterana S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 36: 411 (1972) | New Guinea, Wau Distr., Summit of Mt. Kaindi; 2200-2350 m; ; R. M. Schuster 67-6310; 26-27 May 1967 | Holotype | NICH 309935 |
436 | Frullania schusteri S.Hatt. | Nova Hedwigia 90: 154 (1988) | Australia, Moreton Distr., Lamington National Park; 300-500 m; ; B. M. Thiers and R. E. Halling 2825; 30-Jul-1984 | Holotype | NICH 401583 |
437 | Frullania scottiana S.Hatt. | Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 45: 551 (1987) | Australia, Kirrama State Forest, Smoke Creek; ; ; G. A. M. Scott ; 31 Aug. 1985 | Holotype | NICH 402268 |
438 | Frullania serrata Gott. fo. gracilior S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 38: 172 (1974) | Philippines, Luzon I., Mountain Prov., Mt. Data; 2100-2300 m; On branches; Z. Iwatsuki, A. J. and Evelyn Sharp 13825a; 07-Jun-1965 | Holotype | NICH 266083 |
439 | Frullania serrata Gott. fo. vogelkopensis S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 51: 224 (1982) | New Guinea, Vogelkop Pen., Mt. Sarumot; 2320 m; ; H. O. Sleumer & W. Vink 4466; 26 Jan. 1962 | Holotype | NICH 328389 |
440 | Frullania serrata Gott. fo. vogelkopensis S.Hatt. | J. Hattoti Bot. Lab. 51: 224 (1982) | New Guinea, Vogelkop Pen., Mt. Sarumot; ; ; S. Sleumer and S. Vink 4466; 26 Jan. 1962 | Isotype | NICH 354837 |
441 | Frullania serrata Gott. fo. vogelkopensis S.Hatt. | J. Hattoti Bot. Lab. 51: 224 (1982) | New Guinea, Vogelkop Pen., Mt. Sarumot; 2320 m; ; S. Sleumer and S. Vink 4466; 26 Jan. 1962 | Isotype | NICH 354650 |
442 | Frullania serrata Gott. subsp. hamatispina S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 38: 262 (1974) | New Guinea, W. Highlands, road from Mt. Hagen to Medi; 2300 m; ; B. O. van Zanten 68-3264/a; 21-May-1905 | Isotype | NICH |
443 | Frullania setacea S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 65: 447 (1988) | New Guinea, Woitape; 1500 m; ; H. Inoue 30352; 16 Oct. 1975 | Holotype | NICH 428180 |
444 | Frullania setacea S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 65: 447 (1988) | New Guinea, Woitape; 1500 m; ; H. Inoue 30352; 16 Oct. 1975 | Isotype | NICH 431947 |
445 | Frullania sharpii S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 38: 180 (1974) | Philippines, Luzon I., Mountain Prov., Mt. Data; 2100-2300 m; On tree trunk; Z. Iwatsuki, A. J. and Evelyn Sharp 13699; 07-Jun-1965 | Holotype | NICH 266072 |
446 | Frullania sharpii S.Hatt. subsp. subrostrata S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 38: 265 (1974) | New Guinea, E. Highlands, Upper Chimbu-valley; 2100-2200 m; On shady treestem; B. O. van Zanten 68-2950/e5.; 21-May-1905 | Isotype | NICH 432030 |
447 | Frullania siamensis N.Kitag., Thaith & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 43: 452 (1977) | Thailand, Payap, Chiangrai, Mt. Doi Pacho (Doi Langka); 1700 m; On tree-trunk at its northern ridge; N. Kitagawa T3709; 27 Dec. 1965 | Holotype | NICH 354397 |
448 | Frullania siamensis N.Kitag., Thaith. & S.Hatt. fo. retusa Thaith, N. Kitag. & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 43: 455 (1977) | Thailand, Chiangrai, Mt. Doi Tung, north of Changrai; 1200-1450; On tree-branches in moist evergreen forest at the higher elevation of the mountain; N. Kitagawa T12449; 25 Sept. 1967 | Syntype | NICH 354377 |
449 | Frullania siamensis N.Kitag., Thaith. & S.Hatt. fo. retusa Thaith, N. Kitag. & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 43: 455 (1977) | Chiangrai, Mt. Doi Pahompok, NW of Fang, in moist evergreen forest, at middle elevation of the mountain; 1500-2000 m; ; M. Tagawa and N. Kitagawa T15315; 12 Sept. 1967 | Syntype | NICH 354379 |
450 | Frullania siamensis N.Kitag., Thaith. & S.Hatt. fo. retusa Thaith, N. Kitag. & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 43: 455 (1977) | Thailand, Payap, Chiangrai, Mt. Doi Pacho (Doi Langka); 1700 m; ; N. Kitagawa T3701; 27 Dec. 1965 | Syntype | NICH 354380 |
451 | Frullania siamensis N.Kitag., Thaith. & S.Hatt. fo. retusa Thaith, N. Kitag. & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 43: 455 (1977) | Thailand, Payap, Chiangrai, Higher elevation of Mt. Doi Suthep (Doi Pui); 1400-1685 m; On tree-trunk in rather sparse forest; N. Kitagawa T3298; 23 Dec. 1965 | Syntype | NICH 254389 |
452 | Frullania siamensis N.Kitag., Thaith. & S.Hatt. fo. retusa Thaith, N. Kitag. & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 43: 455 (1977) | Thailand, Chiangrai, Mt. Doi Pahompok, NW of Fang, in moist evergreen forest, at middle elevation of the mountain ; 1500-2000; On tree-trunk; N. Kitagawa T15325; 12 Sept. 1967 | Syntype | NICH 354378 |
453 | Frullania siamensis N.Kitag., Thaith. & S.Hatt. fo. retusa Thaith, N. Kitag. & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 43: 455 (1977) | Thailand, Payap, Chiangrai, Higher elevation of Mt. Doi Suthep (Doi Pui); 1400-1685; On tree-trunk in rather sparse forest; N. Kitagawa T15340; 23 Dec. 1965 | Syntype | NICH 354386 |
454 | Frullania siamensis N.Kitag., Thaith. & S.Hatt. fo. retusa Thaith, N. Kitag. & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 43: 455 (1977) | Thailand, Chiangrai, Mt. Doi Pahompok, NW of Fang, in dense evergreen at its higher elevation; 2100 m; On tree-trunk; N. Kitagawa T15340; 12 Sept. 1967 | Syntype | NICH 354385 |
455 | Frullania siamensis N.Kitag., Thaith. & S.Hatt. fo. retusa Thaith, N. Kitag. & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 43: 455 (1977) | Thailand, Chiangrai, Around the summit of Mt. Doi Suthep (Doi Pui); 1500-1685 m; On tree-trunk in moist evergreen forest; N. Kitagawa T12136; 8 Sept. 1967 | Syntype | NICH 354388 |
456 | Frullania siamensis N.Kitag., Thaith. & S.Hatt. fo. retusa Thaith, N. Kitag. & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 43: 455 (1977) | Thailand, Payap, Chiangrai, Higher elevation of Mt. Doi Suthep (Doi Pui); 1400-1685 m; On tree-trunk in rather sparse forest; N. Kitagawa T3336; 23 Dec. 1965 | Syntype | NICH 354387 |
457 | Frullania siamensis N.Kitag., Thaith. & S.Hatt. fo. retusa Thaith, N. Kitag. & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 43: 455 (1977) | Thailand, Payap, Chiangrai, Around the summit of Mt. Doi Chiangdao; 2100 m; On rock (limestone) in sparse woods; M. Tagawa and N. Kitagawa T4294; 4 Jan. 1966 | Syntype | NICH 354383 |
458 | Frullania siamensis N.Kitag., Thaith. & S.Hatt. fo. retusa Thaith, N. Kitag. & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 43: 455 (1977) | Thailand, Payap, Chiangrai, Higher elevation of Mt. Doi Suthep (Doi Pui); 1400-1685 m; On tree-trunk in rather sparse forest; N. Kitagawa T3393; 23 Dec. 1965 | Syntype | NICH 354384 |
459 | Frullania siamensis N.Kitag., Thaith. & S.Hatt. fo. retusa Thaith, N. Kitag. & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 43: 455 (1977) | Thailand, Payap, Chiangrai, Middle Elevation of Mt. Doi Inthanon, in sparse forest along its ridge; 1800 m; On tree-trunk; M. Tagawa and N. Kitagawa T2681; 18 Dec. 1965 | Syntype | NICH 354393 |
460 | Frullania siamensis N.Kitag., Thaith. & S.Hatt. fo. retusa Thaith, N. Kitag. & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 43: 455 (1977) | Thailand, Payap, Chiangrai, Middle Elevation of Mt. Doi Inthanon, in sparse forest along its ridge; 1800 m; On tree-trunk; M. Tagawa and N. Kitagawa T2678; 18 Dec. 1965 | Syntype | NICH 354381 |
461 | Frullania siamensis N.Kitag., Thaith. & S.Hatt. fo. retusa Thaith, N. Kitag. & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 43: 455 (1977) | Thailand, Payap, Chiangrai, Middle Elevation of Mt. Doi Inthanon, in sparse forest along its ridge; 1800 m; On tree-trunk; M. Tagawa and N. Kitagawa T2725; 18 Dec. 1965 | Syntype | NICH 354391 |
462 | Frullania siamensis N.Kitag., Thaith. & S.Hatt. fo. retusa Thaith, N. Kitag. & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 43: 455 (1977) | Thailand, Payap, Chiangrai, Middle Elevation of Mt. Doi Inthanon, in sparse forest along its ridge; 1800 m; On tree-trunk; M. Tagawa and N. Kitagawa T2680; 18 Dec. 1965 | Syntype | NICH 354382 |
463 | Frullania siamensis N.Kitag., Thaith. & S.Hatt. fo. retusa Thaith, N. Kitag. & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 43: 455 (1977) | Thailand, Payap, Mt. Doi Suthep granitic massive W of Chiangrai, Summit region of Doi Pui ; 1600-1650 m; Open evergreen forest on tree-trunks and branches; A. Touw 8585; 28 Nov. 1965 | Syntype | NICH 297577 |
464 | Frullania siamensis N.Kitag., Thaith. & S.Hatt. fo. retusa Thaith, N. Kitag. & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 43: 455 (1977) | Thailand, Payap, Chiangrai, Middle Elevation of Mt. Doi Inthanon, in sparse forest along its ridge; 1800 m; On tree-trunk; M. Tagawa & N. Kitagawa T2732; 18 Dec. 1965 | Syntype | NICH 354390 |
465 | Frullania siamensis N.Kitag., Thaith. & S.Hatt. fo. retusa Thaith, N. Kitag. & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 43: 455 (1977) | Thailand, Payap, Mt. Doi Suthep granitic massive W of Chiangrai, Summit region of Doi Pui ; 1600-1650 m; Open evergreen forest on tree-trunks and branches; A. Touw 8661; 28 Nov. 1965 | Syntype | NICH 297582 |
466 | Frullania siamensis N.Kitag., Thaith. & S.Hatt. fo. retusa Thaith, N. Kitag. & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 43: 455 (1977) | Thailand, Udawn. Loey, North ridge of M. Phu Luang; 1400 m; On rock in shrubby field; M. Tagawa & N. Kitagawa T1355; 4 Dec. 1965 | Syntype | NICH 354392 |
467 | Frullania siamensis N.Kitag., Thaith. & S.Hatt. fo. retusa Thaith, N. Kitag. & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 43: 455 (1977) | N. Thailand, Chiangmai, Doi Suthap (Doi Pui); ; ; K. Larsen, T. Santisuk and E. Warncke 2497; 15-Jul-1968 | Syntype | NICH 318155 |
468 | Frullania siamensis N.Kitag., Thaith. & S.Hatt. fo. retusa Thaith, N. Kitag. & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 43: 455 (1977) | Thailand, Payap, Mt. Doi Suthep granitic massive W of Chiangrai, Summit region of Doi Pui ; 1650-1685 m; ; A. Touw 3766; 29 Nov. 1965 | Syntype | NICH 297615 |
469 | Frullania siamensis N.Kitag., Thaith. & S.Hatt. fo. retusa Thaith, N. Kitag. & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 43: 455 (1977) | Thailand, Payap, Limestone massive Mt. Doi Chiengdao; 1600-1650 m; Open hill evergreen forest on exposed ridge on branches; A. Touw 9122; 6 Dec. 1965 | Syntype | NICH 297295 |
470 | Frullania siamensis N.Kitag., Thaith. & S.Hatt. fo. retusa Thaith, N. Kitag. & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 43: 455 (1977) | Thailand, Payap, Mt. Doi Suthep granitic massive W of Chiangrai, Summit region of Doi Buak Ha; 1550-1600 m; Evergreen forest on E. slope on tree trunks; A. Touw 8819; 30 Nov. 1965 | Syntype | NICH 297591 |
471 | Frullania siamensis N.Kitag., Thaith. & S.Hatt. fo. retusa Thaith, N. Kitag. & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 43: 455 (1977) | Thailand, Payap, Granitic massive Mt. Doi Inthanon; 1750-1800 m; On trees in clearling near camp III; A. Touw 9871; 19 Dec. 1965 | Syntype | NICH 297543 |
472 | Frullania siamensis N.Kitag., Thaith. & S.Hatt. fo. retusa Thaith, N. Kitag. & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 43: 455 (1977) | Thailand, Payap, Limestone massive Mt. Doi Chiengdao; 1900-2100 m; Low brushwood with stunted trees on exposed ridge on tree trunks and branches; A. Touw 9300; 7 Dec. 1965 | Syntype | NICH 297850 |
473 | Frullania siamensis N.Kitag., Thaith. & S.Hatt. fo. retusa Thaith, N. Kitag. & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 43: 455 (1977) | Thailand, Doi Chieng Daw (Chieng Dao), West from Chieng Daw, from Ban Hoat That (alt 900m) to Ban Muong Khu; 1700 m; ; T. Tuyama ; 16 Feb. 1958 | Syntype | NICH 215463 |
474 | Frullania siamensis N.Kitag., Thaith. & S.Hatt. fo. retusa Thaith, N. Kitag. & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 43: 455 (1977) | Thailand, Payap, Limestone massive Mt. Doi Chiengdao; 1900-2100 m; Low brushwood with stunted trees on exposed ridge on tree trunks and branches; A. Touw 9350; 7 Dec. 1965 | Syntype | NICH 297354 |
475 | Frullania sinosphaerantha S.Hatt.& Lin | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 59: 144 (1985) | China, Yunnan, Gong Shan Xian, Do Lang Jiang Gong She, Siong Dang - Long Di Geng; 2000 m; In road side; M. Z. Wang 11509b; 3 Sept. 1982 | Holotype | NICH 401061 |
476 | Frullania sinuata Sande Lac. subsp. novoguinensis S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 39: 301 (1975) | New Guinea, Isuarava; 4500 ft; Forest on a tree; C. E. Carr 15391; 5 Feb. 1936 | Isotype | NICH 431954 |
477 | Frullania sinuata Sande Lac. subsp. novoguinensis S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 39: 301 (1975) | Dutch New Guinea, 2 km E. of Wilhelmonatop; 3800 m; Epiphytic on Drimys brassii ; Brass & Meijer Drees 10126; Sept. 1938 | Paraype | NICH 431959 |
478 | Frullania sinuata Sande Lac. subsp. novoguinensis S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 39: 301 (1975) | Papua New Guinea, Mt. Yule; ; ; G. Belford ; 04-Mar-1905 | Paraype | NICH 432028 |
479 | Frullania sinuata Sande Lac. subsp. novoguinensis S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 39: 301 (1975) | Papua New Guinea, Crest of main range; 9500 ft; N. W. of the Gap, epiphytic on a tree; C. E. Carr 15103; 15 Jan. 1936 | Paraype | NICH 431957 |
480 | Frullania sinuata Sande Lac. subsp. novoguinensis S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 39: 301 (1975) | West New Guinea, Lake Habbewa; 3225 m; on Drimys brassii; Brass 9068; Aug. 1938 | Paraype | NICH 431956 |
481 | Frullania sinuata Sande Lac. subsp. novoguinensis S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 39: 301 (1975) | Papua New Guinea, Isuarava; 4500 ft; Forest on tree; C. E. Carr 15391; 5 Feb. 1936 | Isotype | NICH 431958 |
482 | Frullania sinuata Sande Lac. subsp. novoguinensis S.Hatt. fo. parvistylata S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 39: 304 (1975) | Papua New Guinea, Kubor Range; 11700 ft; On Drimys; Pullen 5080; 20-Jul-1963 | Isotype | NICH 431964 |
483 | Frullania sinuata Sande Lac. var. novoguinensis S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 39: 301 (1975) | West New Guinea, Star, Mt. Antares; 3000 m; On Drimys sp.; C. Kalkman 4474; 22-Jul-1959 | Paraype | NICH 431961 |
484 | Frullania sphaerantha S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 47: 99 (1980) | India, Assam, Mawphlang, 22km from Shillong; 6000 ft; On tree trunk; Z. Iwatsuki, A. J. & Evelyn Sharp 7503; 9 Apr. 1965 | Holotype | NICH 261517 |
485 | Frullania spinigastria S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 45: 358 (1979) | Australaia, Rodriguez Pass; ; ; W. W. Watts 1000b; s.d. | Isotype | NICH 431970 |
486 | Frullania spiniplica S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 36: 428 (1972) | Papua New Guinea, Central Highlands districtt; ; Along road from Kundiawa to Goroka, W of Watabunga; R. M. Schuster 67-5947/b; 10-Jun-1967 | Holotype | NICH 309927 |
487 | Frullania spinistipula S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 36: 413 (1972) | Wan District Kunei Greek and vicinity, near Edie Creek road, SSW of Wau; 5000-5500 ft; ; R. M. Schuster 67-5862/b; 25-May-1967 | Holotype | NICH 309926 |
488 | Frullania squarrosa (Reinw. et al.) Dumort. var. verrucosa Kamim. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 24: 19 (1961) | Japan. Shikoku, Kochi-ken, Takaoka-machi, Hasuike-mura, Mt. Shiroyama; ; ; N. Okubo 13215; 20 Feb. 1948 | Isotype | NICH 46849 |
489 | Frullania steereana S.Hatt | Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 45: 553 (1987) | Australia, Murry Falls; ; Tropical rain forest in gully, on tree of top of falls; G. A. M. Scott 7540; 13 Sept. 1985 | Holotype | NICH 402306 |
490 | Frullania streimannii S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 54: 176 (1983) | Papua New Guinea, Gloucester River; 400 m; ; H. Streimann 6448; 10 Oct. 1978 | Holotype | NICH 366598 |
491 | Frullania subcaduca S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 38: 267 (1974) | Papua New Guinea, N. slope of Mt. Gilowe; 3600 m; On exposed branch of alpine shrubbery; V. Zanten 68-3282/b; 15 Nov. 1968 | Isotype | NICH 431972 |
492 | Frullania subincumbens S.Hatt. | Bryologist 90: 367 (1987) | Australia, Lord Howe, along track from Erskine valley to top of Mt. Gower. Most collections from summit area of MT. Gower.; 100-875 m; ; Dale h. Vitt 28528; 17 Nov. 1981 | Holotype | NICH 408351 |
493 | Frullania subnigricaulis S.Hatt. var. subtruncata S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 37: 89 (1973) | Java; ; ; s.d.; s.d. | Isotype | NICH 431975 |
494 | Frullania subnigricaulis S.Hatt. var. subtruncata S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 39: 308 (1975) | Papua New Guinea, Tsuarava; 4000 ft; Forest on a tree; C. E. Carr ; 7 Feb. 1936 | Holotype | NICH 431977 |
495 | Frullania subocellata S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 60: 248 (1986) | Indonesia, C. Seram, Manusela National Park; along a trail between Hatumete(5 m alt.) and Hoale Pass (1750 m alt.), Kecamatan Tehoru, Indonesia; 1030 m; Limestone area, west-side slope of valley with developed mountain forest on branches of trees; H. Akiyama 10631; 20 Feb. 1985 | Holotype | NICH 401630 |
496 | Frullania subpedicellata S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 47: 93 (1980) | India, Kempty Falls, Mussoorie area; 4500 ft; On trunk; Z. Iwatsuki, A. J. & Evelyn Sharp 12412; 10-May-1965 | Holotype | NICH 258899 |
497 | Frullania subpedicellata S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 47: 93 (1980) | India, Kempty Falls, Mussoorie area; 4500 ft; On trunk; Z. Iwatsuki, A.J. & Evelyn Sharp 12416; 10-May-1965 | Isotype | NICH 258900 |
498 | Frullania subpilibracteola S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 43: 434 (1977) | New Caledonia, Sommet; 880 m; ; H. Hurlimann 2572a; 10-May-1951 | Holotype | NICH 432029 |
499 | Frullania subsquarrosa S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 36: 429 (1972) | Papua New Guinea, Wau District Kunei Creek and vicinity, near Edie Creek road, SSW of Wau; 5000-5400 ft; ; R.M. Schuster 67-5848; 25-May-1967 | Holotype | NICH 309931 |
![]() |
No. | Species | Literature | Locality; Altitude; Habitat; Collector; Date | Type | Herb.No. |
