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Towards open access to publications

Assuming that providing research results in open access is beneficial to many people and will lead to better research in bryology and lichenology, we are proceeding with the open access to our publications.

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Hattoria, a new journal of bryology and lichenology

Hattoria is a peer-reviewed, international journal issued by Hattori Botanical Laboratory. International bryologists and lichenologists are invited to publish original research from any field of bryology and lichenology. Hattoria appears annually (1 volume/year) and is an open access journal free to readers and authors. All papers accepted for inclusion will be published first in the print edition of the journal and will become available electronically through J-STAGE soon after. Hattoria is the successor to The Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory which was started in 1947 with the aim of publishing papers in all areas of the biology of bryophytes and lichens.

All issues can be downloaded at

The Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory

This is a journal devoted to bryology and lichenology. It is the official organ of the laboratory and serves as a medium for the publication of original research papers. The price is strictly net and will vary with each number.

Nos. 1-20, 81-100 can be downloaded at

Miscellanea Bryologica et Lichenologica

Guide to the Genera of Liverworts and Hornworts of Malaysia

By Gaik Ee Lee and S. Robbert Gradstein, 2021

 234 pages(PDF)

New manual of bryology

Edited by R. M. Schuster

 Vol. 1, 1983, 626 pages.(PDF)

 Vol. 2, 1984, 668 pages.(PDF)

Illustrated moss flora of Japan

By Akira Noguchi, supplemented by Zennoske Iwatsuki

 Part 1, 1987, 242 pages.(PDF)

 Part 2, 1988, 249 pages.(PDF)

 Part 3, 1989, 250 pages.(PDF)

 Part 4, 1991, 241 pages.(PDF)

 Part 5, 1994, 241 pages.(PDF)

Moss flora of the Pacific Northwest

This is the paperback edition of Lawton’s Moss Flora of the Pacific Northwest which was published in 1971. It is the first comprehensive moss flora of the Pacific Northwest (Washington, Oregon, Idaho, western Montana, Wyoming, and the Canadian Provinces of British Columbia and Alberta through the Rocky Mountains and north to about the fifty-second parallel). It contains complete descriptions, clear original illustrations, and keys to the 544 species and 54 varieties found in the region.

By Elva E. Lawton, 1971.

 Hardcover Edition i-xiii, 362 pages + 195 full-page plate,1971.(PDF)

 Paperback Edition i-xiv, 389 pages + 195 full-page plates, 20.5 x 29.5 cm. 1999.(PDF)

Keys for the identification of the mosses of the Pacific Northwest

Catalog of the hepatics of Japan (Reprinted from J.Hattori Bot. Lab. No.99)

By Kohsaku Yamada and Zennoske Iwatsuki, 2006

 106 pages.(PDF)

Index of Hepatics 1974-2000

By M. R. Crosby and J. J. Engel, 2006

 368 pages.(PDF)

Catalog of the Mosses of Japan

By Zennoske Iwatsuki, 1991

 182 pages.(PDF)

New Catalog of the mosses of Japan (Reprinted from J.Hattori Bot. Lab. No.96)

By Zennoske Iwatsuki, 2004

 182 pages.(PDF)

Type specimens of liverworts and hornworts located in the herbarium of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory (NICH)

By Masami Mizutani, Jiro Hasegawa and Zennoske Iwatsuki, 2009

 84 pages.(PDF)

Methods in bryology

Edited by Janice M. Glime

 Proceedings of Bryological Metods Workshop, held in Mainz, Germany, July 17-23, 1987. 403 pages. (PDF)