500 | Frullania subvalida S.Hatt. & Thaith. | J. Jpn. Bot. 53: 173 (1978) | Laos, Phongsavanh; 1000 m; ; T. Tuyama 7; 3 Jan. 1958 | Holotype | NICH 432031 |
501 | Frullania thiersiae S. Hatt. | Nova Hedw. 90: 156 (1988) | Australia, Cook Distr., Bellenden Ker National Park, summit of Mt. Bellenden Ker; 1500 m; ; B. M. Thiers and R. E. Haling 2455; 10-Jul-1984 | Holotype | NICH 401524 |
502 | Frullania tixieri S.Hatt. | J. Jpn. Bot. 51: 193 (1976) | New Caledonia, Mt. Do; 900 m; ; Mc Kee 30-112; 15 Apr. 1975 | Holotype | NICH 432542 |
503 | Frullania tjibodensis S.Hatt. & Thaith. | J. Jpn. Bot. 52: 289 (1977) | West Java, Tjibodas, Mt. Gedeh, Mt. Garden; 1425 m; On bark of Eucalyptus; W. Meijer B3695; 28 Feb. 1953 | Holotype | NICH 353909 |
504 | Frullania togashiana S.Hatt. | Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus. Tokyo, ser. B, 1: 118 (1975) | Malaya, Cameron Highland; 6000 ft; On tree; M. Togashi 66-g; 30 Jan. 1962 | Holotype | NICH 232880 |
505 | Frullania tubercularis S.Hatt. & Lin | J. Jpn. Bot. 60: 107 (1985) | China, Shanxi Prov., Mt Zhenling; 2300 m; On rock cliff; P. C. Chen 465; 25-Jul-1962 | Holotype | NICH 432034 |
506 | Frullania tuyamae S.Hatt. & Thaith. | J. Jpn. Bot. 53: 175 (1978) | Laos, Phongsavanh; 1000 m; ; T. Tuyama 10; 3 Jan. 1958 | Holotype | NICH 432033 |
507 | Frullania van-zantenii Kamim. & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 37: 528 (1973) | New Guinea, Star Mts., Sibil-valley ; 1300 m; At base of shrubs in swampy area; B. O. Van Zanten 35; 22 Apr. 1959 | Holotype | NICH 432547 |
508 | Frullania venusta S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 38: 217 (1974) | Borneo, East Coast, SW of Lahad Datu, ultarabasic area between mining camp and summit of Mt. Silam; 330-950 m; On tree trunk; Z. Iwatsuki 5261; 12-Jun-1963 | Holotype | NICH 255261 |
509 | Frullania verdoorniana S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 37: 122 (1973) | New Guinea, Wau Distr., Summit of Mt. Kaindi; 2200-2350 m; ; R. M. Schuster 67-5710; 26-28 May 1967 | Holotype | NICH 314860 |
510 | Frullania verdoorniana S.Hatt. var. wilhelmensis S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 37: 124 (1973) | New Guinea, Central Highlands, Mt. Wilhelm, rocky alpine tussock-grassland; 13500-13800 ft; ; R. M. Schuster 67-6807; 8 Aug. 1967 | Holotype | NICH 314858 |
511 | Frullania vethii Sde. Lac. fo. acutiloba S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 40: 503 (1976) | Borneo, Lahad Datu; ; ; W. Meijer B10522; 18 Sept. 1960 | Holotype | NICH 432041 |
512 | Frullania vitalii S.Hatt. | J. Jpn. Bot. 63: 30 (1988) | Brazil, Sao Paulo State, Municipio de Juguia; ; ; D. Vial 5570; 8 Mar. 1976 | Holotype | NICH 359888 |
513 | Frullania vittata S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 38: 270 (1974) | New Guinea, Wau Distr., Mt. Kaindi; 2350 m; Epiphytic; R. M. Schuster 67-5820/b; 20-May-1905 | Holotype | NICH 432042 |
514 | Frullania vittata S.Hatt. fo. denticulata S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 47: 85 (1980) | New Guinea, Prov. Morobe, Samanzing; 1800-2000 m; On tree; Clemens 8998/H-e; 21-Apr-1905 | Holotype | NICH 432043 |
515 | Frullania vittiana S.Hatt. | Bryologist 90: 368 (1987) | Lord Howe I., Mt. Lidgbrird; ; ; D. H. Vitt 28348; 6 Nov. 1981 | Holotype | NICH 408347 |
516 | Frullania wangii S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 59: 146 (1985) | China, Xizang, Song Ta Shan; 3000 m; ; M. Z. Wang 8342a; 29-Jun-1982 | Holotype | NICH 401068 |
517 | Frullania warnckeana S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 38: 213 (1974) | Thailand, Doi Suthep; ; ; K. Larsen 2501; 01-Jul-1968 | Holotype | NICH 318152 |
518 | Frullania yuzawana S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 49: 157 (1981) | Taiwan, Chitou; 1200 m; On bark of tree; Y. Yuzawa 16661; 26-28 July 1979 | Holotype | NICH 371772 |
519 | Frullania zahnii Steph. | Spec. Hep. 4: 578 (1911) | New Guinea (Nova Guinea Germanica), Sattelberg; ; An Baumen; H. Zahn ; 01-Jul-1903 | Isotype | NICH 354857 |
520 | Frullania zangii S.Hatt. & Lin. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 59: 149 (1985) | China, Sichuan, Wuming Shan; 4050 m; On rock in forest; M. Z. Zang 81-3931c; 17 Aug. 1981 | Holotype | NICH 401074 |
521 | Frullania zennoskeana S.Hatt. | J. Jpn. Bot. 59: 308 (1984) | Japan, Bonin Is., Hahajima I., Uchuzawa Valley near Inokuma-dani Valley; 250-300 m; On fallen tree; Z. Iwatsuki and T. Suzuki 8741; 11 Aug. 1980 | Holotype | NICH 177622 |
522 | Fussombronia cristula Aust. var. verdoornii Chaland | Ann. Bryol. 4: 146 (1931) | East Java, Priangan, Mt. Cede; 1440 m; ; F. Verdoorn; 00June 1930 | Isotype | NICH 225081 |
523 | Gollaniella nana Shimizu & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 9:34 (1953) | Japan. Honshu, Saitama-krn, Chichibu Mts., Jumonji pass; 1700 m; ; D. Shimizu; 26 Aug. 1952 | Holotype | NICH 52806 |
524 | Gollaniella nana Shimizu & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 9:34 (1953) | Japan. Honshu, Saitama-krn, Chichibu Mts., Jumonji pass; 1700 m; ; D. Shimizu.; 26 Aug. 1952 | Isotype | NICH 52805 |
525 | Gottschelia crenata Groll | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 31: 19 (1968) | New Guinea, Morobe District, Edie Creek, near Wau.; ; ; Womersley and Vink s.n.; 13-May-1905 | Isotype | NICH 290627 |
526 | Grimaldia fragrans (Balb.) Corda. var. brevipes Kaal. | Vidensk. Skrift. I Math.- Nat. Kl. 1898 (8): 2 (1898) | Norwegen, Insel Horedoen bei Kristiania; ; Auf durren, sonnigen Hugeln am Meeresufer; B. Kaalaas; 06-Mar-1905 | Isotype | NICH 225120 |
527 | Gymnomitrion crenulato-apiculatum Grolle | Ergebn. Forsch. Untern. Nepal Himalaya 1(4): 278 (1966) | Nepal, Mahalangur Himal, Khubu, Moranen bei Lobuche, 5000m.; 5000 m; ; J. Poelt H79; 15-May-1905 | Isotype | NICH 234128 |
528 | Gymnomitrion integerrimum N. Kitag. | Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 18: 36 (1959) | Japan. Honshu, Toyama-ken, Murodo-daira, the higher elevation of Mts. Tateyama, Nakaniikawa-gun; 2300 m; On exposed rock; N. Kitagawa 3630; 13 Aug. 1959 | Isotype | NICH 44266 |
529 | Gymnomitrion laceratum (Steph.) Horik. var. borneense N. Kitag. | Misc. Bryol. Lichenol. 6: 74 (1973) | North Borneo, Kinabalu National Park, between Panalaban and Low`s Peak.; ; ; Sh. Kokawa and M. Hotta 3756; 9 Jan. 1969 | Isotype | NICH 333007 |
530 | Gymnomitrion obtusilobum N. Kitag. | Hara, Fl. East Himalaya 3: 229 (1975) | East Nepal, Around Phujeng La (pass), in crevices of rock; 4750 m; ; Z. Iwatsuki 1733; 27-Jun-1972 | Holotype | NICH 312677 |
531 | Gymnomitrion pacificum Grolle | Trans. Brit. Bryol. Soc. 5: 92 (1966) | Alaska, Evans I.; ; ; Eyerdam 5124; 01-May-1905 | Isotype | NICH 243969 |
532 | Gymnomitrion papillosum N.Kitag. & S.Hatt. | Univ. Mus. Univ. Tokyo, Bull. 8: 231 (1975) | East Nepal, Between Gosa and Banduke Pokhari (Duo Tulo Pokhari); 4210 m; In crevices of rock; Z. Iwatsuki 1085; 14-Jun-1972 | Holotype | NICH 311992 |
533 | Gymnomitrion concinnatum (Lightf.) Corda var. mucronulatum N.Kitag. | Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 18: 38 (1959) | Japan. Honshu, Nagano-ken, summit of Mt. Kiso-Komagatake; 2900 m; On rock; D. Shimizu; 8 Aug. 1952 | Holotype | NICH 56660 |
534 | Gymnomitrion noguchianum S.Hatt. | J. Jpn. Bot. 27:55 (1952) | Japan. Honshu, Prov. Bungo, Mt. Daisen.; 1400 m; On volcanic rock; A. Noguchi; 8 Aug. 1947 | Holotype | NICH 13067 |
535 | Haesselia roraimensis Grolle & Gradst. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 64: 327 (1988) | Guyana, Upper Mazaruni Dist., north slope of Mt. Toraima; 700 m; On roots; S. R. Gradstein 5100; 12-19 Feb. 1985 | Isotype | NICH 408928 |
536 | Haplolejeunea sticta Grolle | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 39: 205 (1975) | Madagaskar, Prov. de Tananarive, foret de Bonjolava; 1300 m; Sur un arbre; Cremers 3325; 27-May-1905 | Isotype | NICH 339799 |
537 | Haplomitrium hookeri (Lyell) Nees subsp. montanum Schiffn. | Krit. Bemerk. Eur. Leber. 27: 21 (1941) | Vorarlberg: Am Wege zur Neuzigast-Alpe bei Langen, auf nassem Waldboden unter Vaccinium-Gebusch; 1700 m; ; K. Loitlesberger; Aug. 1901 | Isotype | NICH 225123 |
538 | Haplozia javanica Schiffn. var. nicholsonii Schiffn. | Ann. Bryol. 10: 128 (1937) | East Java. Priangan, Mt Gede; 1850 m; ; F. Verdoorn; Aug. 1930 | Isotype | NICH 225124 |
539 | Herbertus nepalensis H.A.Mill.? | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 28: 322 (1965) | O-Nepal, Mahalangur Himal, Khumbu Hoho westlich Lobuche; 5100 m ; ; J. Poelt H77; 15-May-1905 | Isotype | NICH 276953 |
540 | Herbertus pseudoceylonic S.Hatt. | Hara, Fl. East. Himalaya 2: 225 (1971) | Bhutan, Nala-- Dou Lam Kengchow-- Tzatogang; 3200-3400 m; ; H. Hara, G. Murata et al.; 26-May-1967 | Holotype | NICH 287458 |
541 | Harpalejeunea constricta Grolle | Nova Hedw. 16: 150 (1968) | Solomon In., South Central Guadalcanal, Mt. Haianja; 2600 m; ; Dennis 20037; 20-May-1905 | Isotype | NICH 306241 |
542 | Harpalejeunea kinabaluensis Mizut. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 37: 200 (1973) | N. Borneo: between Kambarange Radio Station and Second Radio Station, south slope of Mt. Kinabalu; 2146-2500 m; On tree trunk; M. Mizutani 2687; 18-May-1963 | Holotype | NICH 252687 |
543 | Harpalejeunea mammillosa Mizut. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 37: 192 (1973) | N. Borneo: around Kambarenga Radio Station, south slope of Mt. Kinabalu; 2140 m; On trunk; M. Mizutani 2547a; 17-May-1963 | Holotype | NICH 252547a |
544 | Harpalejeunea minutissima Mizut. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 37: 202 (1973) | N. Borneo: ultrabsic (serpentine) area below Paca Cave, south slope of Mt. Kinabalu; 2500-2800 m; On bush; M. Mizutani 2734; 18-May-1963 | Holotype | NICH 252734 |
545 | Harpalejeunea pinaundensis Grolle | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 46: 44 (1979) | New Guinea: Ventral Highlands, Mt. Wilhelm side of Pinaunde Valley; 3500-3600 m; ; R. M. Schuster 67-6035/c; 20-May-1905 | Isotype | NICH 360386 |
546 | Harpalejeunea spinosa Mizut. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 37: 196 (1973) | N. Borneo: between Kambarange Radio Station and Second Radio Station, south slope of Mt. Kinabalu; 2146-2500 m; On tree trunk; M. Mizutani 2688; 18-May-1963 | Holotype | NICH 252688 |
547 | Heteroscyphus bescherellei Steph. var. transiens S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 3: 20 (1948) | Japan. Kyushu, Yakushima I., Kosugidani; ; ; S. Hattori 7345; 25 Sept. 1940 | Holotype | NICH 12804 |
548 | Hattoriolejeunea akiyamae Mizut. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 61: 303 (1986) | Indonesia:,Seram, Manusela Nat. Park, Hatumete Hoale Pass; 1160-1760 m; Limestone area on tree trunk; H. Akiyama 10650; 21 Feb. 1985 | Isotype | NICH 419628 |
549 | Herbertus giraldianus (Steph.) Nichols. var. verrucosus S.Hatt. | Hara, Fl. East. Himalaya 2: 223 (1971) | Bhutan, Nala-- Dou Lam Kengchow-- Tzatogang; 3200-3400 m; ; H. Kanai et al.; 26-May-1967 | Holotype | NICH 287292 |
550 | Herbertus huerlimannii H.A.Mill. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 31: 248 (1968) | New Caledonia, NE of Dumbea, top of "Sommet To"; 880 m; In crevices between peridotite rocks, shaded and humid.; H. Hurllimann 2575; 10-May-1951 | Isotype | NICH 290616 |
551 | Herbertus hutchinsiae (Gott.) Evans subsp. schusteri H.A.Mill. & Scott. | Rev. Bryol. Lichen. 29: 4 (1960) | Japan. Kyushu, Kumamoto-ken, Mt. Ichifusa; 1700 m; Grantic bluffs; K. Mayebara; Aug. 1951 | Isotype | NICH 41769 |
552 | Herbertus nepalensis Grolle? | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 28: 322 (1965) | Nepal, Mahalangur Himal, Khumbu Hohe westlich Lobuche; 5100 m; ; J. Poelt H77; 15-May-1905 | Isotype | NICH 234130 |
553 | Herbertus zantenii S.Hatt. & Grolle | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 30: 113 (1967) | New Guinea, W. Irian, Antares Mts., Camp 39a; 1500 m; On stem of Pandanus-tree in rain forest; B. O. van Zanten 391c; 30-Jun-1959 | Holotype | NICH 234629 |
554 | Herbertus zantenii S.Hatt. & Grolle | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 30: 113 (1967) | New Guinea, W. Irian, Antares Mts., Camp 39a; 1500 m; On tree-trunk in rain forest; B. O. van Zanten 391c; 30-Jun-1959 | Holotype | NICH 234630 |
555 | Herbertus zantenii S.Hatt. & Grolle | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 30: 113 (1967) | Star Mts, Mt Antares, Ok Bon R. Camp 39a; 1500 m; ; B. O. van Zanten 391c; 30-Jun-1959 | Isotype | NICH 328277 |
556 | Herbertus sakuraii (Warnst.) S.Hatt. subsp. arcticus Inoue & Steere | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 44: 266 (1978) | Alaska, Umiat, on Colville River; ; In seepage area at base of tundra hillside, near stream; W. C. Steere 17131; 25 Aug. 1951 | Isotype | NICH 376514 |
557 | Heteroscyphus sarawaketanus Piippo | Acta Bot. Fenn. 131: 143 (1985) | Papua New Guinea. Morobe Prov., Mt. Sarawaket Southern Range 2.5km S of L. Gwam. Open alpine grassland and "subalpine" forest at L. Kenzoroh E of Mt. Enggum; 3550 m; On bush; T. Koponen 32598; 09-Jul-1981 | Isotype | NICH 405520 |
558 | Horikawaella grosseverrucosa Amakawa & S.Hatt. | Hara, Fl. East. Himalaya 3: 216 (1975) | East Nepal, Around Kipuphu; 4550 m; In crevices of rock; Z. Iwatsuki 1699; 26-Jun-1972 | Holotype | NICH 312664 |
559 | Hygrobiella nishimurae N. Kitag. | Misc. Bryol. Lichenol. 9: 69 (1982) | Japan. Kyushu, Oita-Ken, Hita-Gun, Kamitsue-Mura, Sasano; 600 m; On wet rock; N. Nishimura 8459; 29-Jul-1981 | Isotype | NICH 188188 |
560 | Hygrolejeunea alaskana R.M.Schust. & Steere | Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 85(3): 190 (1958) | Alaska: Driftwood Camp; ; In wet depression in tundra, among mosses; W. C. Steere 16900; 16 Aug. 1951 | Isotype | NICH 376515 |
561 | Isotachis japonica Steph. | Spec. Hep. 3: 652 (1909) | Japan. Kyushu, Yakushima I., Kosugidani-Hananoego; 1450 m; On wet rocks; Nishihara 617; 18 Nov. 1952 | Neotype (Hatcher 1961) | NICH 52673 |
562 | Iwatsukia exigua N. Kitag. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 27: 178 (1964) | N. Borneo, by strea below Pace Cace, south slope of Mt. Kinabalu; 2850-2984 m; On rotten tree; Z. Iwatsuki 1070; 21-May-1963 | Holotype | NICH 251070 |
563 | Jackiella flava Grolle | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 33: 222 (1970) | Tasmania, Catamaran; ; On fallen tree; Weymouth 1232; 22-May-1905 | Isotype | NICH 301201 |
564 | Jamesoniella flexicaulis (Nees) Schiffn. var. mizutanii Amak. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 32: 118 (1969) | N. Borneo, Mt. Kinabalu, granodiorite slope above Paca Cave; 2984-3350 m; On tree trunk; M. Mizutani 2808; 19-May-1963 | Holotype | NICH 252808 |
565 | Jamesoniella minutissima Amak. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 32: 118 (1969) | N. Borneo, Mt. Kinabalu, granodiorite slope between Low's peak adn Sayat Sayat; 3700-4050 m; On rock; M. Mizutani 2917; 20-May-1963 | Holotype | NICH 252917 |
566 | Jamesoniella paludosa Steph. | Bih. T. K. Svenska Vet. Handl. 17: 11 (1901) | Tierra del Fuego, Isla Desolacion; ; ; P. Dusen 196; 26 Mar. 1896 | Syntype | NICH 370351 |
567 | Jamesoniella perverrucosa Amak. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 32: 121 (1969) | N. Borneo, Mt. Kinabalu, granodiorite slope above Paca Cave; 2984-3200 m; On bush; M. Mizutani 3519; 21-May-1963 | Holotype | NICH 253519 |
568 | Jamesoniella pulchra N.Kitag. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 33: 218 (1970) | N. Borneo, Mt. Kinabalu, granodiorite slope above Paca Cave; 2984-3350 m; On tree trunk; M. Mizutani 2811; 19-May-1963 | Holotype | NICH 252811 |
569 | Jovetastella paniensis Tixier | Rev. Bryol. Lich. 39: 662 (1973) | New Caledonia, Mont Panie; 1000 m; ; M. Schmid 249; 1 Nov. 1972 | Isotype | NICH 364854 |
570 | Jungermannia appressifolia Mitt. | J. Proc. Linn. Soc. Bot. 5: 91 (1861) | India, Himalaya, Sikkim; 7000 ped; ; J. D. Hooker 1326; s.d. | Isotype | NICH 225126 |
571 | Jungermannia atrata Mitt. | J. Proc. Linn. Soc. Bot. 5: 90 (1861) | India, Himalayae orient. reg. temp. et alpina, Jongri; 12000 ped; ; J. D. Hooker; s.d. | Syntype | NICH 225127 |
572 | Jungermannia atro-olivacea Amak. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 29: 260 (1966) | Nepal, Ringmo bei Tamsedda; ; ; J. Poelt H138; s.d. | Holotype | NICH 276489 |
573 | Jungermannia borneensis Amak. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 33: 160 (1970) | N. Borneo, between Kambaranga Radio Station and Water Falls, Mt. Kinabalu; 2000-2146 m; On cliff; M. Mizutani 2353; 17-May-1963 | Holotype | NICH 252353 |
574 | Jungermannia clavellata Mitt. var. minor Amak. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 26: 25 (1963) | India, Patria Darjeeling, Sandakphu-Tonglu; 2600-3550 m; ; H. Hara et al. ; 07-Jun-1960 | Holotype | NICH 201007 |
575 | Jungermannia cyclops S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 3: 5 (1948) | Japan. Kyushu, Yakushima I., Kosugidani-Hananoego; ; On damp granite; S. Hattori 7511; 26 Sept. 1940 | Holotype | NICH 11573 |
576 | Jungermannia diversiclavellata Amakawa & Grolle | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 31: 107 (1968) | New Guinea, Mt. Wilhelm; ; ; Hewson 173; 18-May-1905 | Holotype | NICH 286094 |
577 | Jungermannia fauriana Beauverd fo. ramosa S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 3: 6 (1948) | Japan. Kyushu, Yakushima I., Kosugidani - Hananoego; ; ; S. Hattori 7526; 26 Sept. 1940 | Holotype | NICH 12856 |
578 | Jungermannia flaccidula Amak. | Hara, Fl. East. Himalaya: 511 (1966) | India, Darjeeling, Rayang; 2500m ; ; H. Hara et al.; 18 Apr. 1960 | Holotype | NICH 232512 |
579 | Jungermannia flagellaris Amak. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 29: 258 (1966) | Nepal, Okhaldunga, Abies-Rhododendron Wald um Thodung, Serting; 3200 m; ; Poelt H30; 15-May-1905 | Holotype | NICH 276488 |
580 | Jungermannia flavi-albicans Amak. & Grolle | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 31: 108 (1968) | New Guinea, Morobe ; ; ; Hewson 454; 18-May-1905 | Holotype | NICH 286093 |
581 | Jungermannia glauca Amak. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 29: 256 (1966) | East Nepal: Baroya Khimty - Thakma Khola; 2500-3000 m; ; H. Kanai, G. Murata & M. Togashi; 16 Nov. 1963 | Holotype | NICH 236837 |
582 | Jungermannia grollei Amak. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 29: 260 (1966) | Nepal, Okhldunga, Abies-Rhododendron Wald, um Thodung; 3000 m; ; J. Poelt H16; 15-May-1905 | Holotype | NICH 276490 |
583 | Jungermannia hewsoniae Amak. & Grolle | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 31: 108 (1968) | New Guinea, Morobe ; ; ; Hewson 456; 18-May-1905 | Holotype | NICH 286092 |
584 | Jungermannia intumescens Lehm. & Lindenb. | Lehmann, Nov. Stirp. Pug. 6: 52 (1834) | Jamaica; ; ; Bancroft; s.d. | Isotype | NICH 218348 |
585 | Jungermannia iwatsukii Amak. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 32: 123 (1969) | N. Borneo, granodiorite slope above Paca Cave, Mt. Kinabalu; 2984-3200 m; On soil; Z. Iwatsuki 991; 21-May-1963 | Holotype | NICH 250991 |
586 | Jungermannia kanaii Amak. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 30: 194 (1967) | E. Nepal, Zongi - Iladanda; 1800-2700 m; ; Kanai et al.; 12 Nov. 1963 | Holotype | NICH 236554a |
587 | Jungermannia kinabalensis Amak. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 32: 126 (1969) | N. Borneo, granodiorite slope above Paca Cave, Mt. Kinabalu; 2984-3350 m; On soil; M. Mizutani 2816; 19-May-1963 | Holotype | NICH 252816 |
588 | Jungermannia kinabalensis Amak. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 32: 126 (1969) | N. Borneo, granorite slope above Paca Cave, Mt. Kinabalu; 2984-3350 m; On soil; M. Mizutani 2816a; 19-May-1963 | Isotype | NICH 252816a |
589 | Jungermannia koreana (Steph.) Amak. var. orbiculata Amak. | H. Hara. Fl. East. Himalaya 1: 511 (1966) | India, Patria Darjeeling, Sandakphu - Tonglu; 2600-3550 m; ; H. Hara et al.; 07-Jun-1960 | Holotype | NICH 241976 |
590 | Jungermannia kuwaharae Amak. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 22: 53 (1960) | Japan. Hokkaido. Mt. Daisetsu, Ohachi-daira; 1900 m; Submerged; Y. Kuwahara; 10-Jul-1956 | Isotype | NICH 176526 |
591 | Jungermannia kuwaharae Amak. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 22: 53 (1960) | Japan. Hokkaido: Ohachidaira, old crater of Mt. Daisetsu; 1900 m; On moist soil; Y. Kuwahara; 10-Jul-1956 | Holotype | NICH 73007 |
592 | Jungermannia lanceolata L. subsp. stephanii Amak. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 22: 71 (1960) | Japan. Honshu, Iwate-ken, Mt. Hayachine; 1300 m; On rock; D. Shimizu ; 5 Sept. 1954 | Holotype | NICH 55339 |
593 | Jungermannia lanigera Mitt. | J. Proc. Linn. Soc. Bot. 5: 91 (1861) | Himalayae orient. reg. temp. et alpina, Chola; 10-1200 ped; ; J. D. Hooker; 6 Nov. 1849 | Syntype | NICH 225128 |
594 | Jungermannia limbatifolia Amakawa var. radicellosa Amak. | Hara, Fl. East Himalaya 2: 228 (1971) | Bhutan, Nala-Tzatogang; 3200-3400 m; ; H. Kanai et al. ; 26-May-1967 | Holotype | NICH 287285 |
595 | Jungermannia marcescens Mitt. | J. Proc. Linn. Soc. Bot. 5: 91 (1861) | India, Jogla Valley, E. Nipal; ; ; J. D. Hooker 1316; 29 July 0000 | Isotype | NICH 225129 |
596 | Jungermannia medelpadica Arnell | Rev. Bryol. 18: 12 (1891) | Sweden. Medelpad, Torp; ; ; H. W. Arenell; 20June 1890 | Isotype | NICH 225130 |
597 | Jungermannia mizutanii Amak. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 32: 123 (1969) | N. Borneo, granodiorite slope above Paca Cave, Mt. Kinabalu; 2984-3200 m; On rock; M. Mizutani 2979; 21-May-1963 | Holotype | NICH Borneo |
598 | Jungermannia monticola S.Hatt. fo. major S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 3: 8 (1948) | Japan. Kyushu, Yakushima I.: between Miyanoura and Hananoego; 1800 m; On granitic rock; S. Hattori 7804; 27 Sept. 1940 | Holotype | NICH 12732 |
599 | Jungermannia monticola S.Hatt. var. reniformis S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 3: 8 (1948) | Japan. Kyushu, Yakushima I., between Miyanoura Peak and Hananoego; 1800 m; On granite ; S. Hattori 7784; 27 Sept. 1940 | Holotype | NICH 12878 |
![]() |
No. | Species | Literature | Locality; Altitude; Habitat; Collector; Date | Type | Herb.No. |
600 | Jungermannia nivea Grolle | Misc. Bryol. Lichenol. 6: 1 (1971) | New Guinea, Mt. Wilhelm; 4750 m; On rock shelf; Anu Walker 5234; 18-May-1905 | Isotype | NICH 304884 |
601 | Jungermannia nivea Grolle | Misc. Bryol. Lichenol. 6(1): 1 (1971) | New Guinea, Mt. Wilhelm, near summit; 4800 m; In wet rock crevices; Mavean 26678; 19-May-1905 | Isotype | NICH 304883 |
602 | Jungermannia ohbae Amak. | Hara, F. East Himalaya 3: 218 (1975) | C. Nepal, Gosainkund-Gopte; 4200 m; ; H. Kanai et al.; 25 Aug. 1972 | Holotype | NICH 318218 |
603 | Jungermannia plagiochiloides Amak. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 22: 25 (1960) | Japan. Kyushu, Fukuoka-ken, Tsukushi-yabakei; ; On wet rock; T. Amakawa 2461; 15 Sept. 1957 | Holotype | NICH 73009 |
604 | Jungermannia poeltii Amak. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 29: 258 (1966) | Nepal. Vorhimalaya, Okhaldunga, Abies-Rhododendron-Wald um Thodung, Serting; 3250 m; ; J. Poelt H108; 15-May-1905 | Holotype | NICH 276487 |
605 | Jungermannia purpurata Mitt. | J. Proc. Linn. Soc. Bot. 5: 91 (1861) | India, Khasia mountains; 4000 ft; ; J. D. Hooker and T. Thomson 1327; s.d. | Syntype | NICH 225131 |
606 | Jungermannia pyriflora Steph. var. gracillima Amak. | Hara, Fl. East Himalaya 2: 228 (1971) | E. Himalaya, Darjeeling, Mt. Singalila; 3950 m; ; H. Hara et al. ; s.d. | Holotype | NICH 301968 |
607 | Jungermannia rubida Mitt. | J. Proc. Linn. Soc. Bot. 5: 90 (1861) | Himalayae orient. reg. temp., Sikkim, Jongri; 12000 ped; ; J. D. Hooker; s.d. | Isotype | NICH 225132 |
608 | Jungermannia rupicola Amak. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 22: 23 (1960) | Japan. Kyushu, Miyazaki-ken, Mt. Okue; 500 m; On rock; T. Amakawa 1137; 2 Apr. 1953 | Isotype | NICH 46645 |
609 | Jungermannia saccaticoncava Amak. | Hara, Fl. East Himalaya 3: 218 (1975) | East Nepal, Between Thang La (pass) and Thudam; 3400-4600 m; Soil on rock; Z. Iwatsuki 1461; 21-Jun-1972 | Holotype | NICH 312380 |
610 | Jungermannia shinii Amak. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 33: 156 (1970) | Japan. Ryukyu. Amami Is., Okinoerabu I., Syoryu limestone cave; 200 m; On wet clay in cave; T. Shin 23800; 27-Jul-1966 | Holotype | NICH 104560 |
611 | Jungermannia zantenii Amak. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 31: 110 (1968) | New Guinea, W. Irian, Antares Mts., Camp 39a; 1500 m; Terrestrial and at base of shrubs in rain forest border; B. O. van Zanten 426; 02-Jul-1959 | Holotype | NICH 231643 |
612 | Jungermannia zantenii Amak. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 31: 110 (1968) | New Guinea, Star Mts. Antares, OK Bon R., Camp 39A; 1500 m; ; B. O. van Zanten 426; 02-Jul-1959 | Isotype | NICH 328280 |
613 | Kantia renistipula Schiffn. | Oesterr. Bot. Zeit. 49: 132 (1899) | British Bhutan ; ; ; Rev. Durel 183; 12 Apr. 1898 | Syntype | NICH 217072 |
614 | Kurzia abbreviata Mizut. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 38: 379 (1974) | N. Borneo, between Kambaranga Radio Station and Second Radio Station, south slope of Mt. Kinabalu; 2146-2500 m; On tree trunk base; M. Mizutani 2631; 18-May-1963 | Holotype | NICH 252631 |
615 | Kurzia borneensis Mizut. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 38: 377 (1974) | N. Borneo, mossy forest near camp, Ulu Liwagu, SE slope of Mt. Kinabalu; 2450-2500 m; On humus; M. Mizutani 3644; 22-May-1963 | Holotype | NICH 253644 |
616 | Kurzia geniculata Mizut. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 38: 383 (1974) | N. Borneo, mossy forest below camp, Ulu Liwagu, SE slope of Mt. Kinabalu; 2150-2500 m; On root; Z. Iwatsuki 1233; 23-May-1963 | Holotype | NICH 251233 |
617 | Kurzia lineariloba Mizut. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 38: 382 (1974) | N. Borneo, between Kambaranga Radia Station and Water Falls, Mt. Kinabalu; 2000-2146 m; On dezaying log; M. Mizutani 2305; 17-May-1963 | Holotype | NICH 252305 |
618 | Kymatolejeunea bartlettii Grolle | Wiss. Zeitschr. Friedrich-Schiller Univ. Jena, Math.-Naturwiss. R., 32: 1005 (1983) | New Zealand, South Island, Fiordland, Wilmot Pass; 1250 m; ; Bartlett 197; 03-Jun-1905 | Isotype | NICH 380913 |
619 | Lejeunea bidentula Herzog | Handel-Mazzetti, Symb. Sinic. 5: 51 (1930) | China, Prov. Yunnan; ; ; H. F. v. Handel-Mazzetti 9372; 20-Apr-1917 | Isotype | NICH 225491 |
620 | Lejeunea cavifolia (Ehrh.) Lindb. var. loitlesbergeri Schiffn | Krit. Bemerk. Eur. Leberm. 22: 7 (1937) | Panowitzer Wald bei Gorz: Eichen.; ; ; K. Loitlesberger; May 1904 | Isotype | NICH 225134 |
621 | Lejeunea contracta Mizut. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 33: 248 (1970) | N. Borneo, between Tenompock Pass and Kambaranga Radio Station, Mt. Kinabalu; 1400-1900 m; On dripping cliff; Z. Iwatsuki 388; 16-May-1963 | Holotype | NICH 250388 |
622 | Lejeunea dimorpha Kodama | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 41: 384 (1976) | Borneo, Kinabalu National Park, along Sg. Liwagu Trail, near Headguarters; 1450-1550 m; On living leaves (Angiortexis fevox); T. Kodama 48131; 25 Mar. 1974 | * | NICH 351592 |
623 | Lejeunea dimorpha Kodama | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 41: 384 (1976) | North Borneo, Sabah, near Mamut Mine, Kinabalu National Park; 1300m; On living leaves; T. Kodama 40916; 18 Mar. 1970 | Isotype | NICH 326776 |
624 | Lejeunea kiiensis Horik. | Bot. Mag. Tokyo 48: 602 (1934) | Japan. Honshu, Mie-ken austr. (Prov. Kii), Minami-muro-Gun, Arii-Mura, Arima-Hananoiwaya; ; ; T. Koide 52; 25 Aug. 1933 | Isotype | NICH 47449 |
625 | Lejeunea kinabalensis Mizut. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 33: 246 (1970) | N. Borneo: between Tenompock Pass and Kambaranga Radio Station, Mt. Kinabalu; 1400-1900 m; On humus; Z. Iwatsuki 417; 16-May-1963 | Holotype | NICH 250417 |
626 | Lejeunea kodamae Ikegami & Inoue | J. Jpn. Bot. 36: 7 (1961) | Japan. Honshu, Saitama-ken, Mt. Chichibu, along the Ohchigawa valley; 700 m; On bark of the dense deciduous latifollate forest; H. Inoue 8488; 27-Jul-1959 | Isotype | NICH 47448 |
627 | Lejeunea konosensis Mizut. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 71: 127 (1992) | Japan. Kyushu, Kumamoto-ken, Koonose; 150 m; ; K. Mayebara 3320; 20 Jan. 1952 | Isotype | NICH 57678 |
628 | Lejeunea konosensis Mizut. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 71: 127 (1992) | Japan. Kyushu, Kumamoto-ken, Kuma-gun, Koonose; 150 m; ; K. Mayebara 3320; 20 Jan. 1952 | Holotype | NICH 51640 |
629 | Lejeunea macounii Spruce | Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 17: 259 (1890) | Canada, British Columbia; ; On bark of Acer sp.; J. Macoun; pr. 1889 | Isotype | NICH 225483 |
630 | Lejeunea magohukui Mizut. | Misc. Bryol. Lichenol. 7: 133 (1977) | Japan. Honshu, Mie-ken, Ujiyamada-shi, Ise Shrine; 60 m; On trunk; T. Magofuku 507; 30-May-1954 | Holotype | NICH 64686 |
631 | Lejeunea otiana S.Hatt. | Bot. Mag. Tokyo 65: 15 (1952) | Japan. Shikoku, Prov. Iyo, Sijo-Shi, Nakahagi; ; On damp rock; K. Oti 734; 10 Aug. 1944 | Holotype | NICH 12711 |
632 | Lejeunea pectinella Mizut. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 33: 239 (1970) | N. Borneo, between Tenompock Pass and Kambaranga Radio Station, Mt. Kinabalu; 1400-1900 m; On branch of fallen tree; M. Mizutani 2103a; 16-May-1963 | Holotype | NICH 252103a |
633 | Lepicolea scolopendra (Hook.) Dumort. var. yakusimensis S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 2: 9 (1948) | Japan. Kyushu, Yakushima I., Kosugidani; ; ; S. Hattori 7244 (p.p.); 25 Sept. 1940 | Holotype | NICH 60501 |
634 | Lepidolaena weindorferi Herzog | Ann. Bryol. 6: 103 (1932) | Tasmania. Wilmot; ; ; Weindorfer; 10-Apr-1905 | Isotype | NICH 225142 |
635 | Lepidozia hainanensis Chang | Bull. Bot. Res. 4 (3): 84, 86 (1984) | China, Prov. Kwangdung, Tiaolo Mountain; ; ; Gao Chien 2899; 1 Oct. 1974 | Isotype | NICH 410741 |
636 | Lepidozia kinabaluensis Mizut. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 38: 372 (1974) | N. Borneo, mossy forest near camp, Ulu Liwagu, SE slope of Mt. Kinabalu.; 2450-2500 m; On humus; M. Mizutani 3658a; 22-May-1963 | Holotype | NICH 253658a |
637 | Lepidozia omeiensis Mizut. & Chang | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 60: 421 (1980) | China, Prov. Szechwan, Mount Omei; ; ; P. C. Chen 5471; 24 Aug. 1942 | Holotype | NICH 410734 |
638 | Lepidozia reptans (L.) Dumort. var. aquatica Schiffn | Krit. Bemerk. Eur. Leberm. 14: 11 (1919) | Bohmen, Sudl. Bohmerwald, in der Hintringer Au bei Salnau in Torigraben (submers!); 730 m; ; V. Schiffner; 10 Aug. 1916 | Isotype | NICH 22987 |
639 | Lepidozia squamifolia Nicholson | Handel-Mazzetti, Symb. Sinic. 5: 25 (1930) | China. Yunnan; ; ; H. F. v. Handel-Mazzetti 8715; s.d. | Isotype | NICH 411114 |
640 | Lepidozia trichocoleoides Herzog | Trans. Brit. Bryol. Soc. 1: 314 (1949) | Sarawak, Near Long Kapa, Mt. Dulit (Ulu Tinjar), IVth Division; ; ; P. W. Richards 2576; s.d. | Isotype | NICH 233261 |
641 | Lepidozia trisetosa Steph. | Spec. Hep. 3: 607 (1909) | New Guinea, ; 2300 m; ; Kowald 138; 09-Mar-1905 | Isolectotype | NICH 272066 |
642 | Leptocolea boninensis S.Hatt. | J. Jpn. Bot. 18: 654 (1942) | Japan. Bonin Is., Hahajima I.; ; ; S. Hattori 3179; 01-Jun-1938 | Holotype | NICH 15541 |
643 | Leptocolea filicis Herzog | Handel-Mazzetti, Symb. Sinic. 5: 52 (1930) | Vietnam (Indochinae Gallicae), Prov. Tonkin; ; ; H. F. v. Handel-Mazzetti 13; 2 Jan. 1914 | Isotype | NICH 225492 |
644 | Leptocolea latilobula Herzog | Handel-Mazzetti, Symb. Sinic. 5: 54 (1930) | China, Prov. Yunnan; ; ; H. F. v. Handel-Mazzetti 10171; 12-Jun-1917 | Isotype | NICH 225493 |
645 | Leptocolea micacea S.Hatt. | Bot. Mag. Tokyo 64: 116 (1951) | New Guinea. Vogelkop, distr Prafi, Bevouac VI-VII; ; ; T. Tuyama 1547 p.p.; 11-May-1947 | Isotype | NICH 516983 |
646 | Leptocolea sumatrana Herzog | Ann. Bryol. 5: 96 (1932) | Indonesia, Sumatra, Fort de Kock; ; ; Goebel 17b; 08-Apr-1905 | Isotype | NICH 242107 |
647 | Leptoscyphus anomalus (Hook.) Lindb. var. arenicolus Schiffn. | Ber. Naturwiss. -Med. Vereins Innsbruck 31: 62,65 (1908) | Bohmen: Moorig-sandiger Grabenrand im Lotzengrunde bei Zwickau; 400 m; ; V. Schiffner; 15 Aug. 1900 | Isotype | NICH 229782 |
648 | Leptoscyphus anomalus (Hook.) Lindb. var. submersus Schiffn. | Ber. Naturwiss. -Med. Vereins Innsbruck 31: 62, 67 (1908) | Bayern, Bayrischer Wald; submers in einem Graben des Fohraufilzes am Rachel; 800 m; ; I. Familler; Aug. 1906 | Syntype | NICH 229783 |
649 | Leptoscyphus anomalus (Hook.) Lindb. var. subremotus Schiffn. | Ber. Naturwiss. -Med. Vereins Innsbruck 31: 61, 63 (1908) | Bohmen, Sudlicher Bohwerwald, auf dem Moor "Rundscheibliches Moos" m Alwberge bei Oberplan; 1000 m; ; V. Schiffner; 17 Sept. 1902 | Syntype | NICH 229779 |
650 | Leptoscyphus anomalus (Hook.) Lindb. var. subremotus Schiffn. | Ber. Naturwiss. -Med. Vereins Innsbruck 31: 61, 63 (1908) | Bayern: Bernau a. Chiemsee, im Hochmoor bei der Moorkultur-Station; 523 m; ; H. Paul; 14-16 Oct. 1907 | Syntype | NICH 229780 |
651 | Leptoscyphus huonicus Piippo | Acta Bot. Fenn. 131: 152 (1985) | Papua New Guinea, Madang Prov., 4km NW of Teptop airstrip, Slightly disturbed montane rainforest on ridge; 2800-2900 m; On humus; Timo Koponen 34715; 28-Jul-1981 | Isotype | NICH 405523 |
652 | Leucolejeunea gradsteinii Grolle & Piippo | Ann. Bot. Fenn. 27: 122 (1990) | Papua New Guinea, Eastern Highlands Province, Daulo Pass; 2700 m; On tree trunk; H. Streimann 18002; 04-Jun-1905 | Isotype | NICH 412291 |
653 | Leucolejeunea gradsteinii Grolle & Piippo | Ann. Bot. Fenn. 27: 122 (1990) | Eastern Highlands Province, Daulo Pass, 18km WNW of Goroka Adovenced secondary forest ridge, Cunoniaceae Pittosporum ferrugineum dominated; 2700 m; On tree trunk; H. Streimann 18002; 7 Apr. 1982 | Isotype | NICH 406573 |
654 | Leucolejeunea paroica N.Kitag. | Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 18: 190 (1960) | Japan. Honshu, Wakayama-ken, Idiradani, Nakanokawa, Kaminagai, Kumanogawa-cho, Higashimuro-gun; 150 m; Along moist & shaded rivulet; N. Kitagawa 2046; 10 Jan. 1959 | Isotype | NICH 40645 |
655 | Lophocolea nakajimae S.Hatt. & Inoue | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 21: 221 (1959) | Japan. Honshu, Chiba-ken, Mt. Kiyosumi; 200-300 m; Decayed wood in Shiia forest along stream; H. Inoue 3549; 1 Dec. 1952 | Holotype | NICH 39922 |
656 | Lopholejeunea acutifolia Mizut. & Piippo | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 61: 480 (1986) | New Guinea, Morobe distr., Vicinity of Kasanombe, about 30km N of Lae; 1600-1700 m; ; H. Inoue 32291; 10 Nov. 1975 | Isotype | NICH 231762 |
657 | Lopholejeunea dentifolia Mizut. & Piippo | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 61: 480 (1986) | New Guinea, Papua New Guinea, Morobe Deistr., Mt. Kaindi, en route from Wau Ecologcal Institute to summit of Mt. Kaindi; 2000m; ; H. Inoue 32658; 23 Nov. 1975 | Isotype | NICH 231763 |
658 | Lopholejeunea magna Mizut. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 32: 131 (1969) | N. Borneo, ultrabsic (serpentine) area below Paca Cave, south slope of Mt. Kinabalu; 2500-2800 m; On bush; M. Mizutani 2755; 18-May-1963 | Holotype | NICH 252755 |
659 | Lopholejeunea recurvata Mizut. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 46: 369 (1979) | Java Occ., Res. Priangan, G. Gede, in horto montano Tjibodas; 1420 m; ; F. Verdoorn; 01-Jun-1930 | Holotype | NICH 225594 |
660 | Lopholejeunea recurvata Mizut. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 46: 369 (1979) | Java, Res. Priangan, G. Gede, in horto montano Tibodas; 1420 m; ; F. Verdoorn ; 01-May-1930 | Holotype | NICH |
661 | Lopholejeunea subfusca (Nees) Steph. var. yoshinagana S.Hatt. | Bot. Mag. Tokyo 58: 38 (1944) | Japan. Honshu, Prov. Sagami, Nishi-tanzawa, rupicola; ; ; S. Hattori 3118b; 5 Oct. 1938 | Isotype | NICH 60505 |
662 | Lopholejeunea takakii Amak. | J. Jpn. Bot. 45: 184 (1970) | Japan. Ryukyu, Iriomote I., Mt. Gozadake; 1-426 m; On tree branch; N. Takaki 38654; 12 Aug. 1968 | Holotype | NICH 112725 |
663 | Lophozia alpestris (Schleich. ex Web.) Evans var. rubescens Schiffn. | Lotos 51: 217 (1903) | Nord-Tirol, Im Sellrainthale, an einer Strabenaufmauerung; 800 m; ; V. Schiffner; 26 Aug. 1903 | Isotype | NICH 229741 |
664 | Lophozia barbata (Schmid. ex Schreb.) Dumort. var. biloba Schiffn. | Lotos 59: 104 (1911) | Sachsen, Auf Felsblocken im Triebtale bei Jacketa im Vogtlande; ; ; E. Stolle; 25-Jul-1905 | Isotype | NICH 229833 |
665 | Lophozia baueriana Schiffn. var. remotifolia Arnell ex Schiffn. | Krit. Bemerk. Eur. Leberm. 28: 28 (1942) | Schweden, Jamtland, Undersaker, Vedfjall, auf schattiger Erde im Fichtenwalde.; ; ; H. W. Arnell.; 27-Jul-1913 | Isotype | NICH 225147 |
666 | Lophozia chichibuensis Inoue | J. Jpn. Bot. 36: 41 (1961) | Japan. Honshu, Saitama-ken, Mt. Buko, Chichibu; 800 m; On limestone; H. Inoue 5604; 01-Jul-1956 | Isotype | NICH 45965 |
667 | Lophozia confertifolia Schiffn. | Osterr. Bot. Zeit. 55: 47 (1905) | Tirol, Am Glungezer bei Hall, oberhalb der Schafhutte auf alpinem Humus und auf erdbedeckten Steinen; 2300 m; ; V. Schifner and H. F. v. Handel-Mazzeti; 4 Sept. 1903 | Isotype | NICH 229759 |
668 | Lophozia hamatiloba Grolle | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 28: 50 (1965) | Neuguinea, Prov. Morobe, marsh meadow; 2300-2600 m; ; Clemens s.n.; 22-Apr-1905 | Isotype | NICH 238357 |
669 | Lophozia handelii Herzog | Handel-Mazzetti, Symb. Sinic. 5: 14 (1930) | China, Prov. Yunnan; ; ; H. F. V. Handel-Mazzetti 7131; 21-Jul-1915 | Isotype | NICH 225494 |
670 | Lophozia igiana S.Hatt. | J. Jpn. Bot. 31: 201 (1956) | Japan. Shikoku, Mt. Tsurugi, Tokushima-ken; 1740 m; Humus aomong limestones; T. Kodama 7248; 13 Aug. 1954 | Holotype | NICH 54251 |
671 | Lophozia inflata (Huds.) M.Howe var. incurva Schiffn. | Lotos 51: 245 (1903) | Sclesien, Riesengebirge, an Moortumpeln bei den Dreisteinen; 1350 m; ; V. Schiffner; 7 Oct. 1899 | Isotype | NICH 225150 |
672 | Lophozia pellucida R.M.Schust. | Canad. J. Bot. 39: 978 (1961) | Nearctic, over damp, calcareous clay-shale solifluction slope, south end of Dumbbell Bay at head of Parr Inlet, s. of Alert, n. e. Ellesmere Island; ; ; R. M. Schuster 35141; 16-24June 1955 | Isotype | NICH 219996 |
673 | Macvicaria fossombronioides Nicholson | Handel-Mazzetti, Symb. Sinic. 5: 9 (1930) | China, Prov. Yunnan; ; ; H. F. V. Handel-Mazzatti 7002; 20-Jun-1915 | Isotype | NICH 225154 |
674 | Madotheca nitens Steph. | Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat. Cherbourg 29: 220 (1894) | China, Yunnan; ; ; Delavay; s.d. | Isotype | NICH 354492 |
675 | Madotheca pallida Nicholson | Handel-Mazzetti, Symb. Sinic 5: 33 (1930) | China, S. Schetschwan: In Mt. Daling-schan prope Ningyuen; 2600-2800 m; ; H. F. V. Handel-Mazzetti 1691; 25 Apr. 1914 | Isotype | NICH 431901 |
676 | Madotheca plumosa Mitt. | J. Proc. Linn. Sco. Bot. 5: 108 (1861) | E. Indies, In montium Kashian. reg. subtrop., alt. 4000; 4000 ped; ; J. D. Hooker et T.Thomson: 1567; s.d. | Isotype | NICH 281430 |
677 | Madotheca ptychantha Mitt. | J. Proc. Linn. Soc. Bot. 5: 108 (1861) | In Himalayae orient. reg. subtrop., Sikkim, Kurseong; 3000-4000 ped; ; J. D. Hooker: 1566; s.d. | Isotype | NICH 431902 |
678 | Madotheca ptychantha Mitt. | J. Proc. Linn. Soc. Bot. 5: 108 (1861) | India. Kursiong; 3000-4000 ped; ; ; s.d. | Lectotype | NICH 431903 |
679 | Madotheca spinulosa Steph. | Spec. Hep. 6: 529 (1924) | Japan. Honshu, Prov. Musashi in Mte. Takao; ; ; K. Sakurai; 01-May-1910 | Isotype | NICH 237405 |
680 | Mannia barbifrons Shimizu & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 10: 49 (1953) | Japan. Honshu, Saitama-ken, Chichibu Mts., Tochimoto, rock crevices in exposed places ; 780 m; ; D. Shimizu; 27 Aug. 1952 | Holotype | NICH 52809 |
681 | Mannia brachypoda Shimizu & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 9: 32 (1953) | Japan. Honshu, Saitama-ken, Chichibu Mts., Tochimoto; 700m-800 m; ; D. Shimizu; 9 Sept. 1952 | Holotype | NICH 52808 |
682 | Mannia levigata Shimizu & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 10: 49 (1953) | Japan. Honshu, Saitama-ken, Chichibu district, Ohtaki-mura, Kami-nakao; 750 m; ; D. Shimizu; 2 Sept. 1952 | Holotype | NICH 52817 |
683 | Mannia levigata Shimizu & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 10: 49 (1953) | Japan. Honshu, Saitama-ken, Chichibu, Ootaki-mura, Kami-nakao; 750 m; ; D. Shimizu; 2 Sept. 1952 | Isotype | NICH 52818 |
684 | Marchantia fallax Herzog | Handel-Mazzetti, Symb. Sin. 5: 6 (1930) | China, Prov. Yunnan; ; ; H. F. V. Handel-Mazzetti 6842; 21-Jun-1915 | Isotype | NICH 225173 |
685 | Marchantia squamosa Raddi ex Lehm. & Lindenb. var. ramosior C.Massal. | Mem. Accad. Agric. Verona ser. 3, 73: 54 (1897) | China, Prov. Schen-si; ; ; Rev. Patre Josepho Giraldi; s.d. | Isotype? | NICH 227797 |
686 | Marchantia togashii Amak. | Hara, Fl. East. Himalaya 1: 535 (1966) | Eastern India, Patria Darjeeling, Lopchu ; 1500 m; ; M. Togashi; 20 Apr. 1960 | Holotype | NICH 201769 |
687 | Marchesinia trollii Herzog | Ann. Bryol. 5: 137 (1932) | Panama, Azuero; 950 m; ; K. Troll; 15-Apr-1905 | Isotype | NICH 225175 |
688 | Marsupella aequiloba Steph. | Bonner, Candorella 14: 253 (1953) | Japan. Honshu, Echigo, Mt. Niojiyama; ; ; S. Okamura; 01-Jul-1909 | Isotype | NICH 66728 |
689 | Marsupella aequiloba Steph. | Bonner, Candorella 14: 253 (1953) | Japan. Honshu, Prov. Echigo: Kita-kanbara-gun, Ninnoji; ; ; S. Okamura 278; 01-Jul-1909 | Isotype | NICH 47408 |
690 | Marsupella apiculata Schiffn. var. glacilescens Schiffn. | Lotos 58: 217 (1910) | Tirol, Ober der Almindalpe im Fotschertale (Sellrain), in feuchtschattigen Hohlungen zwischen Felsblocken (Glimmerschiefer); 2300 m; ; H. F. v. Handel-Mazzetti; 8 Aug. 1905 | Isotype | NICH 229702 |
691 | Marsupella integra N. Kitag. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 30: 199 (1967) | N. Borneo, granodiorite slope above Paca Cave, Mt. Kinabalu; 2984-3350 m; On soil-covered rock; M. Mizutani 2819; 19-May-1963 | Holotype | NICH 252819 |
692 | Marsupella mikawana Steph. | Bonner, Candollea 14: 255 (1953) | Japan. Honshu, Prov. Mikawa, Mt. Kobzan, near Okazaki; ; ; S. Okamura 420; 18 Jan. 1913 | Isotype | NICH 47409 |
693 | Marsupella nitida N. Kitag. | Hara, Fl. East Himalaya 1: 523 (1966) | East India, Patria Sikkim, Migothang; 3900 m; ; H. Hara et al.; 31-May-1960 | Holotype | NICH 201199 |
694 | Marsupella pearsonii Schiffn. ex Macvican var. revoluta Schiffn. | Lotos 58: 253 (1910) | Frankreich, Pyrenaeen; an Gneisfelsen an der Rue d'Enfer bei B-de-Lnchon; ; ; C. Muller; 24 Aug. 1903 | Isotype | NICH 229686 |
695 | Marsupella pearsonii Schiffn. ex Macvicar | J. Bot. 43: 117 (1905) | England, Cumberland; an Felsen an feuchten Stelle bei Borrowdale; 300 m; ; W. H. Pearson ; Apr. 1903 | Isotype | NICH 229687 |
696 | Marsupella rikuchuna Steph. | Bonner, Candollea 14: 256 (1953) | Japan. Honshu, Prov. Rikuchu, Mt. Sugawadake; ; ; S.Okamura 424; 16 Aug. 1912 | Isotype | NICH 47411 |
697 | Marsupella stoloniformis N.Kitag. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 30: 201 (1967) | N.Borneo: around Paca Cave, south slope of Mt. kinabalu.; 2984 m; On boulder; M. Mizutani 2788; 18-May-1963 | Holotype | NICH 252788 |
698 | Marsupidium gradsteinii Grolle | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 66: 337 (1989) | Guyana, Upper Mazaruni District, Jawalla, at confluence of Kukul river and Mazaruni river, ca 25m tall cirgin forest; 500 m; On rotten log; S. R. Gradstein 4922; 07-Jun-1905 | Syntype | NICH 412981 |
699 | Mastigobryum appendiculatum Mitt. | J. Proc. Linn. Soc. Bot. 5: 105 (1860) | East India, Upper Assam; 7000-8000 ped; ; W. Griffith s.n.; s.d. | Isotype | NICH 225181 |
![]() |
No. | Species | Literature | Locality; Altitude; Habitat; Collector; Date | Type | Herb.No. |
700 | Mastigobryum ceylanicum Mitt. | J. Proc. Linn. Soc. Bot. 5: 105 (1860) | Ceylon, Rambodde; ; ; Gardner 144; Feb. 1847 | Isotype | NICH 225182 |
701 | Mastigobryum decurvum Nees | Syn. Hep.: 223 (1845) | Ceylon; ; ; s.d.; s.d. | Syntype | NICH 220505 |
702 | Mastigobryum fissifolium Steph. | Spec. Hep. 3: 502 (1908) | Japan. Honshu, Prov. Kai, Mt. Komagadake; ; ; K. Tamura; Aug. 1903 | Isotype | NICH 47412 |
703 | Mastigobryum herminieri Gott. | Husnot, Pl. des Antilles, 211 (1868) | Antlles (Guiadaloupe and Martinique), abondant sur les rochers de la Soufriere; 1150-1470 m; ; ; s.d. | Isotype | NICH 225183 |
704 | Mastigobryum himalayanum Mitt. | J. Proc. Linn. Soc. Bot. 5: 105 (1861) | India, Himalaya, Jonglo.; ; ; J. D. Hooker 1429; s.d. | Syntype | NICH 225184 |
705 | Mastigobryum imbricatum Mitt. | J. Proc. Linn. Soc. Bot. 5: 104 (1861) | India, Kambachen.; 1400 ft; ; J. D. Hooker: 1421; s.d. | Isotype | NICH 225185 |
706 | Mastigobryum imbricatum Mitt. | J. Proc. Linn. Soc. Bot. 5: 104 (1861) | Ceyon; ; ; Gardner 1598; s.d. | Isotype | NICH 220512 |
707 | Mastigobryum inaequilaterum Lehm. & Lindenb. | Syn. Hep.: 218 (1844) | Nepal; ; ; s.d.; s.d. | Isotype | NICH 220513 |
708 | Mastigobryum oblongum Mitt. | J. Proc. Linn. Soc. Bot. 106 (1861) | India, Chongtum; 400-700 ft; ; J. D. Hooker 1590; s.d. | Syntype | NICH 225186 |
709 | Mastigobryum obtusatum Mitt. | J. Proc. Linn. Soc. Bot. 5: 106 (1861) | Ceylon; ; ; Gardner 1598; s.d. | Isotype | NICH 225187 |
710 | Mastigobryum okamuranum Steph. | Spec. Hep. 6: 475 (1924) | Japan. Shikoku, Prov. Tosa, Aki-gun, Shimaishi; ; ; S. Okamura 212; 17 Aug. 1905 | Isotype | NICH 47413 |
711 | Mastigobryum yoshinaganum Steph. | Spec. Hep. 3: 490 (1908) | Japan. Honshu, Prov. Kai, Mt. Komagadake; ; ; K. Tamura; Aug. 1903 | Isotype | NICH 47414 |
712 | Mastigolejeunea dentilobula Herzog | Rev. Bryol. Lich. 20: 134 (1951) | Costa Rica, Provincia de Limon, on the Rio Reventazon below Cairo; 55 m; ; P. C. Standley and J. Valerio 48775a ; 19 Feb. 1926 | Isotype | NICH 357359 |
713 | Mastigolejeunea liukiuensis (Horik.) S.Hatt. var. mayebarae S.Hatt. | J. Jpn. Bot. 26: 299 (1951) | Japan. Kyushu, Prov. Higo, Isshochi; 300 m; ; K. Mayebara, 1941; 22 Jan. 1950 | Holotype | NICH 15692 |
714 | Mastigolejeunea recurvifolia Mizut. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 61: 294 (1986) | Sabah (North Borneo), Batu Puteh - near the Kinabatangan River.; ; Growing on limestone rock in forest.; G. Shea 3278; 1 Aug. 1973 | Holotype | NICH 334833 |
715 | Mastigolejeunea truncata Mizut. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 61: 292 (1986) | N. Borneo, limestone area around Madai Cave, SW of Lahad Datu, East Coast; 30-70 m; Upper surface of rock.; Z. Iwatsuki 5426; 15-Jun-1963 | Holotype | NICH 255426 |
716 | Mastigopelma bilobum Herzog | Trans. Brit. Bryol. Soc. 1: 307 (1950) | Borneo, Sarawak, Dulit Ridge; 1100 m; ; Richards 1815; 15-Apr-1905 | Isotype | NICH 299638 |
717 | Metacalypogeia quelpaertensis S.Hatt. & Inoue | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 25: 129 (1962) | Korea, Mt. Hanra; 1000 m; On rocks; Wonshic Hong: 1889; 4 Aug. 1960 | Holotype | NICH 226826 |
718 | Metacalypogeia schusterana S.Hatt. and Mizut. | Misc. Bryol. Lichenol. 4: 121 (1967) | Canada, Nova Scotia, Cape Breton I.; ; ; R. M. Schuster 430lla; 24-Jun-1959 | Holotype | NICH 285821 |
719 | Metzgeria conjugata Lindb var. japonica S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 15: 80 (1955) | Japan. Hokkaido, Hidaka, Mt. Apoi; 810 m; ; D. Shimizu; 10 Aug. 1954 | Syntype | NICH 54642 |
720 | Metzgeria conjugata Lindb var. japonica S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 15: 80 (1955) | Japan. Hokkaido, Hidaka, Mt. Apoi; 810 m; ; D. Shimizu; 10 Aug. 1954 | Syntype | NICH 54665 |
721 | Metzgeria darjeeligensis Kuwah. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 39: 365 (1975) | India, West Bengal. Around Dak Bangalow, Tongloo, Darjeeling area ; 10000ft; ; Z. Iwatsuki, A.J. and Evelyn Sharp: 9561; 24 Apr. 1965 | Holotype | NICH 258622 |
722 | Metzgeria involvens S.Hatt. | Ohashi, Fl. Eastern Himalaya 3: 240 (1975) | East Nepal, Between Topake Gola and Shewaden; 2850 m; On rock; Z. Iwatsuki 1914; 28-Jun-1972 | Holotype | NICH 312863 |
723 | Metzgeria macrocellulosa Kuwah. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 39: 367 (1975) | India, West Bengal. Ranbi forest near Darjeeling, Darjeeling area ; 7400 ft; ; Z. Iwatsuki, A. J. and Evelyn Sharp; 16 Apr. 1965 | Holotype | NICH 258104 |
724 | Metzgeria mitrata Kuwah. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 39: 371 (1975) | India, West Bengal. Near St. Joseph College at edge of Darjeeling(Lyellia station), Darjeeling area ; 6500 ft; ; Z. Iwatsuki, A. J. and Evelyn Sharp 9758a; 20 Apr. 1965 | Holotype | NICH 258711 |
725 | Metzgeria subhamata S.Hatt. | Herzog and Noguchi, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 14: 30 (1955) | Taiwan, Im Gebirge, an Baumen; 1400-1500 m; ; G. H. Schwabe 101; 29-Apr-1905 | Holotype | NICH 225189 |
726 | Microlejeunea rotundistipula Steph. var. pallida S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 5: 53 (1951) | Japan. Kyushu, Yakushima I., Onoaida, Susukawa; ; ; S. Hattori: 7073; 23 Sept. 1940 | Holotype | NICH 11913 |
727 | Micropterygium bialatum Fulford | Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 11(2): 268 (1966) | Venezuela, Serrania paru, Rio Paru, Cano Asisa, Rio Ventuari, Amanons, Cumber, along west escarpment ; 2000 m; On rivulet bank in scrub forest; R. S. Cowan and J. J. Wurdack 31327; 7 Feb. 1951 | Isotype | NICH 376517 |
728 | Mizutania riccardioides Furuki & Z.Iwats. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 67: 291 (1989) | N. Borneo, near Sandakan Radio Station, East Coast; 30-200 m; On cliff; M. Mizutani 3372; 08-Jun-1963 | Holotype | NICH 253372 |
729 | Mizutania riccardioides Furuki & Z.Iwats. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 67: 291 (1989) | N. Borneo, near Sandakan Radio Station, East Coast. On criff; 30-200 m; On cliff; M. Mizutani: 3372; 08-Jun-1963 | Holotype | NICH 253372 |
730 | Moerckia japonica Inoue | Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus. Tokyo Ser. B, 11:8 (1985) | Japan. Honshu, Toyama-ken: Midagahara, Mt. Tateyama. ; 2000 m; On soil.; Z. Iwatsuki and A. J. Sharp 135; 15-Jul-1965 | Holotype | NICH 92392 |
731 | Moerckia japonica Inoue | Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus. Tokyo Ser. B, 11:8 (1985) | Japan. Honshu, Toyama-ken: Midagahara, Mt. Tateyama.; 2000 m; On soil.; Z. Iwatsuki and A. J. Sharp 135; 15-Jul-1965 | Isotype | NICH 99256 |
732 | Marsupella alata S.Hatt. & N.Kitag. | Mem. Coll. Sci. Univ. Kyoto, ser. B. 27: 79 (1960) | Japan. Honshu, Nagano-ken, Mt. Shirouma, between Shirouma-jiti and the summit; ; On serpentime; H. Inoue 6344; 7~11 Aug. 1956 | Holotype | NICH 62717 |
733 | Nardia breidleri (Limp.) Lindb. var. suberecta Schffn. | Lotos 58: 269 (1910) | Schweiz, Kanton Wallis, auf Glimmersand am Totensee anf der Grimsel und an den Bschen gegen das Siedelhorn.; 2145-2200 m; ; P. Culmann; 30 Apr. 1906 | Isotype | NICH 229810 |
734 | Nardia compressa (Hook.) Gray var. parvifolia Schiffn. | Lotos 58: 270 (1910) | Norwegen, Husefjeld in Mo, nordlich von Bergen, anf uberrieselten Felsplatten.; 500 m; ; E. Jorgensen; 31-Jul-1903 | Isotype | NICH 229811 |
735 | Nardia flagelliformis Inoue | J. Jpn. Bot. 46: 1 (1971) | East Himalaya, Patria Singalila, Mt. Singalila.; 3650 m; ; H. Hara et al.; 17-Jul-1969 | Holotype | NICH 301980 |
736 | Nardia geoscyphoides Amakawa | J. Jpn. Bot. 32: 167 (1957) | Japan. Hokkaido, Isl. Rishiri; 1600 m; ; D. Shimizu; 22-Jul-1954 | Holotype | NICH 53480 |
737 | Nardia grandistipula Steph. var. diversifolia S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 3: 10 (1948) | Japan. Kyushu, Yakushima I., between Miyanoura and Hananoego, on wet substrata; ; ; S. Hattori 7790; 27 Sept. 1940 | Holotype | NICH 12872 |
738 | Nardia grandistipula Steph. var. diversifolia S.Hatt. fo. nuda S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 3: 10 (1948) | Japan. Kyushu, Isl. Yakushima, between Miyanoura and Hananoego, on wet substrata; ; ; S. Hattori 7779; Sept. 1940 | Syntype | NICH 12871 |
739 | Nardia grandistipula Steph. var. diversifolia S.Hatt. fo. nuda S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 3: 10 (1948) | Japan. Kyushu, Isl. Yakushima, Hananoego.; 1600 m; ; S. Hattori 7675; 25 Sept. 1940 | Syntype | NICH 112863 |
740 | Nardia harae Amak. | J. Jpn. Bot. 32: 38 (1957) | Japan. Shikoku, Ehime-ken, Mt. Ishizuchi; 1790 m; On moist rocks; M. Hara 6101; 06-Jun-1952 | Holotype | NICH 62418 |
741 | Nardia hiroshii Amak. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 21: 283 (1959) | Japan. Honshu, Nagano-ken, Mt. Yatsu; 2400 m; On humus on rocks in the alpine region; T. Amakawa 2327; Sept. 1957 | Holotype | NICH 73008 |
742 | Nardia nepalinsis Amak. | Ohashi, Fl. Eastern Himalaya 3: 220 (1975) | East Nepal, Between Saju Pokhari and the pass to Topke Gola; 4350 m; On rock; Z. Iwatsuki 1195; 16-Jun-1972 | Holotype | NICH 312067 |
743 | Nardia unispiralis Amak. | J. Jpn. Bot. 32: 167 (1957) | Japan. Hokkaido, Rishiri I.; 1300 m; On andesite rocks in more or less shady and damp place; D. Shimizu; 24-Jul-1954 | Holotype | NICH 53583 |
744 | Nephelolejeunea conchophylla Grolle | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 48: 164 (1980) | New Zealand: North Island, near Rotorua, base of Paeroa Range; 600 m; On dead Leptospermum scoparium; Bartlett: 21/c; 31-May-1905 | Isotype | NICH 369123 |
745 | Noguchia hattorii Inoue | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 20: 102 (1958) | Japan. Kyushu, Yakushima I., between Kosugidani and Hananoego; 1600 m; ; H. Hara: 3138; 02-Jun-1951 | Holotype | NICH 39363 |
746 | Odontoschisma lutescens S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 4: 60 (1950) | Japan. Kyushu, Yakushima I., Onoaida, Susukawa; ; On granitic rock; S. Hattori 7095; 23 Sept. 1940 | Holotype | NICH 11997 |
747 | Otolejeunea streimanii Grolle | Haussknechtia 2: 49 (1986) | Papua New Guinea, Central Prov., K. N. Sawmill; 600 m; On Hymenophyllum; H. Streimann and Naoni 16528/b; 03-Jun-1905 | Isotype | NICH 398781 |
748 | Otolejeunea zantenii Grolle | Haussknechtia 2: 54 (1986) | Papua New Guinea, Owen Stanley Range, Mission Ridge; 1550 m; Epiphyllous; B. O. van Zanten 68-3801/k4; 21-May-1905 | Isotype | NICH 398782 |
749 | Pachyglossa tristicha Herzog | J. Jpn. Bot. 33: 360 (1958) | New Zealand, Stewart Island, Port Pegasus; ; On lip of waterfall at sealevel on Peasus Creek; W. Martin 530; 1 Aug. 1949 | Isotype | NICH 225195 |
750 | Pallavicinia indica Schiffn. | Expositio Plantarum in Itinere Suo Indico ..... 1: 31 (1898) | East Java, Batavia, Tjikeumeuh; ; ; V. Schiffner; Nov. 1893 | Syntype | NICH 225196 |
751 | Pallavicinia longispina Steph. fo. parvispina S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 6: 7 (1951) | Japan. Kyushu, Yakushima I., Onoaida, Susukawa; ; ; S. Hattori 6902; 23 Sept. 1940 | Syntype | NICH 11854 |
752 | Peltolepis grandis Lindb. var. angustifrons Lindb. | Lindberg and Arnell, Musc. As. Bor. 1: 13 (1889) | Norway, Sor-Trondelag, Dovre; ; ; R. Fritze and S. O. Lindberg; July 1882 | Isosyntype | NICH 425343 |
753 | Peltolepis quadrata (Sauter) K. Muell. var. japonica Shimizu & S. Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 12: 69 (1954) | Japan. Honshu. Nagano-ken, Mt. Yatsu; 2250-2300 m; ; D. Shimizu; 21 Aug. 1953 | Isotype | NICH 52826 |
754 | Phaeoceros striatisporus J.Haseg. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 75: 268 (1994) | Western Himalayas, Panjab, Naggar, Kulu; 5500 ft; ; Walter Koelz 2002; 22-May-1931 | Isotype | NICH 234060 |
755 | Phyllothallia nivicola E.A.Hodgs. | Trans. Roy. Soc. New Zeal. Bot. 2(19): 247 (1964) | New Zealand, South Island, Phipps Basin, Arthur's Pass region; ; ; C. J. Burrows s.n. ; Jan. 1963 | Isotype | NICH 238779 |
756 | Physocolea crenulata Herzog | Mitt. Inst. Allg. Bot. Hamburg 7: 215 (1931) | W. Borneo, auf dem bukit Menipit; 500 m; ; Winkler 3131 ; 07-Apr-1905 | Syntype | NICH 241882 |
757 | Physocolea oblonga Herzog | Handel-Mazzetti, Symb. Sinic. 5: 55 (1930) | China, Prov. Yunnan; ; ; H. F. v. Handel-Mazzetti 10890; 20-Jul-1917 | Syntype | NICH 225496 |
758 | Physocolea orbiculata Herzog | Handel-Mazzetti, Symb. Sinic. 5: 56 (1930) | China, Prov. Yunnan; ; ; H. F. v. Handel-Mazzetti 13067; 20-Jul-1917 | Isotype | NICH 225495 |
759 | Plagiochila alaskana Evans | Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 41: 590 (1914) | Alaska, Nicols Bay; ; ; T. C. Frye 399; s.d. | Isotype | NICH 225202 |
760 | Plagiochila alata Inoue | Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 8: 283 (1965) | East India, Sikkim, Darjeeling; 3550 m; ; H. Hara et al.; 05-Jun-1960 | Holotype | NICH 200975 |
761 | Plagiochila amphigastriata Herzog | Hedwigia 78: 223 (1938) | Nigeria, Shasha Forest Reserve; 50 m; ; P. W. Richards 3446; 01-May-1935 | Isotype | NICH 225209 |
762 | Plagiochila armata Steph. | Hedwigia 30: 211 (1891) | Cameroon, in montibus Camerunensibus ad Bomanam pagum.; 670 m; ; P. Dusen; 7 Dec. 1890 | Isotype | NICH 221326 |
763 | Plagiochila aspleniformis R.M.Schust. | Amer. Midl. Nat. 63: 51 (1960) | U.S.A., Florida, Hillsborough C., Hillsborough State Park; ; Over sandy soil and coral limestone; R. M. Schuster 33905; 30 Dec. 1954 | Isotype | NICH 225203 |
764 | Plagiochila aspleniformis R.M.Schust. | Amer. Midl. Nat. 63: 51 (1960) | U.S.A., Florida, Hillsborough C., Hillsborough State Park; ; ; R. M. Schuster 33905; 30 Dec. 1954 | Isotype | NICH 225205 |
765 | Plagiochila aspleniformis R.M.Schust. | Amer. Midl. Nat. 63: 51 (1960) | U.S.A., Florida, Hillsborough C., Hillsborough State Park; ; ; R. M. Schuster 22869; 30 Dec. 1954 | Isotype | NICH 225204 |
766 | Plagiochila aspleniformis R.M.Schust. | Amer. Midl. Nat. 63: 51 (1960) | U.S.A., Florida, Hillsborough C., Hillsborough State Park; ; ; R. M. Schuster 22869; 30 Dec. 1954 | Isotype | NICH 225206 |
767 | Plagiochila asplenioides (L.) Dum. subsp. ovalifolia (Mitt.) Inoue fo. magna Inoue | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 19: 49 (1958) | Japan. Honshu. Tokyo-to, Kitatama-gun, Mt. Tensozan; ; ; S. Hattori 3515; 06-Jul-1940 | Holotype | NICH 47419 |
768 | Plagiochila asplenioides (L.) Dum. var. latifolia Schiffn. | Krit. Bemerk. Eur. Leberm. 29: 8 (1943) | Schlesien, im Krebsgrunde bei Jauernig; 360-400 m; Auf Granit-blocken und Felsen im Waldesschatten am Krebsbache; A. Latzel; Jan. 1941 | Isotype | NICH 225208 |
769 | Plagiochila asplenioides (L.) Dum. var. gracilis Schiffn. | Krit. Bemerk. Eur. Leberm. 29: 7 (1943) | Wien, Waldweg zw. Giesshubel und Wassergspreng; ; Auf Waldboden; Ludmila Stenzl; 28 Mar. 1943 | Isotype | NICH 225207 |
770 | Plagiochila biloba Inoue in Hara | Fl. Eastern Himalaya: 514 (1966) | Himalaya, East Neapal, Gola-Zongi; 2700-2800 m; ; H. Kanai et al.; 11 Nov. 1963 | Holotype | NICH 236452 |
771 | Plagiochila bomanensis Steph. | Hedwigia 30: 212 (1891) | Cameroon, in montibus Camerunensibus ad Bomanam pagum; 670 m; Tree trunk; P. Dusen 39; 7 Dec. 1890 | Isotype | NICH 221413 |
772 | Plagiochila bomanensis Steph. | Hedwigia 30: 212 (1891) | Kameroon, Bomana; ; ; P. Dusen 39; 7 Dec. 1890 | Isotype | NICH 221499 |
773 | Plagiochila caduciloba Blomquist | Bryologist 42(5): 114 (1939) | U.S.A., Tennessee, Sevier Country, Greenbrier; 3000 ft; ; A. J. Sharp 3871; 24 Apr. 1938 | Isotype | NICH 376516 |
774 | Plagiochila carrii Herzog | Hedwigia 78: 234 (1938) | New Guinea, Papua, Bordi, Owen Stanley Range above Port Moresby; 5000 ft; On decaying log; C. E. Carr 13568; 29 Nov. 1935 | Isotype | NICH 376518 |
775 | Plagiochila carrii Herzog | Hedwigia 78: 234 (1938) | British New Guinea, Owen Stanley Range, prope Boridi; 1600 m; ; C. E. Carr 13568; Nov. 1935 | Isotype | NICH 225210 |
776 | Plagiochila carringtonii (Balf.) Grolle subsp. lobuchensis Grolle | Trans. Brit. Bryol. Sco. 4: 660 (1964) | Nepal, Mahalangur Himal, Khumbu, Hohe W Lobuche; 5100 m; ; J. Poelt H88; 15-May-1905 | Isotype | NICH 234132 |
777 | Plagiochila cleefii Inoue | Inoue, Studies on Crypt. in South Peru: 95 (1987) | Colombia, Paramo de Sumapaz, Cerro Nevado del Sumapaz; 4050 m; ; Antoine M. Cleef 8042; 18 Jan. 1973 | Isotype | NICH 356965 |
778 | Plagiochila confudens Lindenb. & Gott. var. alpinoides Herzog | Ann. Bryol. 4: 126 (1931) | Panama, Pen. Azuero, Cerro Canajaque; 950 m; ; K. Troll; 00June 1929 | Isotype | NICH 225211 |
779 | Plagiochila didyma Inoue | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 38: 558 (1974) | Thailand, Payap, Chiangmai, Mt. Doi Inthanon; 600-1000 m; ; M. Tagawa and N. Kitagawa 2532; 17 Dec. 1965 | Isotype | NICH 376240 |
780 | Plagiochila duriei Gott. & Rabenh. | Hep. Eur. Excicc. n. 553 (1873)? | Guadeloupe; ; ; L'Herminier s.n.; s.d. | Isotype? | NICH 221454 |
781 | Plagiochila echinata R.M.Schust. | Amer. Midl. Nat. 62: 341 (1959) | U.S.A., North Carolina, Macon Co, Gorge of Cullasaja R. ; 2200 ft; Over damp, shaded verical faces of moist, weakly calcareous boulders; R. M. Schuster 40736; 5 Aug. 1958 | Isotype | NICH 225214 |
782 | Plagiochila flaccida Lindenb. | Spec. Hep. (Monographia Hepaticarum Generis Plagiochilae): 78 (1840) | West Indies, St. Vincent; ; ; s.d.; 10-Jan-1905 | Isotype? | NICH 221460 |
783 | Plagiochila fryei Evans | Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 41: 593 (1914) | Alaska, Augustine Bay on Dall Island; ; ; T. C. Frye 579; 27-Mar-1905 | Isotype | NICH 225216 |
784 | Plagiochila harae Inoue | Hara, Fl. Eastern Himalaya: 517 (1966) | Himalaya, East Nepal, Khola-Yamphodin; 2100-2300 m; ; M. Togashi.; 17 Nov. 1963 | Holotype | NICH 237757 |
785 | Plagiochila intertexta Hook. & Tayl. | Taylor, London J. Bot. 5: 267 (1846) | Australia, Norfolk Island.; ; ; Allan Cunningham; s.d. | Isotype? | NICH 221508 |
786 | Plagiochila irrigata Herzog | Handel-Mazzetti, Symb. Sinic. 5: 18 (1930) | China. Yunnan, prope Yunnafu; 2050 m; ; H. F. v. Handel-Mazzetti; Mar. 1914 | Syntype | NICH 225218 |
787 | Plagiochila japonomontana S.Hatt. | Bull. Yamagata Agr. Coll. 1: 42 (1949) | Japan. Honshu, Yamagata-ken, Mt. Asahi; 1500 m; ; S. Hattori 1448; 21-Jul-1941 | Isotype | NICH 15956 |
788 | Plagiochila kitagawae Inoue | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 38: 560 (1974) | Thailand, Payap, Mt. Doi Suthep; 1400-1685 m; On tree trunk; N. Kitagawa 3394; 23 Dec. 1965 | Isotype | NICH 376241 |
789 | Plagiochila kodukensis S.Hatt. | J. Jpn. Bot. 20: 160 (1944) | Japan. Honshu, Prov. Kozuke, Tokura--Hatomachi-toge; ; ; S. Hattori 641; 03-Jul-1941 | Isotype | NICH 15962 |
790 | Plagiochila koponenii Inoue & Piippo | Ann. Bot. Fenn. 26: 216 (1989) | Papua New Guinea, Morobe Prov., Cromwell Mts., 11 km SEE of Indagen airstrip ; 2550 m; ; T. Koponen 31304; 20-Jun-1981 | Isotype | NICH 417782 |
791 | Plagiochila magna Inoue | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 28: 216 | Japan. Shikoku, Kochi-ken, Mt. Kajigamori; 1200 m; ; H. Inoue 1504; Aug. 1951 | Isotype | NICH 77599 |
792 | Plagiochila makinoana S.Hatt. | J. Jpn. Bot. 26: 179 (1951) | Japan. Shikoku, Prov. Iyo, Omogo; ; On rock; S. Hattori 5836; 25-Jul-1940 | Isotype | NICH 15961 |
793 | Plagiochila makinoana S.Hatt. var. nuda S.Hatt. | Bull. Agr. Yamagata Coll. 1: 42 (1949) | Japan. Honshu, Yamagata-ken, Mt. Asahi; ; ; S. Hattori 1452; 01-Jul-1941 | Isotype | NICH 15968 |
794 | Plagiochila mayebarae S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 3: 39 (1948) | Japan. Kyushu, Prov. Higo, in mte Ichifusa; 1700 m; ; K. Mayebara 860; 14 Sept. 1947 | Holotype | NICH 12701 |
795 | Plagiochila minutistipula Herzog | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 14: 34 (1955) | Taiwan, im Gebirge des westlichen Mitteltaiwan. ``Zeltplatz``; 1200 m; ; G. H. Schwabe; 20-30 Aug. 1947 | Isotype | NICH 60621 |
796 | Plagiochila monticola Schiffn. fo. intermedia Herzog. | Ann. Bryol. 5: 130 (1932) | East Java, Priangan, Mt. Gede; 2950 m; ; Fr. Verdoorn; Aug. 1930 | Syntype | NICH 225219 |
797 | Plagiochila multipinnula Herzog & S.Hatt. | Herzog and Noguchi, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 14: 36 (1955) | Taiwan, Daiton (erloschener Vulkan), an einem Gerollblock in einer Felsschucht; ; ; G.H. Schwabe 22; 11 Jan. 1947 | Isotype | NICH 60616 |
798 | Plagiochila neorichardsii Inoue | Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus. Tokyo, ser. B, 3: 135 (1977) | Mexico, Siera Juarez; 2900 m; On tree trunk; D. Richards, A. J. and E. Sharp; 5 Sept. 1974 | Isotype | NICH 356272 |
799 | Plagiochila novae-guineae Sande Lac. | Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugdnno-Batavum 1: 292 (1864) | New Guinea; ; ; Zeppel; s.d. | Isotype | NICH 225221 |
![]() |
No. | Species | Literature | Locality; Altitude; Habitat; Collector; Date | Type | Herb.No. |
800 | Plagiochila nymanii Steph. | Spec. Hep. 6: 186 (1921) | New Guinea, Kaiser Wilhelms Land, Sattelberg; ; ; E. Nyman; June 1899 | Isotype | NICH 225222 |
801 | Plagiochila okamurana Steph. | Spec. Hep. 6: 190 (1921) | Japan. Shikoku, Prov. Tosa, Mt. Yokogura; ; ; S. Okamura 13; 30 Aug. 1903 | Isotype | NICH 47420 |
802 | Plagiochila ovalifolia Mitt. fo. flagellata S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 3: 27 (1948) | Japan. Kyushu, Yakushima I., Kosugidani-Hananoego; ; ; S. Hattori 7923; 27 Sept. 1940 | Holotype | NICH 15965 |
803 | Plagiochila parviramifera Inoue | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 46: 317 (1979) | Nepal, Topke; 3840 m; ; S. Takiguchi 218f; 30-May-1977 | Holotype | NICH 359002 |
804 | Plagiochila pinniflora Steph. | Hedwigia 30: 212 (1891) | Cameroon, Ekunda, Elitti; ; ; P. Dusen s.n.; 26 Aug. 1890 | Isotype | NICH 221547 |
805 | Plagiochila poeltii Inoue & Grolle | Trans. Brit. Bryol. Soc. 4: 656 (1964) | Nepal, Mahalangur, Khumbu Hohe W Lobuche; 5100 m; ; J. Poelt H88; 15-May-1905 | Isotype | NICH 237952 |
806 | Plagiochila pseudomicrophylla Inoue | Hara, Fl. Eastern Himalaya: 518 (1966) | Himalaya, East Nepal, Hati Sar-Minchin Dhap; 2600-3000 m; ; H. Hara et al.; 28 Oct. 1963 | Holotype | NICH 236069 |
807 | Plagiochila pseudopoeltii Inoue | Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 8: 382 (1965) | Eastern India, Patria Darjeeling, Phalut; 3550 m; ; H. Hara et al.; 05-Jun-1960 | Holotype | NICH 201010 |
808 | Plagiochila pseudopunctata Inoue | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 20: 65 (1958) | Japan. Honshu, Saitama-ken, Mt. Buko; 500 m; On calcareous rock; H. Inoue 5599; 01-Jul-1956 | Holotype | NICH 39299 |
809 | Plagiochila pseudopunctata Inoue | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 20: 65 (1958) | Japan. Honshu, Saitama-ken, Mt. Buko in Mts. Chichibu; 500 m; ; H. Inoue 5599; 01-Jul-1956 | Isotype | NICH 39942 |
810 | Plagiochila pulcherrima Horik. | J. Hiroshima Univ. ser. B, div. 2, 1: 63 (1931) | Taiwan, Mt. Arisan; ; ; A. Noguchi ; 27-Jul-1928 | Syntype | NICH 60506 |
811 | Plagiochila quelpaertensis Inoue | J. Jpn. Bot. 37: 188 (1962) | Korea, Quelpart I.; 1300-1900 m; On wet rock; U. S. Kyun 6710; 28 July 1961-4 Aug. 1961 | Holotype | NICH 230672 |
812 | Plagiochila rhizophora S.Hatt. | J. Jpn. Bot. 25: 141 (1950) | Japan. Shikoku, Prov. Iyo, Nii-gun, Sumino-machi; ; ; K. Oti 805; 29 Sept. 1944 | Holotype | NICH 12312 |
813 | Plagiochila richardsii Herzog | Trans. Brit. Bryol. Soc. 1: 287 (1950) | N. Borneo, Sarawak, near Long Kapa, Mount Dulit (Ulu Tinjar).; ; ; P. W. Richards 2594; 15-Apr-1905 | Isotype | NICH 233260 |
814 | Plagiochila rigidula S.Hatt. & Inoue | Inoue, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 20: 61 (1958) | Japan. Honshu, Saitama-ken, Chichibu Mts, Oochigawa; 700 m; On wetty rock; H. Inoue 4169; 23 Apr. 1955 | Holotype | NICH 47421 |
815 | Plagiochila sandei Dozy. fo. remotidens Herzog | Trans. Brit. Bryol. Soc. 1: 287 (1950) | N. Borneo, Sarawak; 300 m; ; P. W. Richards 2458; 15-Apr-1905 | Isotype | NICH 233258 |
816 | Plagiochila satoi S.Hatt. | Bot. Mag. Tokyo 57: 361 (1943) | Japan. Honshu, Prov. Shinano, Kamikochi-Mt. Zyonen.; 1500m; ; S. Hattori 1342; 21 Aug. 1941 | Isotype | NICH 15987 |
817 | Plagiochila satoi S.Hatt. var. integerrima S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 12: 84 (1954) | Japan. Honshu, Saitama-ken, Mt. Kobushi in Mts. Chichibu; 2300 m; ; D. Shimizu; 24 Aug. 1952 | Holotype | NICH 47422 |
818 | Plagiochila semidecurrens (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Lehm. & Lindenb. var. shimizuana S.Hatt. ex Inoue | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 20: 81 (1958) | Japan. Honshu, Yamanashi-ken, near summit of Mt. Kitadake; 3100 m; ; D. Shimizu; 8 Aug. 1953 | Holotype | NICH 47425 |
819 | Plagiochila semidecurrens (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Lehm. & Lindenb. var. yakusimensis S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 3: 29 (1948) | Japan. Kyushu, Yakushima I., Kosugidani-Hananoego.; ; ; S. Hattori 7474; 26 Sept. 1940 | Holotype | NICH 12915 |
820 | Plagiochila semidecurrens (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Lehm. & Lindenb. var. grossidens Herzog fo. parva S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 3: 29 (1948) | Japan. Kyushu, Yakushima I., Kosugidani; ; ; S. Hattori 8377; 25 Sept. 1940 | Syntype | NICH 11970 |
821 | Plagiochila semidecurrens (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Lehm. & Lindenb. var. grossidens Herzug fo. parva S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 3: 29 (1948) | Japan. Kyushu, Yakushima I., Kuromidake; 1800 m; ; S. Hattori 7614; 23 Sept. 1940 | Syntype | NICH 11969 |
822 | Plagiochila semidecurrens (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Lehm. & Lindenb. var. grossidens Herzog | Hedwigia 78: 241 (1939) | Japan. Honshu, Prov. Kii, Mt. Koyasan; 1000 m; ; K. Sakurai; July 1930 | Isotype | NICH 47423 |
823 | Plagiochila semidecurrens (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Lehm. & 1129Lindenb. var. grossidens Herzog fo. parva S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 3: 29 (1948) | Japan. Kyushu, Yakushima I., inter Hananoego et Kosugidani; ; ; S. Hattori 7900; 27 Sept. 1940 | Syntype | NICH 12612 |
824 | Plagiochila seminuda Inoue | Hara, Fl. Eastern Himalaya: 520 (1966) | Himalaya, East Nepal, Helok-Baroya Khimty; 1500-2500 m; ; H. Nakai et al.; 15 Nov. 1963 | Holotype | NICH 236627 |
825 | Plagiochila subacanthophylla Herzog in Herzog and Noguchi, | Herzog and Noguchi, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 14: 37 (1955) | Taiwan, im Geobirage des westlichen Mittel-taiwan; 1200 m; ; G. H. Schwabe; Aug. 1947 | Isotype | NICH 60618 |
826 | Plagiochila subacanthophylla Herzog in Herzog and Noguchi, | Herzog and Noguchi, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 14: 37 (1955) | Taiwan, in Gebirge des westlichen Mitteltaiwan; ; ; G. H. Schwabe; Aug. 1947 | Isotype | NICH 60617 |
827 | Plagiochila subpeculiaris Herzog | Hedwigia 78: 236 (1939) | Sumatra, Atjeh, Boer ni Geredong. in silvis montains; 2300 m; ; G. J. van Steenis; Sept. 1934 | Isotype | NICH 225226 |
828 | Plagiochila tagawae Inoue | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 38: 561 (1974) | Thailand: Nakawn Sritamarat, Mt. Khao Luang.; 1700 m; ; M. Tagawa and N. Kitagawa 4996; 21 Jan. 1966 | Isotype | NICH 376242 |
829 | Plagiochila takakii Inoue | Studies Crypt. Papua New Guinea: 11 (1979) | Papua New Guiana: Chimbu Distr., Mt. Wilhelm; 2500 m; ; N. Takaki; 2 Jan. 1974 | Isotype | NICH 361667 |
830 | Plagiochila tobagensis Herzog & S.Hatt. in Hara, Herzog and Noguchi, | Hara, Herzog and Noguchi, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 14: 37 (1955) | Taiwan, Botel Tobago ; 100-120 m; Auf Baumwurzeln; G. H. Schwabe 126; 05-Jun-1947 | Isotype | NICH 60615 |
831 | Plagiochila togashii Inoue in Hara, | Fl. Eastern Himalaya: 520 (1966) | Himalaya, East Nepal, Thakma Khola-Yamphodin; 2100-3500 m; ; M. Togashi; 17 Nov. 1963 | Holotype | NICH 237769 |
832 | Plagiochila tosana Steph. | Spec. Hep. 6: 227 (1921) | Japan. Shikoku. Prov. Tosa, Takaoka-gun, Mt. Honokawa; ; ; S. Okamura 245; 23-Jul-1904 | Isotype | NICH 47426 |
833 | Plagiochila tosana Steph. | Spec. Hep. 6: 227 (1921) | Japan. Shikoku, Prov. Tosa; ; ; S. Okamura; s.d. | Isotype | NICH 13588 |
834 | Plagiochila trabeculata Steph. fo. stipulata Inoue | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 20: 77 (1958) | Japan. Honshu, Nara-ken, Mt. Odaigahara; 1400 m; On bark of tree; T. Kodama 11279; 9 Aug. 1956 | Isotype | NICH 39297 |
835 | Plagiochila trabeculata Steph. fo. stipulata Inoue | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 20: 77 (1958) | Japan. Honshu, Nara-ken, Mt. Odaigahara; 1400 m; ; T. Kodama 11279; 9 Aug. 1956 | Holotype | NICH 47427 |
836 | Plagiochila velata Inoue & Piippo | Ann. Bot. Fenn. 26: 207 (1989) | Papua New Guinea, Morobe Prov., E part of Cromwell Mts.; 1800-1900 m; ; Timo Koponen 30380; 12-Jun-1981 | Isotype | NICH 417781 |
837 | Plagiochila vietnamica Inoue | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 31: 300 (1968) | Vietnam, Mt. Hoang Lien Son; 2800 m; ; Thai van Trung; Apr. 1964 | Isotype | NICH 281460 |
838 | Plagiochila wangii Inoue | J. Jpn. Bot. 37: 187 (1962) | Taiwan, Mt. Siaohauch.; ; ; C. K. Wang: 667; 17 Feb. 1960 | Holotype | NICH 226205 |
839 | Plagiochila yokogurensis Steph. subsp. fragilifolia R. M.Schust. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 18: 18 (1957) | U. S. A., South Carolina, Oconee Co., n.w. of Jocassee; ; ; R. M. Schuster; 17 Aug. 1952 | Isotype | NICH 225228 |
840 | Plagiochila zantenii Inoue | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 32: 107 (1969) | New Guinea, W. Irian, Antares Mts.; 3300 m; Terrestrial and at base of shrubs; B. O. van Zanten 689; 21-Jul-1959 | Holotype | NICH 234769 |
841 | Plagiochila zongiensis Inoue in Hara, | Fl. Eastern Himalaya: 520 (1966) | Himalaya, East Nepal, Zongi-Iladanda; 1800-2700 m; ; H. Kanai et al.; 12 Nov. 1963 | Holotype | NICH 236545 |
842 | Plagiolejeunea zantenii Mizut. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 56: 334 (1984) | New Guinea, Star Mts., Mt. Antares; 3000 m; At base of shrubs and pendulous from these shrubs; B. O. van Zanten 643; 20-Jul-1959 | Holotype | NICH 432548 |
843 | Plectocolea biloba S.Hatt. ex Amak. | J. Jpn. Bot. 32: 216 (1957) | Japan. Hokkaido, Prov. Hidaka, near Samani, along Porosanshibetsu River; 200 m; On rock; D. Shimizu; 11 Aug. 1954 | Holotype | NICH 54772 |
844 | Plectocolea emarginata Amak. | J. Jpn. Bot. 33: 340 (1958) | Japan. Kyushu, Miyazaki-ken, Higashiusuki Distr., Mt. Shimizu; 600 m; ; T. Amakawa 937; 11 Aug. 1952 | Isotype | NICH 56406 |
845 | Plectocolea emarginata Amak. | J. Jpn. Bot. 33: 340 (1958) | Japan. Kyushu, Miyazaki-ken, Higashiusuki-gun, Mt. Shimizu; 600 m; On rock; T. Amakawa 937; 11 Aug. 1952 | Holotype | NICH 57457 |
846 | Plectocolea erecta Amak. | J. Jpn. Bot. 32: 307 (1957) | Japan. Kyushu, Yakushima I., Kosugidani-Hananoego.; 1100 m; On wet rock; T. Amakawa 2158; 26-Jul-1956 | Holotype | NICH 64108 |
847 | Plectocolea flagellata S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 3: 13 (1948) | Japan. Kyushu, Yakushima I., Susukawa ravine; ; On wet granitic rock; S. Hattori 6849; 23 Sept. 1940 | Holotype | NICH 12785 |
848 | Plectocolea hattoriana Amak. | J. Jpn. Bot. 33: 341 (1958) | Japan. Honshu, Yamanashi-ken, Mt. Kaikoma; 2100 m; On wet granite along stream; T. Amakawa; 2 Aug. 1957 | Isoparatype | NICH 46642 |
849 | Plectocolea hattoriana Amak. | J. Jpn. Bot. 33: 341 (1958) | Japan. Honshu, Nagano-ken, Mt. Yatsu; 2550 m; ; D. Shimizu; 12 Aug. 1952 | Isotype | NICH 42050 |
850 | Plectocolea hattoriana Amak. | J. Jpn. Bot. 33: 341 (1958) | Japan. Honshu, Nagano-ken, Mt. Yatsu; 2550 m; On rock along stream; D. Shimizu; 12 Aug. 1952 | Holotype | NICH 73004 |
851 | Plectocolea horikawana Amak. | J. Jpn. Bot. 32: 219 (1957) | Japan. Kyushu, Nagasaki-ken, Mt. Taradake; 400 m; On rock; T. Amakawa 2259; 24 Mar. 1957 | Holotype | NICH 64109 |
852 | Plectocolea infusca Mitt. | Trans. Linn. Soc. London ser. 2, 3: 196 (1891) | Japan. Kyushu, Nagasaki; ; ; Challenger Exped.; Apr-May-1875 | Isotype | NICH 47428 |
853 | Plectocolea infusca Mitt. var. ovalifolia Amak. | J. Jpn. Bot. 34: 115 (1959) | Japan. Hokkaido, near Hakodate, Shirikishinai-mura, Esan; 100 m; ; Y. Kuwahara 5758; 27-Jul-1956 | Holotype | NICH 73005 |
854 | Plectocolea magna Amak. | J. Jpn. Bot. 32: 310 (1957) | Japan. Kyushu, Yakushima I., Kosugidani-Hananoego; 1300 m; ; T. Amakawa 2157; 27-Jul-1956 | Holotype | NICH 64107 |
855 | Plectocolea marginata S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 3: 40 (1948) | Japan. Kyushu, Prov. Higo, Kuma-gun, Mt. Ichifusa; 1250 m; On granitic rocks; K. Mayebara 842; 14 Sept. 1947 | Holotype | NICH 12720 |
856 | Plectocolea otiana S.Hatt. | J. Jpn. Bot. 28: 183 (1953) | Japan. Shikoku, Ehime-ken, Nii-gun, Sumino-cho, Honaru Hill; ; ; K. Oti 1123; 24 Oct. 1945 | Holotype | NICH 12044 |
857 | Plectocolea parabolia Herzog | Trans. Brit. Bryol. Soc. 1: 281 (1950) | N. Borneo, Sarawak, Mt. Dulit; ; ; P. W. Richards 2046; 15-Apr-1905 | Isotype | NICH 233256 |
858 | Plectocolea rigidula S.Hatt. | J. Jpn. Bot. 27: 53 (1952) | Japan. Kyushu, Prov. Higo, Kuma-gun, Mizukami; 750 m; On rock; K. Mayebara 988; 2 Nov. 1947 | Holotype | NICH 12707 |
859 | Plectocolea rubripunctata S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 3: 41 (1948) | Japan. Kyushu, Prov. Osumi, Kimotsuki-gun, Tashiro-mura; ; On bank; S. Hattori 1337; 1 Apr. 1939 | Holotype | NICH 11965 |
860 | Plectocolea sordida S.Hatt. in Herzog and Noguchi | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 14: 34 (1955) | Taiwan, Taipeh; ; ; G. H. Schwabe 3; 1946-1947 | Holotype | NICH 225232 |
861 | Plectocolea tsukushiensis Amak. | J. Jpn. Bot. 34: 113 (1959) | Japan. Kyushu, Fukuoka-ken, Wakasugiyama; 300 m; On ledge; T. Amakawa 2075; 13 Apr. 1957 | Holotype | NICH 73006 |
862 | Plectocolea yakusimensis S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 3: 15 (1948) | Japan. Kyushu, Yakushima I., Kosugidani-Hananoego; ; Submerged; S. Hattori 7467; 26 Sept. 1940 | Holotype | NICH 11585 |
863 | Pleurozia simplicissima Herzog | Trans. Brit. Bryol. Soc. 1: 316 (1950) | N. Borneo, Sarawak, Mt. Dulit; ; ; P. W. Richards 2193; s.d. | Syntype | NICH 233257 |
864 | Porella acutifolia (Lehm. & Lindbenb.) Trev. subsp. latior S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 32: 325 (1969) | Ceylon, Pidurutalagada; 2200-2400 m; ; Th. Herzog 11; Jan. 1906 | Isotype | NICH 220081 |
865 | Porella apiculata P.C.Chen & P.C.Wu | Obs. Fl. Hwangshan. : 10 (1965) | China, Prov. Anhwei, Mt. Hwang-shan; 1200 m; ; P. C. Chen 7362; 29 Apr. 1957 | Isotype | NICH 281423 |
866 | Porella chenii S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 30: 129 (1967) | China, Szechuen, Mt. Chinchenshan; ; On tree trunk; P. C. Chen 5220; 11 Aug. 1942 | Holotype | NICH 281426 |
867 | Porella ciliato-dentata P.C.Chen & P.C.Wu | Obs. Fl. Hwangshan. : 8 (1965) | China, Prov. Anhwei, Hwang-shan; ; ; P. C. Chen et al. 6779; 25 Apr. 1957 | Isotype | NICH 281424 |
868 | Porella fengii P.C.Chen. & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 30: 133 (1967) | China, Yunnan, Ta-chin, Tsi-chung; 2400-2500 m; On tree trunk; K. M. Feng 5649; 20-Jul-1940 | Holotype | NICH 281425 |
869 | Porella grollei S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 34: 411 (1971) | New Guinea: W. Highlands, Sirunke; 2950 m; On damp shaded soil; Walker ANU-427; 15-May-1905 | Isotype | NICH 431409 |
870 | Porella handelii S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 33: 65 (1970) | China, Yunnan, flum. Salween; 2400-2600 m; ; H. F. v. Handel-Mazzetti 9079; 24-May-1916 | Isotype | NICH 359945 |
871 | Porella hoeana S.Hatt. | Misc. Bryol. Lichenol. 7: 86 (1976) | Hawaii, Maui, E of Hosmer's Grove; 3233 m; ; W. J. Hoe 34510; 12-Jun-1975 | Isotype | NICH 431982 |
872 | Porella hsingganica C.H.Gao & Aur | Acta Phytotax. Sinica 16: 88 (1978) | China,; ; ; Chien Gao 183; 04-Jul-1957 | Isotype | NICH 367034 |
873 | Porella japonica (Sande Lac.) Mitt. var. dense-spinosa S.Hatt. & Zhang | J. Jpn. Bot. 60: 324 (1985) | China, prov. Shensi, Taipaishan; 2000 m; ; We Zi-peng 6501; 26 Sept. 1963 | Isotype | NICH 430742 |
874 | Porella japonica (Sande Lac.) Mitt. var. dense-spinosa S.Hatt. & Zhang | J. Jpn. Bot. 60: 324 (1985) | China, Taipaishan; 1350 m; ; C. P. Wei: 6501; 26 Sept. 1963 | Holotype | NICH 430751 |
875 | Porella novoguinensis S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 34: 412 (1971) | SE New Guinea, Isuarava; 1300 m; In forest, on tree; Carr 15453; 19-Apr-1905 | Isotype | NICH 431014 |
876 | Porella obtusiloba S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 33: 69 (1970) | China, Yunnn, Yungbei; 2500-3000 m; ; H. F. v. Handel-Mazzeti 3338; 30-Jun-1914 | Isotype | NICH 359946 |
877 | Porella paraphyllina (P.C.Chen) P.C.Chen | Feddes Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 58: 42 (1955) ?ィ?ゥ?オ?「 | China, Prov. Szechuen, Nan-chuen, Mt. Ching-fu-shan; 1800 m; On tree trunk; C. C. Jao 24; 15 Aug. 1945 | Isotype | NICH 281427 |
878 | Porella polita Mitt. | Trans. Linn. Soc. London, Ser. 2, 3: 202 (1891) | Japan. Honshu, Hakone Pass ; ; Amongst mosses; Bisset; s.d. | Isotype | NICH 235609 |
879 | Porella pulcherrima Herzog & S.Hatt. | Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus. Tokyo, ser. B, 12: 34 (1986) | New Zealand, Waipori Gorge, South of Denedin; ; ; K. W. Allison 918; 14 Mar. 1927 | Syntype | NICH 431408 |
880 | Porella reflexigastria Pocs | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 31: 71 (1968) | Vietnam, Prov. Lao-Cai, Mt. Hoang-Lien-Son; 1650 m; ; T. Pocs; 22 Sept. 1963 | Isotype | NICH 431983 |
881 | Porella reflexigastria Pocs | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 31: 71 (1968) | Vietnam, Prov. Lao-Cai, Mt. Hoang-Lien-Son; ; ; T. Pocs: 2557/k; 22 Sept. 1963 | Isotype | NICH 345519 |
882 | Porella reflexigastria Pocs | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 31: 71 (1968) | Vietnam, Montes Hoang-Lien-Son; ; ; T. Pocs, 2557/k; 22 Sept. 1963 | Isotype | NICH 345435 |
883 | Porella suginoi Inoue | J. Jpn. Bot. 39: 105 (1964) | Japan. Honshu, Shizuoka-ken, Shimoda; 100 m; On exposed rock; T. Sugino 43446; 24 Dec. 1961 | Isotype | NICH 73638 |
884 | Porella takakii S.Hatt. | J. Jpn. Bot. 28: 181 (1953) | Japan. Honshu, Nagano: Miwa, Shiroiwa Valley; 1300 m; ; N. Takaki 328; 20-Jul-1952 | Holotype | NICH 51534 |
885 | Porella takakii S.Hatt. | J. Jpn. Bot. 28: 181 (1953) | Japan. Honshu, Nagano-ken, Miwa-mura, Shiroiwa Valley; 1300 m; Damp ledge of linestone; N. Takaki; 20-Jul-1952 | Isotype | NICH 20909 |
886 | Porella tenera M.Hara | Res. Rep. Kochi Univ. 4: 22 (1956) | Japan. Shikoku, Kochi-ken, Nagaoka-gun, Yoshino-mura; ; Rupicola; M. Hara 3534; Mar. 1951 | Isotype | NICH 61365 |
887 | Porella vernicosa Lindb. var. chichibumontana Inoue | Chichibu Mus. Nat. Hist. 6: 31 (1955) | Japan. Honshu, Saitama-ken, Chichibu district, Mt. Shiroiwa; 1900 m; On calcareous rock; H. Inoue 3097; 12-Jun-1954 | Isotype | NICH 39298 |
888 | Prionolobus acanthophorus S.Hatt. | Bull. Tokyo Sci. Mus. 11: 29 (1944) | Japan. Kyushu, Prov.Hyuga, Minaminaka-gun, Fukushima-cho.; 30 m; ; S. Hattori 1279; 26 Mar. 1939 | Holotype | NICH 15955 |
889 | Prionolobus matuurae S.Hatt. | Bull. Tokyo Sci. Mus. 11: 31 (1944) | Japan. Kyushu, Prov. Hyuga, Minaminaka-gun, Sakatani-mura; 400 m; ; S. Hattori: 9804; 23 Sept. 1942 | Holotype | NICH 15953 |
890 | Ptychanthus mamillilobulus Herzog | Handel-Mazzetti, Symb. Sinic. 5: 44 (1930) | China, Prov. Kweitschon; ; ; H. F. v. Handel-Mazzetti 10867; 20-Jul-1917 | Isotype | NICH 225497 |
891 | Ptychocoleus brachiolejeuneoides Verd. | Nova Guinea 18: 6 (1934) | West New Guiana, Albatros Bivak; ; ; van Leeuwen 9418; 09-Apr-1905 | Isotype | NICH 342058 |
892 | Ptychocoleus coroniformis Kodama & N. Kitag. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 38: 443 (1974) | Borneo, Sabah, near Carson`s Camp, Kinabalu Nat; 2600 m; ; S. Kokawa and M. Hotta: 3884; 14 Jan. 1969 | Isotype | NICH 328111 |
893 | Ptychocoleus coroniformis Kodama & N.Kitag. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 38: 443 (1974) | Borneo, Kinabalu National Park; 2600 m; ; S. Kokawa and M. Hotta: 3884; 14 Jan. 1969 | Isotype | NICH 319269 |
894 | Ptychocoleus parvulus Mizut. | Stud. Fl. Thailand 59, in Densk. Bot. Art. 27: 97 (1969) | Thailand: Chantaburi, Koh Chang I., Ban Khlong; ; ; Kai Larsen et al. 1799; 25 Aug. 1966 | Isotype | NICH 287707 |
895 | Ptychocoleus sikkimensis Mizut. in Hara | Fl. East. Himalaya: 532 (1966) | Eastern India, Patria Sikkim, Migothang-Mayathang; 3300 m; ; M. Togashi; 01-Jun-1960 | Holotype | NICH 201679 |
896 | Pycnolejeunea ampla Grolle | Nova Hedw. 16: 153 (1968) | Salomon I., NW-Guadalcanal, Mt. Gallego.; 1030 m; ; Dennis 20021; 19-May-1905 | Isotype | NICH 306242 |
897 | Pycnolejeunea densistipula (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Steph. var. duvia Herzog | Rev. Bryol. Lichen. 20: 165 (1951) | Costa Rica, Vicinity of Pajivalle, Provincia de Cartago; 900 m; ; Paul C. Standley and Juvenal Valerio 46822; 7-8 Feb. 1926 | Syntype | NICH 357224 |
898 | Pycnolejeunea kinabaluensis Kodama | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 41: 386 (1976) | N. Borneo, Sabah, Kinabalu National Park; 1300 m; On branches of tree; T. Kodama 40963; 18-May-1970 | Isotype | NICH 327694 |
899 | Pycnolejeunea longilobula Amak. | J. Jpn. Bot. 40: 307 (1965) | Japan. Ryukyu, Ishigaki I., Fukaiomoto ; ; ; T. Takara 3056; 17 Mar. 1962 | Holotype | NICH 77504 |
![]() |
No. | Species | Literature | Locality; Altitude; Habitat; Collector; Date | Type | Herb.No. |
900 | Pycnolejeunea meyeniana (Gott., Lindb. & Nees) Steph. var. ligulata Hoffm. | Ann. Bryol. 8: 97 (1935) | East Java, Priangan, Mt. Gede; 1420 m; ; V. Schiffner; Apr. 1894 | Syntype | NICH 225488 |
901 | Pycnolejeunea obtusilobula S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 3: 44 (1948) | Japan. Kyushu, Prov. Hyuga, Minaminaka-gun, Sakatani-mura; ; ; S. Hattori; 16 Oct. 1945 | Holotype | NICH 12053 |
902 | Pycnolejeunea obtusilobula S.Hatt. var. incurvilobula Kamim. | Contr. Hepat. Fl. Shikoku. 112 (1952) | Japan. Shikoku, Prov. Tosa, Mt. Genkoin; 200 m; ; M. Kamimura 1892; 16-May-1937 | Syntype | NICH 47732 |
903 | Pycnolejeunea pilifera Steph. | Spec. Hep. 5: 624 (1914) | Japan. Honshu, Prov. Kai, Mt. Minobu; ; ; K. Tamura; Sept. 1903 | Isotype | NICH 225490 |
904 | Pycnolejeunea spinistipula Mizut. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 33: 255 (1970) | Borneo, Mt. Silam; 330 m; ; Z. Iwatsuki 4744; 11-Jun-1963 | Holotype | NICH 254744 |
905 | Radula abnormis Steph. | Spec. Hep. 6: 505 (1924) | Japan. Honshu, Prov. Shinano, Mt. Tadeshina; ; ; Sakai; 23-May-1909 | Isotype | NICH 47430 |
906 | Radula australiana K.Yamada | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 51: 323 (1982) | Australis, New South Wales, Merritts Creek; 1870 m; ; H. Streimann 5358A; 9 Feb. 1978 | Holotype | NICH 374472 |
907 | Radula boninensis Furuki & K.Yamada | J. Jpn. Bot. 61: 312 (1986) | Japan. Bonin Is., Hahajima I., Sekimon, limestone area; 250-300 m; On limestone; T. Furuki and S. Imura 5988; 16-Jul-1985 | Isotype | NICH 198803 |
908 | Radula brasilica K.Yamada | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 74: 35 (1933) | Brasil, Sao Paulo, Campos do Jordao; 1850 m; ; Schafer-Verwimp and Verwimp 8484; 13-Jun-1987 | Holotype | NICH 413169 |
909 | Radula brunnea Steph. | Spec. Hep. 4: 232 (1910) | Japan. Honshu, Prov. Kai, Mt. Komagadake; ; ; K. Tamura; Aug. 1903 | Isotype | NICH 47431 |
910 | Radula caduca K.Yamada | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 45: 225 (1979) | Thailand, Nakawn Sritamarat, Mt. Khao Luang; 400-1000 m; ; M. Tagawa and N. Kitagawa 5372; 22 Jan. 1966 | Isotype | NICH 400973 |
911 | Radula ceylanica K.Yamada | J. Jpn. Bot. 50: 373 (1975) | Ceylon, Horton Planes; 7700 ft; ; H. Inoue 12476; s.d. | Isotype | NICH 400971 |
912 | Radula cochabambaensis K.Yamada | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 74: 37 (1993) | Bolivia, Dept. Cochabamba, Prov. Chapare; 1850 m; On trunk; S. R. Gradstein 7590 ; 8-13 Nov. 1989 | Isotype | NICH 432554 |
913 | Radula cubensis K.Yamada | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 54: 241 (1983) | Cuba, Santiago de Cuba, Gran Piedra; ; On bark; D. Reyes 1621; 16 Jan. 1976 | Isotype | NICH 400980 |
914 | Radula decliviloba Steph. | Spec. Hep. 4: 153 (1910) | Japan. Shikoku, Prov. Tosa, Mt. Kuishi; ; ; S. Okamura; 23 Oct. 1904 | Isotype | NICH 13593 |
915 | Radula dolabrata K.Yamada | J. Jpn. Bot. 60: 257 (1985) | New Guinea, Morobe Prov., Koke Village, 3 km SE of Aseki; 1500 m; on Ficus trunk; H. Streimann and E. Tamba 11711; 20 Jan. 1981 | Isotype | NICH 432553 |
916 | Radula eggersii K.Yamada | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 82: 339 (1997) | Ecuador, Prov. Loja, near Acanama; 2950-3050 m; Epiphytic; J. Eggers ECU6/14; 8 Mar. 1994 | Holotype | NICH 432555 |
917 | Radula emarginata K.Yamada & Piippo | Ann. Bot. Fenn. 26: 352 (1989) | Papua New Guinea, Morobe Prov., Sarawaket; 900-1100 m; ; D. H. Norris 66090; 27 Aug. 1981 | Isotype | NICH 414514 |
918 | Radula evelynae K.Yamada | J. Jpn. Bot. 50: 115 (1975) | Tanzania, Meru Crater Park, Tekukumia Falls; 7000 ft; ; Sharp et al. 71b; 13-Jul-1968 | Holotype | NICH 295677 |
919 | Radula gemmulosa S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 4: 65 (1950) | Japan. Kyushu, Yakushima I., Onoaida, Susukawa; ; On bark; S. Hattori 6804; 23 Sept. 1940 | Holotype | NICH 12054 |
920 | Radula gradsteinii K.Yamada | Trop. Bryol. 1: 37 (1989) | Guyana, Upper Mazaruni Distr., Mt. Latipu; 1000 m; ; S. R. Gradstein 5608; 25 Feb. 1985 | Isotype | NICH 414853 |
921 | Radula grollei K.Yamada & Piippo | Ann. Bot. Fenn. 26: 379 (1989) | New Guinea, Morobe Prov., E part of Cromwell Mts.; 2100-2200 m; On leaves; D. H. Norris 61338; 11-Jun-1981 | Isotype | NICH 414508 |
922 | Radula guyanensis K.Yamada | Trop. Bryol. 1: 38 (1989) | Guyana, Upper Mazaruni Distr., Jawalla village; 500 m; ; S. R. Gradstein 4859; 6-7 Feb. 1985 | Isotype | NICH 414852 |
923 | Radula hattorii K.Yamada | J. Jpn. Bot. 60: 259 (1985) | New Guinea, Central Prov., Angabanga River; 400 m; ; H. Streiman and E. K. Naoni 16198; 14 Feb. 1981 | Isotype | NICH 402033 |
924 | Radula hicksiae K.Yamada | Cryptogamie 5: 191 (1984) | Australia, Mt. Bartle Frere; ; ; Marie L. Hicks 11047; 1 Aug. 1982 | Holotype | NICH 400970 |
925 | Radula inouei K.Yamada | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 45: 262 (1979) | Taiwan, Tai-yuen Shan, Ilan Hisien; 2000-2200m; ; H. Inoue 17131; 7 Mar. 1967 | Isotype | NICH 400974 |
926 | Radula iwatsukiana K.Yamada | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 58: 114 (1985) | New Caledonia, Mont Mandjelia, W of Pouebo; 700 m; On rock; Z. Iwatsuki 16121; 1 Aug. 1982 | Holotype | NICH 387051 |
927 | Radula iwatsukii K.Yamada | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 45: 275 (1979) | N. Borneo: Ultrabasic area below Paca Cave, south slope of Mt. Kinabal, on tree.; 2500-2800m; ; Z. Iwatsuki 814; 18-May-1963 | Holotype | NICH 402034 |
928 | Radula japonica Gott. var. major Amak. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 13: 58 (1955) | Japan. Kyushu, Miyazaki-ken, Nishiusuki-gun, Shiroiwayama; 1300 m; ; D. Shimizu; 21-Jul-1953 | Syntype | NICH 78204 |
929 | Radula jonesii K.Yamada | J. Bryol. 15: 161 (1988) | Tenerife, Mt. Anaga, northwest slope of El Pijaral, very steep and wet slope of barranco through forest of Lauraceae; 750 m; ; G. M. Dirkse 3367; 25 & 26 Mar. 1985 | Isotype | NICH 412862 |
930 | Radula jovetiana K.Yamada | Cryptogamie 5: 193 (1984) | Australia, Queensland, Devil`s Thumb; 1150 m; ; Marie L. Hicks 11263; 9 Oct. 1982 | Holotype | NICH 400968 |
931 | Radula juddii K.Yamada | J. Jpn. Bot. 63: 241 (1988) | West Indies, Haiti; 950-1050 m; ; Walter S. Judd 3592; 23 Jan. 1984 | Isotype | NICH 412861 |
932 | Radula kanemarui S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 4: 67 (1950) | Japan. Kyushu, Yakushima I., Anbo; ; On wet rock; S. Hattori 7193; 24 Sept. 1940 | Holotype | NICH 12055 |
933 | Radula katagawae K.Yamada | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 58: 116 (1985) | New Caledonia, Montagnes des Sources, NE of Nouemea; 800-1050 m; On soil; N. Kitagawa 21702; 24-Jul-1982 | Holotype | NICH 387792 |
934 | Radula kinabaluensis K.Yamada | Misc. Bryol. Lichenol. 6: 97 (1973) | Borneo, Near Mamut Mine, Kinabalu Net. Park; 1300 m; ; T. Kodama 40788; 18 Mar. 1970 | Holotype | NICH 326101 |
935 | Radula koghiensis K.Yamada | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 58: 118 (1985) | New Caledonia, Mont Koghis; 430-760 m; On tree trunk; N. Kitagawa 21378; 20-Jul-1982 | Holotype | NICH 387489 |
936 | Radula koponenii K.Yamada & Pippo | Ann. Bot. Fenn. 26: 364 (1989) | Papua New Guinea, Morobe Prov., NW of Musom village; 600-650 m; On cliff; T. Koponen 27871a; 10-May-1981 | Isotype | NICH 414512 |
937 | Radula koponenii K.Yamada & Piippo | Ann. Bot. Fenn. 26: 364 (1989) | Papua New Guinea, Morobe Prov., NW of Musom village; 600-650 m; On cliff; T. Koponen 27871a; 10-May-1981 | Isotype | NICH 417783 |
938 | Radula lewisii K.Yamada | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 74: 39 (1993) | Bolivia, Depto. Cochamamba, Prob. Chapare; 650 m; On rock along trail; M. Lewis 83-1408; 4 Apr. 1983 | Isotype | NICH |
939 | Radula longiloba K.Yamada | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 54: 243 (1983) | Cuba, Prov. Santiago, Sierra de la Gran Piedra; 1100 m; ; T. Pocs 9128/AR; s.d. | Isotype | NICH 400981 |
940 | Radula mazarunensis K.Yamada | Trop.Bryol. 1: 38 (1989) | Guyana, Upper Mazaruni Distr., Mt. Latipu; 500 m; ; S. R. Gradstein 5548; 24 Feb. 1985 | Isotype | NICH 414854 |
941 | Radula minutilobula K.Yamada & Piippo | Ann. Bot. Fenn. 26: 377 (1989) | Papua New Guinea, Morobe Prov., N Slope of the Sarawaket Range; 2900-3000 m; ; R. Creek 898; 14 Sept. 1981 | Isotype | NICH 417784 |
942 | Radula morobeana K.Yamada & Piippo | Ann. Bot. Fenn. 26: 358 (1989) | Papua New Guinea, Morobe Prov., E part of Cromwell Mts. ; 2100-2200 m; ; D. H. Norris 61189; 11-Jun-1981 | Isotype | NICH 414511 |
943 | Radula multiflora Gott. ex Schiffn. var. reflexilobula Grolle & K.Yamada | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 51: 326 (1982) | New Guinea: E. Highland, upper Chimbu valley near Gembogl along Augenigl river; 2100-2200 m; On damp exposed vertical loam-bank; B. O. van Zanten 68-2953; s.d. | Holotype | NICH 402035 |
944 | Radula novocaledonicensis K.Yamada | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 58: 120 (1985) | New Caledonia, Mont Panie; 800-1200 m; On leaves; N. Kitagawa 22011; 29-Jul-1982 | Holotype | NICH |
945 | Radula ocellata K.Yamada | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 45: 209 (1979) | Australia, Queensland, Atherton Tahlelands, The Crater National Park; 1200 m; On trunk; G. Shea 6980; 25-Jun-1975 | Holotype | NICH 344492 |
946 | Radula perviana K.Yamada | Nova Hedwig. 88: 79 (1987) | Peru, Dep. San Martin, Prov. Rioja, Strasse Chachapoyas-Moyobamba am Pass zwischen Rioja und Balsapata; 2300 m; ; J. P. Frahm et al.; 10 Sept. 1982 | Isotype | NICH 411176 |
947 | Radula recurvilobula K.Yamada | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 58: 122 (1985) | New Caledonia, Mont Mandjelia, W of Pouebo; 700 m; On tree trunk; N, Kitagawa 22140; 1 Aug. 1982 | Holotype | NICH 388210 |
948 | Radula rupicola K.Yamada | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 58: 124 (1985) | New Caledonia, Mont Dzumac, N of Noumea; 900 m; On moist rock; N. Kitagawa 22605; 7 Aug. 1982 | Holotype | NICH 388586 |
949 | Radula scariosa Mitt. var. nodulosa K.Yamada | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 58: 127 (1985) | New Caledonia, Mont Panie; 530 m; On tree trunk; N. Kitagawa 22048; 29-Jul-1982 | Holotype | NICH 388123 |
950 | Radula schofieldiana K.Yamada | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 82: 337 (1997) | Costa Rica, La Palma, Prov. of San Jose; 1600 m; ; P. C. Standley 37992; 17 Mar. 1924 | Isotype | NICH 432557 |
951 | Radula sinskeana K.Yamada | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 74: 41 (1993) | Ecuador, Pichincha, Tinalandia estate; 830 m; ; T. Arts 18/047b; 18-Jul-1991 | Isotype | NICH 432358 |
952 | Radula tenuis K.Yamada | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 54: 247 (1983) | Cuba: Prov. Holguin, Cuchillas de Moa, Bosque siempreverde ``elfin forest`` en la ladera NO ; 1000-1100m; del Pico EL Toldo.; T. Pocs 9177/Q; 12 Oct. 1980 | Isotype | NICH 400979 |
953 | Radula thiersiae K.Yamada | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 62: 198 (1987) | Australia, Bellenden Ker Nat. Park; 1500 m; ; B. M. Thiers and R. E. Halling 2500; 10-Jul-1984 | Isotype | NICH 407743 |
954 | Radula tuboflora Steph. | Hedwigia 31: 172 (1892) | Cameroon; 330 m; ; P. Dusen 453; 18 Jan. 1897 | Isotype? | NICH 222156 |
955 | Radula van-zantenii K.Yamada | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 45: 260 (1979) | New Guinea, Ster Mts., Sibil-valley, OK Sibil, Basis Camp; 1260 m; On tree trunk in rain forest; B. O. van Zanten 869; 16 Aug. 1959 | Isotype | NICH 400977 |
956 | Radula van-zantenii K.Yamada | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 45: 260 (1979) | New Guinea, Star Mts., Sibil-valley, Ok Sibil ; 1260 m; ; B. O. van Zanten 869; 16 Aug. 1959 | Holotype | NICH 328550 |
957 | Radula venezuelensis K.Yamada | Misc. Bryol. Lichenol. 9: 122 (1982) | Venezuela, Edo. Aragua.; 1630 m; ; M. Onraedt 78/V/4553; 13-Jun-1978 | Isotype | NICH 400978 |
958 | Radula verrucosa K.Yamada | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 45: 277 (1979) | New Guinea, Fergusson I., Mt. Agamoia; 900 m; On branches of Araucaria tree; Brass 27-77; s.d. | Isotype | NICH 400975 |
959 | Rectolejeunea defolians Herzog | Rev. Bryol. Lich. 20: 168 (1951) | Costa Rica, Vicinity of Tilaran, Provinicia de Guanacaste; 500-650 m; ; P. C. Standley and J. Valerio 46647; 10-31 Jan. 1926 | Syntype | NICH 357289 |
960 | Rhaphidolejeunea bischlerae Grolle | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 38: 653 (1974) | New Guinea, Arfak Mts.; 1500 m; Primary forest, epiphyllous on fern fronds; Kosteer BW 13861/b; 15-May-1905 | Isotype | NICH 333006 |
961 | Riccardia argento-limbata Hewson & Grolle | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 29: 70 (1966) | N. New Guinea, N. Highlands, E. slopes of Mt. Hagen; 2600 m; ; Robbins 215/H-b; 10-May-1905 | Isotype | NICH 274366 |
962 | Riccardia elongata Schiffn. | Exopositio Plantarum in Itinere Suo Indico .... 1: 12 (1898) | E. Java, Batavia: Mt. Salak; 1000 m; ; V. Schiffner; 31 Dec. 1894 | Syntype | NICH 225235 |
963 | Riccardia hendersonii Schiffn. | Ann. Bryol. 1: 128 (1937) | Malaysia, Malacca Pen., Pahang; ; ; M. R. Herderson; Nov. 1925 | Syntype | NICH 225236 |
964 | Riccardia japonica S.Hatt.ex Mizut. & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 18: 42 (1957) | Japan. Hokkaidou, Mt. Apoi in Prov. Hidaka; 400 m; ; D. Shimizu; 11 Aug. 1984 | Holotype | NICH 54718 |
965 | Riccardia kanemarui S.Hatt | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 6: 9 (1951) | Japan. Kyushu, Yakushima I., Susukawa; ; ; S. Hattori 6973; 23 Sept. 1940 | Holotype | NICH 12056 |
966 | Riccardia kodamae Mizut. & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 18: 57 (1957) | Japan. Kyushu, Miyazaki-ken, Fukaze in Sakatani; 150 m; On moist sandstone; T. Kodama ; 14 Sept. 1956 | Holotype | NICH 62377 |
967 | Riccardia lobata Schiffn. var. yakusimensis S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 6: 10 (1951) | Japan. Kyushu, Yakushima I., Susukawa; ; ; S. Hattori 6966a; 23 Sept. 1940 | Holotype | NICH 12057 |
968 | Riccardia maxima Schiffn. | Expositio Plantarum in Itinere Suo Inidico .... 1: 25 (1898) | E. Java, Priangan, Mt. Gede; 1700 m; ; V. Schiffner; Apr. 1894 | Syntype | NICH 225240 |
969 | Riccardia nana Mizut. & S. Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 18: 53 (1957) | Japan. Kyushu, Miyazaki-ken, Takisan near Toi Pen.; ; ; S. Hattori; 31-Jul-1946 | Holotype | NICH 10583 |
970 | Riccardia robbindii Grolle | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 29: 72 (1966) | N. New Guinea, N. Highland, Kubor Range; 3200 m; Terrestrial; Robbins 583; 10-May-1905 | Isotype | NICH 274367 |
971 | Riccardia submarginata S.Arnell | Bot. Not. 1952: 139 (1952) | S. Africa, Cape Povince, Krysna, Deepwall Forest Station ; ; ; S. Arnell 1844; 28 Nov. 1951 | Syntype | NICH 225244 |
972 | Riccia baumgartneri Schiffn. | Osterr. Bot. Zeit. 54: 88 (1904) | Niederosterrenich, Am Spitzer Berge sudl. von Hainburg, auf etwas lehmiger Erde uber Kalkgestein; 260-280 m; ; J. Baumgartner; 14 Apr. 1903 | Isotype | NICH 225246 |
973 | Riccia bavarica Warnst. | Hedwigia 46: 299 (1907) | Bayern: Stoppelfelder bei Purkelgut nachst Regensburg, lehmig-sandiger Alluvialboden; 350 m; ; Ig. Familler; 25 Nov. 1906 | Isotype | NICH 335347 |
974 | Riccia brasiliensis Schiffn. | Schiffner and S. Arnell Osterr. Akad. Wiss. Math.-Nat. Kl. Denks. 111: 6 (1964) | Brasil, Prov. Parana, in ripa sinistra fluminis Paranapanema ad cataractas "Salto Grande"; 500 m; Ad rupes humid., terra obtect; V. Schiffner 2395; 27-Jul-1901 | Isotype | NICH 341365 |
975 | Riccia brasiliensis Schiffn. | Schiffner and S. Arnell Osterr. Akad. Wiss. Math.- Nat. Kl. Denksr. 111: 6 (1964) | Prov. Parana, In ripe sinistra fluminis Paranapanema ad cataractas "Salto Grande" ad rupes humidas terra obtectas; 500 m; ; V. Schiffner 2395; 27-Jul-1901 | Isotype | NICH 347555 |
976 | Riccia handelii Schiffn. | Handel-Mazzetti, Symb. Sinic. 2: 81 (1937) | China, N. E. Yunnan; ; ; H. F. v. Handel-Mazzetti; s.d. | Isotype | NICH 225240 |
977 | Riccia latzelii Schiffn. | Verh. K. K. Zool.- Bot. Ges. Wien 66: 188 (1916) | Herzegovina, An der dalmatinischen Grenze oberhalb Gruda und Vrbanje; ; ; A. Latzel; 22 Sept. 1909 | Isotype | NICH 225251 |
978 | Riccia nipponica S.Hatt. | Shimizu and Hattori, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 9: 38 (1953) | Japan. Kyushu, Miyazaki-ken, Obi; 15 m; ; S. Hattori and D. Shimizu; 5 Feb. 1953 | Holotype | NICH 51535 |
979 | Riccia pseudo-frostii (Schiffn.) K. Muell. | Rahbenholst, Kryptogamenfl. Deutschlands ... (ed. 2) 6 (1): 207 (1907) | Nord-Bohmen, Auf dem Schlamme des in diesem regenarmen Jahre ausgetrockneten "Jarisch Teiches" in Rohrsdorf bei Zwickau; 510 m; ; V. Schiffner; 20 Aug. 1904 | Isotype | NICH 225252 |
980 | Riccia subbifurca Warnst. ex Crozals | Rev. Bryol. 30: 62 (1903) | Frankreich, Seine-et-Oise, auf einem Plateau kalkhaltigen Lehmes. sudl. von Bouray bei Lardy; 120-130 m; ; F. Camus and P. Culmann; 24 Apr. 1904:26 May 1905 | Isotype | NICH 225255 |
981 | Riccia treubiana Steph. var. subrubescens Schiffn. | Hep. Fl. Buitenzorg 1: 16 (1900) | E. Java; ; ; V. Schiffner s.n.; s.d. | Isotype | NICH 25256 |
982 | Riella affinis Howe & Underw. | Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 30: 221 (1903) | Kanarische Inseln, Gran Canaria, Tafira, am Rande eines Reservoirs; ; ; O. F. Cooke; July 1897 | Isotype | NICH 225258 |
983 | Radula minutilobula K.Yamada & Piippo | Ann. Bot. Fenn. 26: 377 (1989) | Papua New Guinea, Morobe Prov., N slopes of the Sarawaket Range; 2900-3000 m; ; R. Creek 898; 14 Sept. 1981 | Isotype | NICH 414510 |
984 | Radula mizutanii K.Yamada | J. Jpn. Bot. 48: 134 (1973) | Borneo, Mt. Kinabalu, Ulu Liwagu; 2450-2500 m; ; M. Mizutani: 3654a; 22-May-1963 | Holotype | NICH 253654 |
985 | Radula norrisii K.Yamada & Piippo | Ann. Bot. Fenn. 26: 374 (1989) | Papua New Guinea, Morobe Prov., Mt. Sarawaket; 2700-2900 m; ; D. H. Norris 63506; 10-Jul-1981 | Isotype | NICH 414513 |
986 | Radula novivrieseana K.Yamada | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 51: 326 (1982) | New Guinea, Arfak.; ; ; O. Beccari; July 1875 | Holotype | NICH 402036 |
987 | Radula novoguineensis K.Yamada & Piippo | Ann. Bot. Fenn. 26: 360 (1989) | Papua New Guinea, Morobe Prov., Cromwell Mts.; 2500-2600 m; ; T. Koponen: 31166; 20-Jun-1981 | Isotype | NICH 417776 |
988 | Radula novoguineensis K.Yamada & Piippo | Ann. Bot. Fenn. 26: 360 (1989) | Papua New Guinea, Morobe Prov., Cromwell Mts.; 2500-2600 m; ; T. Koponen 31166; 20-Jun-1981 | Isotype | NICH 414509 |
989 | Radula obiensis S.Hatt. | Bull. Tokyo Sci. Mus. 11: 83 (1944) | Japan. Kyushu, Prov. Hyuga, Minaminaka-gun, Kitago-mura, Inohae; ; ; S. Hattori 153; 11 Aug. 1938 | Holotype | NICH 60507 |
990 | Radula okamurana Steph. | Spec. Hep. 4: 209 (1910) | Japan. Shikoku, Prov. Tosa, Ogawa-mura, Omoto; ; ; S. Okamura 136; 29 Jan. 1905 | Isotype | NICH 47432 |
991 | Radula onraedtii K.Yamada | Misc. Bryol. Lichenol. 8: 113 (1979) | Ceylon, Ramboda.; ; ; M. Onreadt 76-L-2396; 03-Jul-1976 | Holotype | NICH 400976 |
992 | Radula ovalilobula K.Yamada | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 45: 257 (1979) | New Guinea, W. Highlands, Mt. Hagen; 3300-3400 m; ; B. O. van Zanten 68-3029; s.d. | Holotype | NICH 400972 |
993 | Radula oyamensis Steph. var. setulosa S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 4: 69 (1950) | Japan. Kyushu, Yakushima I., Anbo; ; ; S. Hattori 7194; 24 Sept. 1940 | Syntype | NICH 11798 |
994 | Radula oyamensis Steph. var. setulosa S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 4: 69 (1950) | Japan. Kyushu, Yakushima I., Anbo; ; ; S. Hattori 7189; 24 Sept. 1940 | Syntype | NICH 11799 |
995 | Radula patens K.Yamada | Cryptogamie 5: 197 (1984) | Australia: Saltwater Creek.; ; ; M. L. Hicks 11328; 18 Oct. 1982 | Holotype | NICH 400969 |
996 | Radula philippinensis K.Yamada | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 45: 299 (1979) | Philippines: Mt. Mackiling, trail to peak 2; 950 m; ; J. V. Pancho and L. D. Atienza: 1009; 21 Aug. 1965 | Holotype | NICH 400967 |
997 | Radula pocsii K.Yamada | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 54: 245 (1983) | Cuba, Sierra de la Gran Piedra,; 1100 m; ; T. Pocs and M. Caduf 9199/AQ; 30 Oct. 1980 | Isotype | NICH 400982 |
998 | Radula queenslandica K.Yamada | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 62: 192 (1987) | Australia, Queensland. Mt. Bartle Frere.; ; ; I. G. Stone 6004; 02-Jun-1982 | Isotype | NICH 407742 |
999 | Radula ratkowskiana K.Yamada | J. Jpn. Bot. 59: 94 (1984) | Tasmania, Lake St. Clair Trak; ; ; A. V. Ratkowsky: 78/180; 12 Nov. 1978 | Holotype | NICH 400966 |
![]() |
No. | Species | Literature | Locality; Altitude; Habitat; Collector; Date | Type | Herb.No. |
1000 | Radula santacruziana K.Yamada & Gradst. | Trop. Bryol. 4: 67 (1991) | Galapagos, Santa Cruz; 600-650 m; ; S. R. Gradstein; 17 Apr. 1976 | Isotype | NICH 417138 |
1001 | Radula schaefer-verwimpii K.Yamada | J. Jpn. Bot. 65: 3 (1990) | Brazil, Minas Gerais, Serra de Caparao; 1360 m; ; Schfafer-Verwimp 8989; 28-Jul-1987 | Holotype | NICH 414500 |
1002 | Radula sendaica Steph. | Spec. Hep. 6: 514 (1924) | Japan. Honshu, Sendai; ; ; E. Uematsu 66; s.d. | Isotype | NICH 78365 |
1003 | Radula squarrosa K.Yamada | J. Jpn. Bot. 65: 1 (1990) | Australia, Queensland, Ballenden Ker. Montane rain forest; ; ; G. A. M. Scott 131; 3 Sept. 1986 | Isotype | NICH 414507 |
1004 | Saccogynidium iwatsukii S.Hatt. | J. Jpn. Bot. 39: 206 (1964) | N. Borneo, Ultrabasic area (mainly serpentine), around Borneo Mining Co. camp, Mt. Silam SW of Lahad Datu, East Coast; 330 m; On tree trunk; Z. Iwatsuki 5216; 11-Jun-1963 | Holotype | NICH 255216 |
1005 | Sauchia japonica Shimizu & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 9: 32 (1953) | Japan. Honshu, Nagano-ken, Mts. Yatsu, near summit of Yatsu Volcano; 2800 m; ; D. Shimizu; 13 Aug. 1952 | Holotype | NICH 52794 |
1006 | Sauteria alpina Nees var. japonica Shimizu & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 12: 64 (1954) | Japan. Honshu, Nagano-ken, Suwa-gun, Toyohira-mura, Mt. Yatsu, Ioh-dake; 2500 m; ; D. Shimizu ; 22 Aug. 1953 | Holotype | NICH 52828 |
1007 | Scapania aequiloba (Schwagr.) Dumort. fo. subsquarrosa Schiffn. | Krit. Bemerk. Eur. Leberm. 16: 4 (1931) | Italien, Prov. Como, Valfresca, oberhalb Ponte Molinello auf Nagelfluh-Felsen; 250 m; ; F. A. Artaria; 18-May-1914 | Isotype | NICH 229906 |
1008 | Scapania atrata Warnst. | Hedwigia 57: 66 (1915) | Japan. Kyushu, Fukushima-ken, Hochmoore Oze; ; ; K. Sakurai 92; 13 Aug. 1912 | Isotype | NICH 47433 |
1009 | Scapania bhutanensis Amakawa in Hara, | Fl. East Himalaya 2: 230 (1971) | Bhutan, Nala (3300 m), Dou Lam Kengchow (3400 m), Tzatogang (3200 m); ; ; H. Kanai et al.; 26-May-1967 | Holotype | NICH 287272 |
1010 | Scapania bolanderi Austin var. major Amak. & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 9: 48 (1953) | Japan. Kyushu, Yakushima I., between Kosugidani and Ishizuka; ; ; T. Shin 3475; 9 Aug. 1948 | Syntype | NICH 14654b |
1011 | Scapania bolanderi Austin var. major Amak. & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 9: 48 (1953) | Japan. Kyushu, Yakushima I., between Kosugidani and Ishizuka; ; ; T.Shin 3436; 9 Aug. 1948 | Syntype | NICH 14654 |
1012 | Scapania bolanderi Austin var. major Amak. & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 9: 48 (1953) | Japan. Kyushu, Yakushima I., between Kosugidani and Ishizuka; ; ; T.Shin 3443; 9 Aug. 1948 | Syntype | NICH 14654a |
1013 | Scapania bolanderi Austin var. major Amak. & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 9: 48 (1953) | Japan. Kyushu, Yakushima I., between Kosugidani and Okabu; ; ; T.Shin 3403; 9 Aug. 1948 | Syntype | NICH 14655 |
1014 | Scapania bolanderi Austin var. major Amak. & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 9: 48 (1953) | Japan. Kyushu, Yakushima I., between Kosugidani and Wilson-kabu; ; ; T.Shin 3414; 9 Aug. 1948 | Syntype | NICH 15090 |
1015 | Scapania bolanderi Austin var. major Amak. & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 9: 48 (1953) | Japan. Kyushu, Yakushima I., between Kosugidani and Hananoego; ; On granitic rock; S. Hattori 7555; 26 Sept. 1940 | Syntype | NICH 12284 |
1016 | Scapania bolanderi Austin var. major Amak. & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 9: 48 (1953) | Japan. Kyushu, Yakushima I., between Kosugidani and Hananoego; ; On thin humus of granitic rock; S. Hattori 7891; 27 Sept. 1940 | Syntype | NICH 12285 |
1017 | Scapania bolanderi Austin var. major Amak. & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 9: 48 (1953) | Japan. Shikoku, Ehime-ken, Uma-gun, Bessiyama, Mittumori Pass; ; ; K. Oti 2153; 16 Nov. 1947 | Syntype | NICH 13407 |
1018 | Scapania bolanderi Austin var. major Amak. & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 9: 48 (1953) | Japan. Kyushu, Yakushima I., between Kosugidani and Hananoego ; ; ; S. Hattori 7482; 26 Sept. 1940 | Syntype | NICH 12278 |
1019 | Scapania bolanderi Austin var. major Amak. & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 9: 48 (1953) | Japan. Shikoku, Ehime-ken, Uma-gun, Bessiyama, Mittumari pass; ; ; K. Oti 2140; 16 Nov. 1947 | Syntype | NICH 13408 |
1020 | Scapania bolanderi Austin var. nipponica Amak. & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 14: 83 (1955) | Japan. Honshu, Nara-ken, Mt. Odaigahara; 1000 m; ; T. Kodama 4634; 2 Aug. 1953 | Holotype | NICH 57712 |
1021 | Scapania calcicola (Arnell & J.Perss.) Ingham | Naturalist: 11 (1904) | Schweden, Upland; InselRunmaro, auf Kalkfelsen; ; ; J. Persson; 24 Feb. 1903 | Isotype | NICH 225260 |
1022 | Scapania calcicola (Arnell & J.Perss.) Ingham var. minuta Schiffn. | sterr. Bot. Zeit. 57: 455 (1907) | Schweden, Upland; Insel Runmaro; ; Auf Kalkfelsen; C. G. Hoffstein; Apr. 1904 | Isotype | NICH 225261 |
1023 | Scapania diplophylloides Amakawa & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 9: 59 (1953) | Japan. Hokkaido, Mt. Daisetsu; ; ; T. Sakaki 508; 29-Jul-1950 | Holotype | NICH 16784 |
1024 | Scapania evansii Bryhn | Bryologist 4: 45 (1901) | U.S.A. District of Columbia; ; Rock creek; J. M. Holzinger ; 12June 1892 | Isotype | NICH 225262 |
1025 | Scapania ferruginea (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Gott. et al. var. minor Amakawa | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 27: 9 (1964) | East India, Patria Sikkim, Jongri; 4000 m; ; H. Hara et al.; 20-May-1960 | Holotype | NICH 200152 |
1026 | Scapania ferruginea (Lehm.& Lindenb.) Nees. var. flaccida K.Muell. | Nova Acta Acad. Caes. Leop.-Carol. 83: 296 (1905) | Sikkim-Himalaya, prope Kurseoring, Mahaldaram ; 6800 ped; ; Decoly et Schaul; 5 Oct. 1899 | Syntype | NICH 225263 |
1027 | Scapania fontana Schiffn. | Krit. Bemerk. Eur. Leberm. 16: 14 (1931) | Schweden, Jamtland, Undersakers socken, auf der Alpe Vallista, an quelligen Stellen in der Birkenregion; ; ; H. W. Arnell; 29-Jul-1912 | Isotype | NICH 229917 |
1028 | Scapania gigantea Horikawa | J. Sci. Hiroshima Univ. ser. B, div. 2, 1: 15 (1931) | Japan. Honshu, Hiroshima-ken, Senchobara, the foot of Mt. Kariosan; ; ; Y. Horikawa ; Sept. 1930 | Isotype | NICH 47434 |
1029 | Scapania gracilis Lindb. | Morgonbladet 1873 (286): 2 (1873) | Ireland, `Hib Killarney, Cromaglow'; ; ; S. O. Lindberg ; 23 July 1873 | Isosyntype | NICH 425342 |
1030 | Scapania gracilis Lindb. | Morgonbladet 1873 (286): 2 (1873) | Ireland, "Hib. Co. Wicklow, Lough-bray, ad rupes sat siccas"; ; ; S. O. Lindberg ; 9 July 1873 | Isosyntype | NICH 425341 |
1031 | Scapania harae Amak. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 27: 5 (1964) | East India, Patria Sikkim, Jongri; 4000 m; ; H. Hara et al.; 22-May-1960 | Holotype | NICH 201176 |
1032 | Scapania integerrima Steph. | Spec. Hep. 4: 148 (1910) | Japan. Shikoku, Kouchi-ken, Kita-takimoto; ; ; S. Okamura 267; 7 Apr. 1906 | Isotype | NICH 13598 |
1033 | Scapania integerrima Steph. | Spec. Hep. 4: 148 (1910) | Japan. Shikoku, Kouchi-ken, Kita-takimoto; ; ; S. Okamura 267; 7 Apr. 1906 | Isotype | NICH 47435 |
1034 | Scapania joergensenii Schiffn. ex K.Muell. | Bull. Herb. Boiss. ser. 2, 1: 607 (1901) | West Norway: Borgen, auf dem Gebirge Blaamanden; 450-500 m; An nassen Felsen; E. Jorgensen; 24 Apr. 1896 | Isotype | NICH 2225264 |
1035 | Scapania kamimurae Amakawa & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 14: 84 (1955) | Japan. Honshu, Yamagata-ken, Nishimurayama-gun, Mt. Asahi; 800 m; ; S. Hattori 1022; 25-Jul-1941 | Isotype | NICH 57704 |
1036 | Scapania karl-muelleri Grolle | Khumbu Himal 1: 270 (1966) | Nepal, Vorhimalaja, Abies-Rnododendron-Berg-ward, alpine matten, am Weg Ringmo-Ranje-Tanga; ; ; J. Poelt 155; 15-May-1905 | Isotype | NICH 242613 |
1037 | Scapania komagadakensis Amakawa | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 31: 96 (1968) | Japan. Honshu, Yamanashi-ken, Mt. Komagadake; 2000 m; ; E. Sakuma 11137; 3 Aug. 1967 | Holotype | NICH 88696 |
1038 | Scapania nana Amak. & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 9: 57 (1953) | Japan. Kyushu, Fukushima-ken, Oze, Mt. Hiuchi; ; ; S. Hattori 676; 06-Jul-1941 | Isotype | NICH 47438 |
1039 | Scapania obliqua (Arnell) Schiffn. | Krit. Bemerk. Eur. Leberm. 16: 17 (1905) | Schweden, Jamtland; Westerfjall, in einem Bache; ; ; A. Grape and H. W. Arnell; 13 Aug. 1904 | Isotype | NICH 225266 |
1040 | Scapania okamurana Steph. ex Amakawa & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 12: 106 (1954) | Japan. Honshu, Aichi-ken, Okazaki, Inaguma; ; ; S. Okamura 355; 17 Nov. 1912 | Holotype | NICH 66952 |
1041 | Scapania oseensis Warnst. | Hedwigia 57: 67 (1915) | Japan. Honshu, Ose; ; ; K. Sakurai 75; 14 Aug. 1912 | Isotype | NICH 60477 |
1042 | Scapania paludosa K. Muell. var. aquatica Schiffn. | Krit. Bemerk. Eur. Leberm. 16: 19 (1931) | England, Merioneth, N. Wales, submers in einem alten Steinbruche, Moelwyn Bach, Croesor; 600 m; ; D. A. Jones; 01-Jun-1912 | Isotype | NICH 229921 |
1043 | Scapania paludosa K. Muell. var. natans Schiffn. | Krit. Bemerk. Eur. Leberm. 16: 18 (1931) | Schlesien, Riesengebirge; schwimmend in Quellwasser-graben zwischen Knieholz nahe dem Wege bei der Prinz-Heinrichsbaude; 1400 m; ; V. Schiffner; 15 Sept. 1904 | Isotype | NICH 229920 |
1044 | Scapania pilifera Amak. & S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 9: 60 (1953) | Japan. Honshu, Prov. Shinano, summit of Mt. Tsubakuro; ; Shallow soil upon granitic rock; S. Hattori 1406; 19 Aug. 1941 | Isotype | NICH 47439 |
1045 | Scapania pseudoferrugiana Amak. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 27: 9 (1964) | East India, Darjeeling, Senchal-Senchal Lake-Toger Hill; 2500 m; ; Hara et al. ; 16 Apr. 1960 | Holotype | NICH 232506 |
1046 | Scapania robusta Horikawa | J. Sci. Hiroshima Univ. ser. B, div. 2, 1: 124 (1923) | Taiwan, Mt. Arisan, Prov. Tainan; ; ; A. Noguchi ; 01-Jul-1928 | Isotype | NICH 13600 |
1047 | Scapania sakumae Amak. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 31: 94 (1968) | Japan. Honshu, Yamanashi-ken, Mt. Kaikoma; ; On moist humus; E. Sakuma 11058c; 2 Aug. 1967 | Holotype | NICH 88697 |
1048 | Scapania spatulatifolia Warnst. | Hedwigia 57: 67 (1915) | Japan. Honshu, Fukushima-ken, Hochmoore Oze; ; ; K. Sakurai ; 12 Aug. 1911 | Isotype | NICH 47441 |
1049 | Scapania subtilis Warnst. | Hedwigia 57: 65 (1915) | Japan. Honshu, Sizuoka-ken, Izu, am Flusse des Berges Higane; ; ; K. Sakurai ; Jan. 1915 | Isotype | NICH 47442 |
1050 | Scapania undulata (L.) Dumort. var. alata Schiffn. | Krit. Bemrk. Eur. Leberm. 17: 9 (1931) | England, N. Wales, Merioneth; in Bachen, Moelwyn Bach; 500 m; ; D. A. Jones ; 01-Jun-1912 | Isotype | NICH 229929 |
1051 | Scapania undulata (L.) Dumort. var. subdenticulata Warnst. | Hedwigia 57: 64 (1915) | Japan. Honshu, Fukushima-ken, Hochmoore Oze; ; ; K. Sakurai 99; 13 Aug. 1912 | Isotype | NICH 47443 |
1052 | Schiffneriolejeunea altimontana Vanden Berghen | Rev. Bryol. Lich. 42: 923 (1976) | Rwanda, foret de Rugege, entre le mont Muzimu et la vallee de la Kalundura; 2500 m; ; J. L. D. Sloover 13757; 3 Mar. 1972 | Isotype | NICH 354420 |
1053 | Schistochila antara Grolle | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 29: 249 (1966) | New Guinea, Star Mts., Mt. Antares, Camp 41; 3000 m; ; B. O. van Zanten 645; 20-Jul-1959 | Isotype | NICH 328275 |
1054 | Schistochila antara Grolle | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 29: 249 (1966) | New Guinea, W. Irian, Antares Mts., Camp 41; 3000 m; Terrestrial and at base of shrubs; B. O. van Zanten 645; 20-Jul-1959 | Holotype | NICH 234741 |
1055 | Schistochila brassii Grolle | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 31: 5 (1968) | d' Entrecasteaux in. Normanby I., Mt. Pabimama; 700 m; ; Brass 25783; 09-May-1905 | Isotype | NICH 290623 |
1056 | Schistochila buchii Grolle | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 29: 241 (1966) | New Guinea, Mt. Arfak; ; ; O. Beccari s.n.; 17-Feb-1905 | Isotype | NICH 274368 |
1057 | Schistochila crinita Grolle | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 31: 7 (1968) | New Guinea, Sudest I., Mt. Riu; 700-800 m; Low on tree, in stunted forest; Brass 27887; 21-May-1905 | Isotype | NICH 290624 |
1058 | Schistochila hattorii Grolle | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 29: 247 (1966) | New Guinea, W. Irian, Antares Mts., below Camp 40; 2000 m; Terrestrial in mossy forest; B. O. van Zanten 546b; 25-Jul-1959 | Holotype | NICH 231699 |
1059 | Schistochila hattorii Grolle | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 29: 247 (1966) | New Guinea, Star Mts., Mt. Antares, Below Camp 40; 2000 m; ; B. O. van Zanten 546b; 25-Jul-1959 | Isotype | NICH 328282 |
1060 | Schistochila recurvata Buch | Ann. Bryol. 12: 10 (1939) | E. Sumatra. Sum : G. Singgalang; 1500 m; ; V. Schiffner; July 1894 | Isotype | NICH 225270 |
1061 | Schistochila volans Grolle | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 29: 244 (1966) | New Guinea, Terr. of N. G., Western Highlands, Hagen sub-distr., E. slopes of Mt. Hagen; 2600 m; Terrestrial, lower Montane Rain forest; Robbins 215/H-a; 10-May-1905 | Isotype | NICH 242612 |
1062 | Schistochila zantenii Grolle | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 29: 243 (1966) | New Guinea, W. Irian, Antares Mts., Camp 42; 3300 m; ; B. O. van Zanten 680; 21-Jul-1959 | Holotype | NICH 234762 |
1063 | Schistochila zantenii Grolle | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 29: 243 (1966) | New Guinea, Star Mts, Mt Antares, Camp 42; 3300 m; ; B. O. van Zanten 680; 21-Jul-1959 | Isotype | NICH 328272 |
1064 | Solenostoma hiugaense Amak. | J. Jpn. Bot. 31: 47 (1956) | Japan. Kyushu, Miyazaki-ken, Mt. Okue; 900 m; On moist granite rocks; T. Amakawa ; 1 Apr. 1953 | Isotype | NICH 41874 |
1065 | Solenostoma hiugaense Amak. | J. Jpn. Bot. 31: 47 (1956) | Japan. Kyushu, Miyazaki-ken, Higashi-usuki-gun, Mt. Ookue; 900 m; Moist granitic rocks and thin soil ; T. Amakawa ; 1 Apr. 1953 | Isotype | NICH 47444 |
1066 | Solenostoma hiugaense Amak. | J. Jpn. Bot. 31: 47 (1956) | Japan. Kyushu, Miyazaki-ken, Higashi-usuki-gun, Mt. Ookue; 900 m; On recks; T. Amakawa ; 1 Apr. 1953 | Isotype | NICH 58651 |
1067 | Solenostoma hiugaense Amak. | J. Jpn. Bot. 31: 47 (1956) | Japan. Kyushu, Miyazaki-ken, Higashi-usuki-gun, Mt. Ookue; 900 m; ; T. Amakawa 1131; 1 Apr. 1953 | Holotype | NICH 73013 |
1068 | Solenostoma ovicalyx Steph. | Spec. Hep. 6: 82 (1917) | Japan. Honshu, Yamanashi-ken, Mt. Komagadake; ; ; K. Tamura 11; Aug. 1903 | Isotype | NICH 47445 |
1069 | Solenostoma ovicalyx Steph. | Spec. Hep. 6: 82 (1917) | Japan. Honshu, Yamanashi-ken, Mt. Komagadake; ; ; K. Tamura; Aug. 1903 | Isotype | NICH 81211 |
1070 | Solenostoma radicellosum Mitt. | J. Proc. Linn. Soc. Bot. 8: 156 (1864) | Japan. Kyushu, Nagasaki.; ; ; Oldham; s.d. | Isotype | NICH 225231 |
1071 | Solenostoma rishiriensis Amak. | J. Jpn. Bot. 31: 48 (1956) | Japan. Hokkaido, Rishiri I., near summit; 1600-1719 m; On andesite rocks; D. Shimizu ; 22-Jul-1954 | Holotype | NICH 53527 |
1072 | Solenostoma rotundatum Amak. | J. Jpn. Bot. 31: 50 (1956) | Japan. Hokkaido, Prov. Hidaka, Horoizumi-mura, Sakubai-sawa; 5-30 m; ; D. Shimizu 54909; 14 Aug. 1954 | Holotype | NICH 54909 |
1073 | Sphenolobus himalayensis N.Kitag. in Ohashi | Fl. Eastern Himalaya 3: 213 (1975) | E. Nepal. Between Banduke Pokhari (Duo Tulo Pokhari) and Saji Pokhari; 4000-4200 m; ; Z. Iwatsuki 1150; 15-Jun-1972 | Holotype | NICH 312022 |
1074 | Sphenolobus minutus (Schreb.) Berggr. var. major Schiffn. | Lotos 53: 164 (1905) | Osterreichisches Kustenland: Ternovaner Wald; an humosen Kalkfelsen in der ,,Smrekova Draga; 1100-1200 m; ; K. Loitlesberger 195; 01-Jul-1903 | Isotype | NICH 229761 |
1075 | Spruceanthus mamillilobulus (Herzog) Verd. | Hep. Select. Crit. 9: 447 (1936) | China, Kweitschou, pr. urbem Kutschou, in silvis templi Yanggu-mian ; 300 m; Terricola; H. F. v. Handel-Mazzetti 10867; 01-Jul-1917 | Isotype | NICH 223430 |
1076 | Steerea mastigophoroides S.Hatt. & Kamim. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 34: 429 (1971) | Borneo, between Tenompock Pass and Kambaranga Radio Station, M. Kinabaru; 4500 ft; ; Z. Iwatsuki 3412; 16-May-1963 | Holotype | NICH 253412 |
1077 | Steereomitrium minutum E.O.Campb. | Mem. New York Bot. Garden 45: 569 (1987) | New Zealand. Palmerston North, amongst cotula manitoto Petrie at Turs Research Institute; ; ; E. O. Campbell; 24-Jun-1987 | Isotype | NICH 408542 |
1078 | Stenolejeunea morobensis Grolle | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 29: 76 (1966) | New Guinea, Prov. Morobe, Ynmzaing; 1500 m; ; Clemens 3808/H-a; 19-Apr-1905 | Isotype | NICH 272067 |
1079 | Stictolejeunea iwatsukii Mizut. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 44: 134 (1978) | Japan. Ryukyu, Iriomote I., Mt, Goza-dake; ; On rock; Z. Iwatsuki 2909; 2 Jan. 1977 | Holotype | NICH 155092 |
1080 | Strepsilejenuea rotundistipula S.Hatt. var. yakumontana S.Hatt. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 5: 59 (1951) | Japan. Kyushu. Yakushima I., Mt. Miyanouradake; 1930 m; ; S. Hattori 7738; 27 Sept. 1940 | Holotype | NICH 12059 |
1081 | Strepsilejeunea denticulata Kamim. | Kamimura, Contr. Hepat. Fl. Shikoku. 115 (1952) | Japan. Shikoku, kochi-ken, Mt. Yanaze; 900 m; ; T. Yamanaka 402; Apr. 1950 | Isotype | NICH 47734 |
1082 | Strepsilejeunea monophthalma Herzog | Handel-Mazzetti, Symb. Sinic. 5: 47 (1930) | China, Prov. Yunnnan; ; ; H. F. v. Handel-Mazzetti 9482; 09-Jul-1916 | Isotype | NICH 225498 |
1083 | Strepsilejeunea rotundistipula S.Hatt. | J. Jpn. Bot. 20: 270 (1944) | Japan. Honshu, Nagano-ken, Nakabusa-Mt. Tsubakuro; ; On barks of conifer; S. Hattori 1195; 19 Aug. 1941 | Isotype | NICH 51125 |
1084 | Syzygiella ovalifolia Inoue | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 29: 191 (1966) | Dutch New Guinea, Slopes of Mt. Tombrok; 2000 m; ; Bergman H13; 27-Jul-1949 | Isotype | NICH 431984 |
1085 | Syzyogiella tonduzana Steph. fo. setulosa Herzog ex Carl | Hedwigia 71: 283 (1931) | Costa Rica: Province of San Jose, La Palma; 1600 m; ; P. C. Standley 38013; 17 Mar. 1924 | Isotype | NICH 357220 |
1086 | Taeniolejeunea magnipapillosa Kamim. | Feddes Repert. 53: 57 (1955) | Japan. Shikoku. Prov. Tosa, Hata-gun, Yatuka-mura.; ; On Hymenophyllum; M. Kamimura 7292; 5 Aug. 1943 | Isotype | NICH 79521 |
1087 | Taxilejeunea crassiletis Herzog | Handel-Mazzetti, Symb. Sinic. 5: 51 (1930) | China, Prov. Yunnan; ; ; H. F. v. Handel-Mazetti 6261; 11-May-1915 | Isotype | NICH 225500 |
1088 | Taxilejeunea latilobula Herzog | Handel-Mazzetti, Symb. Sinic. 5: 50 (1930) | China, Prov. Yunnan; ; ; H. F. v. Handel-Mazzetti 12297; 18-Jul-1918 | Isotype | NICH 225499 |
1089 | Taxilejeunea standleyi Herzog | Ann. Bryol. 9: 78 (1937) | Costa Rica, La Hondura, Provincia de San Jose; 1200-1500 m; ; P. C. Standley and J. Valerio 51875; 9 Mar. 1926 | Isotype | NICH 357227 |
1090 | Taxilejeunea thallophora Eifrig | Ann. Bryol. 9: 78 (1937) | Celebes, Koeranga; 800 m; ; Behrens ten Kate 11; 08-Apr-1905 | Isotype | NICH 272065 |
1091 | Telaranea fragilis Mizut. | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 40: 449 (1976) | Philippines, Negros I., Mt. Canlaon; 500-1700 m; On tree trunk; Z. Iwatsuki and A. J. Sharp 14514; 26-May-1965 | Holotype | NICH 265721 |
1092 | Telaranea iriomotensis T.Yamag. & Mizut. | Misc. Bryol. Lichenol. 9: 161 (1983) | Japan. Ryukyu, Iriomote I., Urauchi-gawa; 200 m; On moist boulder; T. Yamaguchi 3331; 23-Jul-1982 | Isotype | NICH 191761 |
1093 | Telaranea kaindina Grolle | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 31: 9 (1968) | New Guinea, Prov. Morobe, Mt. Kaindi; 2600 m; On rotten log; Hewson 467; 18-May-1905 | Isotype | NICH 290626 |
1094 | Thysananthus richardsianus Verd. | Ann. Bryol. Suppl. 4: 173 (1934) | Borneo, Sarawak, G. Alapau.; 750 m; ; P. Richards; Nov. 1932 | Isotype | NICH 225276 |
1095 | Trachylejeunea chinensis Herzog | Handel-Mazzetti, Symb. Sinic. 5: 49 (1930) | China, Yunnan; ; ; H. F. v. Handel-Mazzetti 6770; 13-Jun-1915 | Syntype | NICH 225501 |
1096 | Treubia nana S.Hatt. & Inoue | J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 11: 99 (1954) | Japan. Honshu. Saitama-ken, Karisaka pass in Chichibu Mts.; 2000 m; Among large mosses on damp boulders; H. Inoue 2598; 09-Jul-1953 | Holotype | NICH 52836 |
1097 | Tuyamaella serratistipa S.Hatt. | Bot. Mag. Tokyo 64: 118 (1951) | Dutch New Guinea, Vogelkop, Prafi, flum. Madarai; ; ; T. Tuyama 1366; 21 Apr. 1943 | Isotype | NICH 416980 |
1098 | Tylinanthus silvaticus Steph. | Kongl. Svenska Vetensk. Handl. 46 (9): 26 (1911) | Juan Fernandez ; 1150 m; ; Carl o. Inga Skottsberg 96; 15 Feb. 1917 | Syntype | NICH 223686 |
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